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I don't turn on the Air conditioner.

Dr. Orange


I just don't. Like I've gotten into this vibe where its "I TURN ON COLD I WILL NO MONEY!" I have no clue about anyone else but I prefer opening the window and getting that cool air breezy freeze. Sure there are toxins in the air, what they gon do? 

Got to love that early Summer heat wave. Wake up one morning thinking you need jeans and BAM 9:30 hits and you are regretting every life decision you made. Pants are for squares ... like pants. 


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It's a shame when your window is facing an alleyway between two structures and doesn't get any breeze through it though.  There's always holding an ice cube tray and blowing on it.

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Dr. Orange


There's always holding an ice cube tray and blowing on it.

#The struggle is real :(

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Robert Monroe


Wake up one morning thinking you need jeans and BAM 9:30 hits and you are regretting every life decision you made. 


That's CA living in a nutshell.

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Dr. Orange


That's CA living in a nutshell.

​Ouch. Come to Michigan. It's cold af here.

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Robert Monroe


Pay for me to come to you and I will <3

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Posted (edited)

You could also just go southern lady style:



As for me, I usually just turn on the upstairs A/C or use my ceiling fan on low for a while (mainly because I'm too lazy to get on my bed and pull the chain, and also because it shakes like Iggy Azaela's ass in an earthquake on high). In what's essentially my game room there's a FNAF-style desk fan from the '40s that my mom put in there as décor, but it somehow moves a metric fuckload of air so I use it. Problem here is that DC weather is bipolar as all hell (as in "one day is 75 and sunny and the next is 42 and rainy" in the middle of April), and living in a house that has its own climate zones (hence our having an A/C strictly for the upstairs) means that it's fookin impossible to keep things comfortable.


Edited by InfinitySquared
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Dr. Orange


I wanna move a metric fuckload of air. That'd be nice.


I mean I used to have a fan. a good one too that's be mostly quiet and move just a bit ... then I caught fire. Couldn't find the cool switch to turn it off.

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