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I've been quite gone for sometime now.


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Hey everybody, I haven't been online for the past few months or whatever. Its not like I have been doing a lot of anyway. I guess the explanation of my absence would my laziness and high school. I'm currently in the process of finals and new classes and all this mumble jumble. I can still get online once in a while, but don't expect me to post a lot. I have also been dealing with personal stuff, including minor depression. Plus my laptop broke, even though I have like 5 other computers in the house, I've just have a loss of interest in a lot of things. I'm not leaving for good, but again I probably won't be active a lot as of now.

Thanks a bunch guyz. peace

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Glad to have you around here, iTZSparty; you have added to these boards and will be remembered for it. Here's hoping you can find some time to visit again soon. ^_^

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Yes, welcoming you back is in order. The site hasn't changed much, although there were some notable things that happened that you will probably discover soon enough.

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Welcome back again iTzSparty! I still like your profile pick. Makes me wanna play Conquer's Bad Fur day! hehe

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