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The thoughts of the Monky. Enter at risk of your own sanity.

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I could use a little help...

I'm not gonna sugar coat this, I need some help. I've been without a job for 3 weeks now and I'm out of money. Overdrawn actually.  I understand if you cant help, but if you can, I would be eternally grateful and you would have earns the right to berate me/ask for things in the comments of this blog. gofundme.com/232r7c4 Help... Please.



So... Uh...

I lost my job. I started this thought dump thing where I wrote down everything I couldn't say so I could get it out of my head and it said some unflattering things about a new coworker. I accidentally left it pulled it up at work and someone went through it. It's my fault for leaving it up but that was a personal journal and I wish I knew who went through it so I could chew them out. It's been nearly 2 weeks now. I'm running out of safety net. This is going to get interesting.



The Monky Does Germany: Post Germany Edition

I've been back over a week now, I’m so good at keeping up to date y’all don’t even know. So I guess we’ll start at the beginning of the trip.   Monday the 30th of November: I wake up at 7:30, get the rest of my stuff packed, get dressed, and we're on the road at 9. We eat lunch at 11 across the road from the airport and are at the airport by 12. I go to check my bag and I’m 7 pounds overweight. Ok, that’s a lie, I’m about 60 pounds overweight, my bag was 7 pounds overweight. I’m told t



The Monky Does Germany: Post Flight Edition

So yeah. I'm in Germany now... Cool. At this point I'm waiting for my ride so I won't get super in depth, but expect a blog about how introspective being on a plane for the first time at the age of 24 can be. Until then, Monky out.



The Monky Does Germany

I’m finally ready to announce this publicly! I’ve been planning this trip for months but have been honestly terrified that it was going to fall through somehow but it looks to finally be official. I’ll be spending the month of December overseas with one of my best friends and proofreader ShyYoungBrony. We’re also going to ComicCon with two of my other friends who I’ll finally be meeting in person. “Giddy” seems an appropriate word.   Anyways, back to work, Monky Out



The Confessions of an RV Parts Salesman

Before we jump into things I want to apologize for being a lump when it comes to writing. It’s been over a year and a half since I wrote anything and frankly I’m not sure when or if that will change. I still have stories I want to tell but I’m too damn lazy with the down time I have to actually do it. I know, “excuses, excuses” right? I had someone follow me the other week and all I could think was "You poor soul."          Anyways, I’m sitting at work enjoying a small calm at the moment and I w



Project Prime

So I've started a project in the hopes that it'll get me writing again. Basically I'm writing out the first Metroid Prime as a narrative in an attempt to get better at scenery and stuff like that. I plan to just go through the game from Samus' perspective and see where it goes. I don't think it's something I'll be posting anywhere but if anyone is morbidly curious enough then let me know and I'll link you to the Google Doc. With any luck I may get my writing back on track. Anyways, that's all I



State of the Monky

So the past few weeks have been pretty freaking nuts, and before that there was the Zelda Symphony that I never talked about so we have some ground to cover. Grab a snack. So just over a month ago I had the chance to take 3 of my best friends to Atlanta to see The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses preform. Amazing does not begin to describe hearing a full orchestra and choir play some of my favorite music ever. I was humming passionately, slapping my knees, and fake conducting along wit



So I'm Going to See the Zelda Symphony Thursday

Title says it all really. This Thursday I'll be going to see the Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses in Atlanta, Georgia. "Excited" barely begins to explain how much I'm ready for this. I'm taking three of my best friends and my only regret is that my Pocket German can't also be with us but it is what it is. I'm not sure if any of y'all will be in the area but if you are and you want to throw rocks at a large hairy man feel free to drop me a message and we'll do a thing or something. Just don't hit



Does Anyone Just Wanna Chat?

I find myself just sitting around wanting to just chat with people much more often these days. On that note, anyone want to add me on Skype? I doubt I'll be engaging on any level and I'm never the one to initiate the conversation but still. Skype name is cavemonkynick. IM me.



Since when did March Get Here?

I swear that it was New Year's like just last week or something. At the same time I've also done a lot of things that, sadly, are not writing so lets go through them in a list shall we? 1. I finally picked up The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS) and completed it. It was a whole lot of fun and I'd recommend it in a heartbeat to anyone who likes a good adventure, Zelda fan or not. 2. On the subject of Zelda, I also picked up the Majora's Mask remake and it was glorious. If you ar



Unexpected Feels

Ok, so I usually avoid the word "feels" unless I'm being annoying or among close friends so I can understand if the title made you cringe a bit but whatever. I've been a bit under the weather and for some reason sick me really wanted to play "Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap" again. So I did. I'm happy to report that I'm just as bad at it now as I was ten years ago. Well I'm better at the puzzles now but I'm just as bad at actually playing the game. It probably doesn't help that I'm emulating i



Blood in the Water

(Title may or may not be relevant, but it was the first thing that came to mind so whatever) For those of you who follow my pony writing,(that looks a lot stranger typed out for some reason) I've been stewing on something for about a week now and after consulting with ShyYoungBrony (my personal second opinion and damn near everything these days) I've made a decision. "In the Name of the Moon" is getting a rewrite. "A Fresh Perspective" was a dead storyline and at this point it's beginni



*Checks Watch* Oh... It's December... Huh...

Well then. Not much to say really. Christmas is soon, I broke my phone trying to fix it, and I haven't made any writing progress in like 9 months. Go me. I was trying to replace my broken screen, which I did successfully for the most part, except that somewhere along the way I popped off a tiny piece of metal that I thought was unimportant but now I'm fairly confidant that it was some how the contact between the board and the touch part of the screen. The screen comes on but doesn't respond to



Aww, I Missed it...

I'm a day late so I can't go on about the meaning of life and stuff this year. I blame Crypt of the Necrodancer. My birthday this year was actually pretty freaking annoying. I mean, I guess it's to be expected when you have to work, but it didn't help that it was the busiest day we've had all month. That being said Mom and Dad treated me to lunch and I found time to watch some Vinny and play a little Smash 3DS under the desk so not a total loss. Wii U smash releases next Friday and Jon and



Relaxing Weekend was Relaxing

So after a whirlwind week of working three 15 hour days Tuesday through Thursday, I nearly slept through Halloween. I woke up around one in the afternoon and then spent about four hours playing Payday 2 with ShyYoungBrony. After he turned in I just kinda zoned out to Vinny playing OoT Master Quest before finally addressing the hour and half's worth of Drunk Mario Party footage that's been sitting on my hard drive since July. Long story short, I am a bit of a verbally aggressive drunk. Probably w



Well this is new...

Oh cool, a new blog system. Wait, it's been in place for like 2 weeks? Huh... I should keep up with things more... Anyways, hello! And for those precious few who followed my old journal, hello again! Seeing as I live the majority of my life under a rock, I only noticed the blog tab after it was pointed out to me when I realized my journal was in dead topics. Who knows, maybe since I've been flushed out of my journal I'll be a bit more active around here. *spoiler alert, probably not. I'm terr



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