the gap I've left between entries isn't acceptable.
First note being this: the fastest way to get over a girl is another girl. Its not the most noble thing i've said...not by a long shot. But it is; however, extremely practical knowledge. They say there are always other fish in the sea and it really is true, maybe I can talk more about that later. Her friend is really cool, cooler when she isn't around. And despite the fact that she is really pretty I don't know what to think. I don't want t
Damn, I wrote this whole poem and everything before my browser crashed. But it seems appropriate.
I guess that speaks a testament in itself about how I feel. I want what I gave back.
Indeed, indeed. Its nice to see some of you again. To the others, hello, nice to meet you. You're not familiar with me but I've had a long history with the site you're on, I hope it means as much to you one day as it did to me.
Its been how long? Months at least, maybe since September. Where have I been? I'll put it bluntly. Leaving SFO shot me into the best months of my life. I doubt it was a direct result, but I find myself wondering why I've taken to returning.
That's not a rhetorical q