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Aww, I Missed it...



I'm a day late so I can't go on about the meaning of life and stuff this year. I blame Crypt of the Necrodancer.

My birthday this year was actually pretty freaking annoying. I mean, I guess it's to be expected when you have to work, but it didn't help that it was the busiest day we've had all month. That being said Mom and Dad treated me to lunch and I found time to watch some Vinny and play a little Smash 3DS under the desk so not a total loss.

Wii U smash releases next Friday and Jon and I will be making the hour trip one last time to pick it up. I also pre-ordered a Samus Amibo on Amazon because I can't be trusted with money ever.

On that topic, I know not a lot of people read these and even fewer of those probably mess with consoles much, but has anyone tried out the Razar Sabertooth 360 controller. Most of the reviews I'm seeing are pretty positive, but I've seen a decent chunk of people saying that is not very durable, failing to function in as little as a week. Anyone got any suggestions before I spend the money on it? I'm going to get a new wired one either way. I played consoles for the better part of my life so I generally use a pad when playing PC stuff as well.

Anyways, I guess I should at least pretend to work.

Monky Out

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Sm4sh is good for the soul. But no, I have not tried that Razer controller, I just settle with Logitech F310's when I need a gamepad. 

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