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SOPA Strike?


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I am considering participating in tomorrow's anti-SOPA strike, though I want some community input first.

Basically, SF-O would be taken down and replaced with an anti-SOPA statement for about 12 hours tomorrow.

Some big names are doing it: Wikipedia, Google, Mozilla, Reddit (who really spearheaded this), and Minecraft just to name a few.

More info on the strike: http://sopastrike.com/

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Do eet

Make a game of how many people email in complaining.

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Do it! We can do without SFO for a while if it means participating in this.

Problem is, I don't think anyone will care if "Starfox-Online" (Who cares about a Star Fox fan site? :/) participates in the SOPA Strike, but it definitely can't hurt.

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Nothing ever happens here anyway, so it's not like it would be very different than normal :3

I'm for this.

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Both Ron Paul and Rand Paul oppose the NDAA & SOPA act, enjoy this short clip:

I am also against SOPA. DO IT DZ!

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Go for it.

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I know this isn't the pub, but I guess a little bit of politics in this thread is fine, seeing as SOPA is a political issue.

I find it funny that 99%-ers like Ron Paul. The poor souls don't realize that libertarianism really only works for the 1%.

He talks a good game on foreign policy and civil liberties, but everything else about Ron Paul is just... Eew...

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I'd definitely follow through with it, DZ; it's a good way to forcibly teach the general public about the horrible reprocussions that bills like SOPA can provide.

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Whatever you like.

(if they send me homework for Thursday. I'm f'ed)

P.S: I think Paul's the best option if you want to place a rep on the house. Romney pains me more.

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Even though we usually don't get many visiters here and not much appears to go on here, I'm OK with SF-O bein down for 12 hours.

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So, I was still able to access wikipedia, SFO, and other sites during the blackout by either using a mobile device or, in wikipedias case, disable javascripting or by using the cached version. Just an FYI. If wikipedia wanted to make a bigger statement they could have did a better job IMO. :/

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The reason most sites, SF-O included, used a simple JS redirect is because 1: It's simple to do and can be done quickly and 2: The time and effor required to take down and then later restore everything would not be worth it. Especially for a site like Wikipedia.

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I signed the petition while it was up today, anything to help keep those bills from passing.

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I signed the petition while it was up today, anything to help keep those bills from passing.

Same here; any sane person would appose SOPA and PIPA in their currently manifested forms. While piracy is a problem this is possibly the stupidest way to attempt and combat it.

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Dude, I've already sent like FIVE of these to my state representative, or congressman. I couldn't get it off my mind last night, nor today in class because of how retarded and just down right f***ing STUPID this bill is! I mean, you're taking away one of the most vital things the world is growing on and making it less and less enjoyable.

Come on, government -- use your goddamn head for a change!

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