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Software Feature: Vimperator - Firefox Extension

last update: 12/2017 When keyboard browsing try Vimperator:                     Note: Other software to consider include - Vim Vixen, Pentadactyl, Vimium, or vimb. Vimperator's default key bindings and commands are inspired by Vim - a modal text editor which strives for efficient hand movement. Though the extension's vim-likeness appeals to hardcore vim users, it's also a strong option available to any general user looking for coherent, extensive mouse-less or less-mouse web-brows



Digital Television

I've noticed a common misconception. It is the notion that free over-the-air television broadcasts are no longer available. Which is to say, many assume that you can't put up an antenna and get receive free television. This idea originates from FCC mandated switch-over to digital television during 2009. The announced end of high-powered analog broadcasts was taken by many to mean a end to high-powered broadcasts when in fact the only change is that they are now high-powered digital broadcasts.



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