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SOPA Strike?


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FACT: In Spain, it was one year since a similar law was admitted.

Result: Didn't do crap. Ilegal downloading still roams and "legitimate" business ( Don't take it wrong, I mean "legitimate" as in the long-extinct movie rental) didn't win more of the miserable amount they use to win.

It's like tying progess and technology to a tree.

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Do it DZ, if you haven't already DZ, show the Governemnt how much of a load of shit tehy are!

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Do it DZ, if you haven't already DZ, show the Governemnt how much of a load of shit tehy are!

It was done today to coincide with the blackouts of other sites. (i.e. Wikipedia, Mozilla, etc.)

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The tide is turning online! But this is just the beginning! They backed off on SOPA but will return again in a few months down the road. They will attempt disguise it call it a different bill and try to jam it through again.


Good job DZ and other websites out there. You've just joined the resistance!

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