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James McCloud...in the flesh?!


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It has been accepted by Fox himself that his father is dead, but how would you personally feel about a James reboot, that being, in the flesh like some sort of KICK @$$ tell all prequel to how the star fox team actually got started.

If ya like that idea just how/when do you think the game should start and who all should be in it? :pimp:

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...A "James reboot"?

If you mean a prequel segment involving James, that's cool. If you mean "rehash this plot point until the dead horse is a badly-beaten horse skeleton", then no, no I think that is a terrible idea

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...A "James reboot"?

If you mean a prequel segment involving James, that's cool.

:shock: THREAD CHANGE...DUDE THAT IS SUM EPIC :censored: FUDGE!!! :goodjob:

:burned:now i just need to play it cool and act like it was my idea :pimp:

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I think a prequel could work if done right. But, I do not have confidence that any prequel WOULD be done right...

EDIT: I just suddenly had a nightmarish vision of a game called "Star Fox Generations" where the main bad guy traveled through time and you had to play as James, Fox, AND Marcus. :panic: WE'RE DOOMED! :panic:

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EDIT: I just suddenly had a nightmarish vision of a game called "Star Fox Generations" where the main bad guy traveled through time and you had to play as James, Fox, AND Marcus. :panic: WE'RE DOOMED! :panic:

I think there's a half-assed fanfic out there that's doing this already, with that very same name incidentally enough...

I think your nightmarish visions are starting to become true. :shock:

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It would be neat to see a prequel. Like everyone has said.

Actually, as a matter of fact, I was having a conversation about this last night with CrazyMirage. She was talking about how it would be cool to have a game surrounding the events of when Pigma betrayed James and Peppy. It would be very depressing though, going through the game only to have all of your work done for nothing once James is captured by Andross...

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I just suddenly had a nightmarish vision of a game called "Star Fox Generations" where the main bad guy traveled through time and you had to play as James, Fox, AND Marcus. :panic: WE'RE DOOMED! :panic:


I believe we have a candidate for the spiritual sequel to Command.

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> "Spiritual" sequel

> implying Command had a soul


I don't know there's enough there to completely justify a prequel game but a prequel level would be neat i dunno

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A prequel game could work.

I mean, rather than start right off the bat as the undisputed saviors of Lylat ala Star Fox 64, the player spends the game building team Star Fox up from basically scratch, accepting contracts as actual mercenaries likely would in such a setting. It'd give a different, maybe refreshing dynamic to the series that's more than the usual "Lylat is in danger! Call on Star Fox to save the day!".

Then again, I might be a bit biased in this direction, writing a whole gigantic fanfic project on this subject and all...


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A prequel game could work.

I mean, rather than start right off the bat as the undisputed saviors of Lylat ala Star Fox 64, the player spends the game building team Star Fox up from basically scratch, accepting contracts as actual mercenaries likely would in such a setting. It'd give a different, maybe refreshing dynamic to the series that's more than the usual "Lylat is in danger! Call on Star Fox to save the day!".

That sounds like mindless grunt work. If I wanted to do that, I'd just go play World of Warcraft. Where's the story?

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There's plenty of chance for story. You gain key missions as you grow in fame, and each one has important plot-related events. And if that still sounds bad, they could just make the whole 'acquire contracts' point to be plot-only, and a way to drive the story.

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Except a long prequel game would be ultimately quite dull because you'd know from the get-go the way it ends. Building up James and Peppy and Pigma would make the audience more impatient than anything because we already know the way the game is going to end. It's retracing territory that has already been covered, just in longer-format. We know the essentials, and we don't need to know much more. Why spend time backpedalling when there's so much potential for moving forward in the timeline?

As for the episodic mercenary job structure for a game, saying there's no room for story in that is like saying a television series cannot have a story, which is...incorrect, to say the least.

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As for the episodic mercenary job structure for a game, saying there's no room for story in that is like saying a television series cannot have a story, which is...incorrect, to say the least.

I'm not saying there would be no room for a story. But in games like that, I find it irritating to do one mission only to be instantly doing a completely different mission right after. It almost feels as if what previously had been done was for nothing. I think it would get boring fast.

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Having differentiating missions does not mean there can't be an overarching storyline or a sense of achievement from such subquests.

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Eh, you're right. But what chaos described was just mindless chore doing. I would hope that, if they made a Star Fox prequel, there would be a storyline to compliment the missions and objectives.

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Eh, you're right. But what chaos described was just mindless chore doing. I would hope that, if they made a Star Fox prequel, there would be a storyline to compliment the missions and objectives.

Would you like me to give a long and intricately detailed concept prospectus statement? Given enough time and effort, I probably could, but I'd rather not, because that would be a mindless chore.

Except a long prequel game would be ultimately quite dull because you'd know from the get-go the way it ends. Building up James and Peppy and Pigma would make the audience more impatient than anything because we already know the way the game is going to end. It's retracing territory that has already been covered, just in longer-format. We know the essentials, and we don't need to know much more. Why spend time backpedalling when there's so much potential for moving forward in the timeline?

And move forward from the shambles that the Star Fox canon is currently in? I don't know... besides, the whole "we know what happens" thing doesn't seem to be stopping Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema from making The Hobbit, or The Lord of the Rings in the first place. I do see what you're saying, but, I feel there is plenty of new/unknown story to be had in a Star Fox prequel situation, mainly by incorporating elements from later games, Adventures and Assault specifically, in order to shed more light on these situations and how they played into events leading up to SF64. You gotta admit, there's a ton of loose ends dangling in the wind here, and a prequel can do the canon wonders to pin some of them down.

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Would you like me to give a long and intricately detailed concept prospectus statement? Given enough time and effort, I probably could, but I'd rather not, because that would be a mindless chore.

No, because we both know I wouldn't read it. :-P

What you described earlier just sounds like it would be something like some sort of RPG. Even if it had a story, it would sound like World of Warcraft: doing chores, completeling missions; leveling and strengthing your team. I'm not saying that would be a bad game, I know plenty of people that would play a game like that. But I really hope that Star Fox doesn't turn to that type of game structure.

We're starting to get off topic though. Seeing and possibly playing as James in a prequel to Star Fox would be really cool.

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And move forward from the shambles that the Star Fox canon is currently in? I don't know... besides, the whole "we know what happens" thing doesn't seem to be stopping Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema from making The Hobbit, or The Lord of the Rings in the first place. I do see what you're saying, but, I feel there is plenty of new/unknown story to be had in a Star Fox prequel situation, mainly by incorporating elements from later games, Adventures and Assault specifically, in order to shed more light on these situations and how they played into events leading up to SF64. You gotta admit, there's a ton of loose ends dangling in the wind here, and a prequel can do the canon wonders to pin some of them down.

> Comparing Star Fox to Tolkien

I'm sure you already see the problem in this, but let me explain why The Hobbit works beyond the obvious.

For one, The Hobbit came out (the book, not the movie, obviously) before Lord of the Rings did, so it was Lord of the Rings that was, in essence, the actual sequel, rather than the Hobbit being a simple prequel (prequel implies release after the initial series is already established). Nothing is being retraced; it is a direct continuation.

Then there's the whole part where the series is written with an exponential fuckton of more talent and cohesion than anything Star Fox could ever hope to be.

To spit out a prequel, not for general intrigue but to clean up the mess made of the current plot, is almost as lazy a write as anything else in the series. Not that shedding some light on the history of the series would in of itself be a terrible thing but to dedicate an entire game to it would grind whatever little narrative momentum the series even has to a terrible halt. And it would be futile, as no amount of wand-waving and desperate plothole-fixing will be able to disguise the general lazy and poor writing that we got in the other games. We should not accomodate the errors, but remove them entirely, which is why I still think a complete retcon of the series is the only real way to salvage it.

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We should not accomodate the errors, but remove them entirely, which is why I still think a complete retcon of the series is the only real way to salvage it.

And what better way to retcon than to go all the way back?

I'm not saying leave the errors as they are and try to patch around them. What I mean by incorporating elements of Adventures and Assault is to use the portions, the underlying concepts, that work. There doesn't need to be an Adventures game, or an Assault game, but each has in it concepts and certain elements that are usable in a Star Fox retcon situation. I'm saying that Star Fox doesn't have to be slashed, burned, and restarted from complete scratch-nothings. I started writing a whole fanfic saga around this idea; it can be done. Whether or not it can be done successfully remains to be seen however.

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And yet again you're really just using this topic as a vehicle to plug your fanfic under the assumption that you have, in fact, "done it right", and that the games should follow in your footsteps :roll: I swear sometimes, dude, you are more one-note than a dial tone.

Regardless of the genius that may or may not be your holy fanfiction, I continue to disagree with the idea of a retcon through prequel. Because a retcon does not negate the fact that this is Fox's story. I could maybe care about James and Peppy and Andross but I'd much rather watch the characters that drew me to the series in the first place rather than dick around for an entire game with a guy I only know as the dead dad plot device and maybe some new characters (who I progressively give less and less of a shit for in Star Fox games; incidentally part of the problem in the series is a lack of development in pre-existing characters while insistance of introducing new ones). Work out your main character before going to screw around with his dead father, thanks.

edit: Can I impose a challenge? Can you, chaos_leader, partake in 1+ topic of plot discussion in Star Fox without referring to your fanfiction? Is it possible? Can we find out? Please, I am curious

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guys. guys.

Star Fox isn't "a shambles" because its stories have sucked. it's "a shambles" because its games have sucked. shitty stories are just a symptom of shitty games. and i should think the absolute first concern of people making a video game should be making a good game. if you can't even make your game fun to play, why the hell should i care about the story?

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All right, things are a little heated in here, let's get back on topic and take any other points to PMs, okay?

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