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Team Star Wolf


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Not to mention, despite that huge base, it obviously is left alone for the most part. Could be location, could be number of people there protecting it. Though I can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, there's some bribing involved too, haha.

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:hijacked: check it guys


As it stands now, in a StarFox game you work usually with Cornerian Forces to stop an overwhelming enemy force and in

the end you find yourself fighting the "Big Bad Guy."

Perhaps we can simply turn this structure inside-out, and some shift of power or one fatal mistake that makes the Cornerian

government to turn against StarFox (maybe because Fox has wiped out all that oppose Corneria)

So now the Cornerian Federation no longer needs a "savior." They have increased the military power and stability substantially

and can function on their own.

Now StarFox and StarWolf are the only forces that can stand against Corneria, and the Cornerian Federation wants to change


Wolf and Fox go into exile and their only insider is Bill. It all seems over. This takes an emotional toll on Fox and Krystal's relationship (for better or worse).

Wolf and Fox finally team up and start a new team that never separates.

Now our mission is to run recon on Cornerian bases, bomb Cornerian life-lines, and rally the people of Lylat to liberate the

galaxy from Cornerian rule once and for all- one planet at a time.

Just think...this time Fox is not doing it for the money. He's apart of something much bigger. Its both him and Wolf and a

group of rag-tag rebels fighting for freedom from the iron-clad clutches of Corneria.

Now wrap that up and give it to a baby on Christmas Day...

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Honestly, the Sargasso mission in Assault reminds me of the old XBOX game, Crimson Skies. If 2 people in inferior planes can shoot down 35 of yours, along with 5 giant zeppelins AND a train in a single mission, then why bother?

Anyways, it would be nice if StarWolf got a new member to rival Krystal in skill, and they won a battle or two. It would also be pretty cool if they did a boarding of the Great Fox or something like that in a future game.

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