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La Belle et La Bete [Back or Not?]


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La Belle et La Bete [Just with the fancy symbols I dunno how to mimic anymore] was a role play I made and ran here from inspiration I got a while back. I saw something, and those who know the name know where it was from, and it made me wanna do a version of it so to speak, just with my own twist, making it a mystery and story based RP. it got a lot of attention and a -huge- amount of players! Sadly though I had to end it a little bit after getting the ball rolling due to issues on my side of things, mainly family.

Due to a recent, and rather sudden, influx of people saying they wanted it back, you all can thank Sara for that, I decided to make a topic and see just how many of the original members are still interested. I am really leaning on starting it from start again, just because of how long it has been, but I also would like to get an idea of who would be fully interested.

I tried finding the original posting that had the information on it, but I'll give a short summary; This is mainly to see if people are interested in it being re opened.


The player's characters all after a night of their daily routine fall asleep, and have a very odd ended dream of a man talking and looking at them; telling them how they need their assistance, but not much more than that, then waking up in an odd room, then ensuing the event. They didn't have their gear or what not on hand that they normally had; only the clothes they had worn most recently.


Yes it is very small for a description, but for those who don't know of the RP and where it was going, I don't wanna spoil too much of it and what not. So if people are interested, I'd like some feedback, as I would like to GM it once more, and hopefully see it all the way through! If More people show interest, I'll remake a request thread with more details on the game and so people can sign back up.

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I'm in. I'm in all the way. I'm even gonna make a new character for it. I am SO in.

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I don't actually recall whether I was in this RP originally, and I still don't remember whether I posted or not on account of IRL occurrences. If this RP starts over from the beginning is it possible to allow me in?; this sounds like something I'd be interested in. :P

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For you, Fluxy, I shall return to SF-O to try this out again! I remember bring Estrelle and another RP character I was trying at the time. I hope it comes back, hee-ho!

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I'll try to be around for it, but I work nights now. I'll make sure someone can play my character if I can't be there and it requires my urgent attention. :x

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Hell yeah I want in! I like this RP, don't know why people lost interest.

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So, what's the word? Will it be back?

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Oh, well definitely with this many people. The only reason I wait to make the Request Topic is because I lost the notes I had for it so long ago, and need to well, write some new ones. For that reason as well, I might end up making it different slightly [which isn't a bad thing of course]. I'll have a post on it by Sunday morning if not by tomorrow night.

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So, what's the word? Will it be back?

Oh, well definitely with this many people. (...)


[intentional, XD]

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At first I thought that was just another broken image XD, but no! It's not, you really did mean bandwidth exceeded! Very clever XD

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry, Fedora. I'm balancing a lot at the moment, and College makes it hard for me to really want to spend my free time into making sure it'd be a wonderful adventure. I have a bit more free time this week, I'll see what I can fully plan and prep. I simply don't wanna make a request topic before making sure I can give this game the care it needs.

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