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Google Analytics


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Currently, I am running a piece of software called "Piwik" that tracks how many people visit SF-O and what pages are popular and search engine queries and what have you. I collect this information because it is useful in the upcoming content redesign, and also helps streamline the user experience. I did not have a lot of time before graduating to work on these things, but now that I am settling into my new job, I have more time to work on SF-O, so the fruits of this data will soon come.

The issue with Piwik is also the reason I wanted to use it in the first place: It is completely on SF-O's server. No one else can conceivably see that data but me. The only data about you that Piwik collects is your IP address, which I have anyway because IPB stores the IP address that each user logs in with and logs the IP that makes each post. Of course the downside to this being on the server is that it puts extra load on the server. I am wondering if this is a contributor to the site slowdowns.

So, I am thinking about switching to Google Analytics. Tons of sites already use it, so you likely are being tracked by it elsewhere. I will enable the setting that prevents GA from sharing it's data with Google or with Other Google Apps. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT THERE WILL BE ADS. SF-O WILL NEVER HAVE ADS. It is information for me to use to improve SF-O. GA will impact SFO's server less, and the data it collects is better than Piwik. Like Piwik, the only thing about you that GA logs is your IP address. It also does all the data processing and storage on Google's servers, not SFO's.

If this kind of thing bothers you, Google provides a tool that will prevent GA from tracking you:


So, what do you guys think? Do you have a problem with SF-O using GA?

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I have no problem whatsoever. I use GA for all of my sites, and the opt out tool is nice.

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