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Monokuma's Control Room

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It has been quite the desert.



Back to one of those Desert seasons in the forum for a bit, might as well start this Control Room up again and get moving.

1. OC work has been at a unending pace, even though RP here has been kinda slow? (I actually haven't seen the RP Board in a bit), and I might see what's gone on if not move a character off standby or retrofit my characters for non-forum RPs. [42 characters and counting for non-forums]

2. SF-O chat is practically dead, save for the 1-2 users, although it is nice to see them use it sometimes.. I'll sadly admit to turning off the notifications to the Discord Channel from time to time, with the exception of the Whale Radio when I can wake up to it.- [Mention the Bear-]

3. I've strayed away from SF-O too long, college and the homeworks that come with it are flooding at best. After the school season ends for a bit, pretty sure SF-O will spring back up.

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I'm sure he that we're in December and most people are in their last weeks of the trimester (me included), I'm sure site activity will perk back up soon. DZ might even pop in so we can share some of the turkey with him.


It is better to have a little faith in something, than to have no faith at all.

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Ya, there's been barely any Star Fox-related news or updates going on, so there's barely to nothing to talk about. However, as Clearwater said, we'd best try to stay positive. :)

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I believe people are being busy with the Christmas Holiday and/or school, So Yeah I going with Clearwater.

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