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2nd Best Arwing in the franchise


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I vote SFZ's arwing to be the 2nd best in the franchise. 1st place goes to the SNES version! Agree or disagree? When I think of "Arwing", this is the model that occupies my mind: tumblr_n9jv74LT6V1tw7z32o1_500.thumb.gif To me, this is the one and only true Arwing. All other models are merely derivatives and variations of this original concept. Btw, generally, you can tell what a StarFox game is like by the game's Arwing design. In Assault, the Arwing looked like a really bad new-age impressionist version and the corresponding game was awful as well!

Edited by hirobo2
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Nintendo perfected the arwing in SFZ, I'm loving it's design.

My least favorite is the Assault model for it's fragile flip-floppy design.  I also don't care for the Adventures design, too clunky.

Edited by ArwingFan
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SFZ's Arwing is pretty much the N64 one but updated to fit with the current generation of graphics. So yeah it's awesome.

I don't understand the praise for the Assault Arwing and I never will.

Edited by Patch93
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I finally figured out why I like SFZ's Arwing so much:




Just look at the 3D contoured cockpit of the SFZ model.  It's the only one in the entire franchise that resembles the SNES Arwing!!  Hurray for nostalgia!!  Even the backside view is reminiscent of the SNES game!!

Barring the Walker mode, what we essentially got in SFZ as a game was a glorified SNES, NOT N64 Arwing (with added all-range mode) in a "N64" level backdrop!! 


This ugly atrocity has nothing in common with the SNES game:






Skinny "crab's eye" non-3d contoured cockpit; overly bent drooping wings, etc.:arwing.jpg



(especially the horrendously vertically stretched profile view of the Arwing to the right with Slippy in it)








Sorry, I just had to again for the non-persuaded:
















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Beside the position of the air inlet at the rear end of the Walker, another thing that has me baffled is this:


In SFZ, you could fly over an enemy and shoot straight down.  But how is it physically possible with the lasers placed like this (image above) without taking out/damaging part of the lower ears of the Arwing?  But then again, when plumbers can shoot fireballs just by gobbling up a certain kind of flower, anything can happen in Nintendo's worlds...


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  • 5 months later...
On Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 1:22 AM, hirobo2 said:

I've officially changed my mind.

Current Arwing ranking goes as follows:

#1.  SNES Arwing:



#2.  Modified Assault Arwing:



#3.  SFZero Arwing:



Reason for ranking change:  Only discovered the modified Assault Arwing recently.

On second thought, scratch that.  Modified Assault Arwing looks like a Nike shoe.  Zero Arwing looks much more professionally done...

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