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Well this is new...



Oh cool, a new blog system. Wait, it's been in place for like 2 weeks? Huh... I should keep up with things more...

Anyways, hello! And for those precious few who followed my old journal, hello again! Seeing as I live the majority of my life under a rock, I only noticed the blog tab after it was pointed out to me when I realized my journal was in dead topics. Who knows, maybe since I've been flushed out of my journal I'll be a bit more active around here. *spoiler alert, probably not. I'm terrible about maintaining activity unless prompted*

I guess I'll just kinda start over then. I'm Cavemonkynick. Aliases include, Nicholas, Nick, The Monky, Pallon-O-Death (trying to phase that one out), Son (my boss kinda calls everyone that), Darling (my boss again, seems to only use that one for me... must be the hair), I Don't Know (friend at work, we call him "I Don't Care") and That Guy With the Beard and Jesus Hair. I'm 22, 23 in less than a month, I live at home to help take care of my dad who's gotten... spacey lately, and I work at Ellis Travel Trailers selling RV's and RV accessories. Five days a week, I upload LP's to YouTube. They're alright, mostly just me spouting random crap while re-playing some of my favorite games. I'm a bit of an aspiring writer, though my output is atrocious and entirely fanfiction so make of that what you will.

That's pretty much it. I guess I'll just pick up with what I was going to post originally.

It seems that Georgia weather has finally stopped being a stubborn jerk and actually cooled off a bit. I even got to break out my N7 jacket for wok this morning.


For those of you who play Mass Effect 3, November 7th is coming, and we all know what that means. It's time for a multiplayer binge. Cerberus troops, the remaining rouge Geth, the Reaper Forces, and the Collectors Reborn will be pushing on all fronts and once again, we few will unite to protect our homes.

Ok, so I'm being over-dramatic, sue me. I'll be devoting the entire Friday to dusting off my Black Widow and having some fun. If any of you out there own and play ME3 on 360, I'd love to take the field with you. Jon will be with me most of the day so I've got at least 2 dedicated slots to fill and, while I haven't spoken with him about this yet, I imagine ShyYoungBrony will be hanging around in TeamSpeak with us possibly running a PC fireteam. Maybe. Anyways, if your interested just hit me up in the comments or a pm and we'll exchange gamertags and work out details. It'll be fun.

See ya' around the galaxy folks,

Monky Out.

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I like it. I feel much more willing to comment..in a comment section.

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