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Goofy Headcanons


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What are some goofy headcanons you've developed for the characters? Not serious plot theories, just goofing around and going "hey, what if..." and speculating on their personal lives, hobbies, etc.

Here are some of mine:

INSTRUMENTS: because I'm a band geek! What do they play? Or at least, what would have the cast played in grade six band class?

  • Fox: trumpet, but isn't very musically talented
  • Falco: sweet jazz trombone (don''t ask how he plays it with a beak though)
  • Slippy: marching band percussion
  • Krystal: French horn
  • Peppy: a bit of harmonica
  • Wolf: violin
  • Leon: a complex system of synthesizers routed through retro gaming consoles because reasons
  • Andrew: clarinet
  • Panther: flamenco guitar
  • Katt: country-style gee-tar
  • Bill: dabbles in DJing
  • Andross: could play the piano


Katt will always sound like a Southern belle in my head

Fay and Miyu are totes lesbians

Andrew cries really, really easily over dumb things and is really awkward with girls

Herbet raised Andrew for most of his life

James McCloud is an ex-convict who reformed (this is how he allegedly knows Wolf)

What are some of your headcanons?

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[Ha, I've been on this thread for nearly five seconds and I already love it. :3]

Personally, I've always pegged Slippy as a maniacal genius who plots to take over the Lylat System. His cover up is feigning incompetance at the helm of an Arwing and having unrestricted access to maintenance of said Arwings for potential sabotage once his plan is set into motion. It is quite literally the perfect plan. :D

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Pretty much entirely how I see Star Wolf. Yeah.

Oh, and that Andrew was actually the first surviving clone of Andross that proved to be defective. Andross was going to terminate him but Andrew's innocent child-like love and respect for his "uncle" FILLED THE EMPTY VOID IN HIS HEART so he kept him around.


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Pretty much entirely how I see Star Wolf. Yeah.


I like the Andrew thing too; that's kind of what I imagined Dash to be






that is stupid so I'm calling him Tom as in tomcat ok, ok

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Well, of course Krystal's a prostitute in her spare time :troll:

Jokings aside, I can see slippy playing WoW all day. Panther has taken up salsa dancing. Falco's a crack addict (if you get the reference...). Wolf is probably a bad mushy fanfiction writer. I've always had this feeling Peppy is a grandfather of several dozen grandchildren, with cool and extensively rambly war stories. WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE WE ACTUALLY HAD TO RIDE ELEVATORS UP SKYSCRAPERS AND PHONES HAD SCREENS

That's all I got at the moment. This thread is amazing.

Fay and Miyu are totes lesbians

Damn I hope so.

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-Leon would've been on forced medication or forced therapy by it's counterparts. Schizophrenia, PTSD, even OCD, your choice

-Bill would've been extremely conservative and slightly speciesist, notably towards felines and reptiles (on another note, new Southern Bill fits more than Surfer Bill IMO)

-Falco and Katt might've visited rehab (being on a bike gang, it's probable they've run into a lot of stuff)

-Panther's an inmigrant from Fortuna

-Slippy might've been a bit like Brian from The Breakfast Club at one point

Anything else, I'll post it later...

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I like the Andrew thing too; that's kind of what I imagined Dash to be






that is stupid so I'm calling him Tom as in tomcat ok, ok



And the basic idea of Star Wolf for me was posted in the Star Wolf thread (aka BIG DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY).

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nobody on the team actually likes Krystal, but they put up with her because Fox is the one who signs their paychecks, so they're basically just holding out for when he realizes that she's nothing but bad news and worthlessness and dumps her off in a black hole or something.

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Just thought id pop in quick.

Word Dras, on James being an ex con. But a benign one, sort of like Han solo. Perhaps thats how orignal starfox starts. The team caught for smuggling/ other crime, given choice of prison or military service. Who is Herbert btw?

-Fox sort of a moody, cocky, with chip on shoulder, but good kid. Pressures reluctant Peppy into reviving Team SF

- Slippy: easily distracted, socially awkward genius. Type who gets caught up in interesting theories, but forgets basic tasks, like arwing keys, being organized. Easily friendliest, most approachable of group.

Peppy- channels his energies into flight acadamy teaching, after failed venom mission. Tough, focused but good and kind.

Falco: Fox's rival eventual best friend. Rough spoken and brusque without meaning much by it. Difficult, contentious and competitive. Doesnt suffer fools easily.

Krystal possesive gf, who doesnt have much interest in other team members. Is cramping fox's style, he just doesnt know it yet.

I still picture Katt as having sultry 40s-50s movie star voice.

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I still picture Katt as having sultry 40s-50s movie star voice.

I wouldn't mind a Marilyn Monroe styled Katt, not that it isn't already implied with the last names and all. :D

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In my mind before he was a floating head, Andross was Jessi Ventura including BULGING BICEPS, a Cigar clenched beetween his angry gaze, and a Minigun.

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Fun idea.

- Fox: While outwardly strong-willed, inwardly, he is an emotional mess.

- Falco: Takes missions on the side, some of which are questionable in nature. Doesn't give a fuck about anything, but he's not a greedy bastard like Pigma

- Krystal: While kind-hearted, her emotions could be unstable given the right spark. She lost everything, and has issues coping with that.

- Slippy: A fucking genius. He can find a technical solution to any problem. If it doesn't exist, he can build it. Too bad he lacks common sense and the patience to think through things. This sometimes leads to catastrophic failure of his inventions. Like that one time with the fusion reactor and the non-anthro donkey....

- Peppy: Has flashbacks and a severe case of PTSD. Hell if I know how he keeps his shit together.

- Wolf: Not inherently evil, but driven by a desire for money and power. Secretly wishes for a stable family life, but knows his chosen path in life makes that impossible.

- Leon: Loyal to Wolf. Schitzophrenic with three personalities. A passive-aggressive douchebag personality, a sadisistic psychopathic and sociopathic personality, and a flamboyantly gay personalioty. The other two personalities are straight.

- Panther: A closeted homosexual who has trouble accepting his true self. Over-extends himself to women in hopes of becoming straight. He may or may not have had relations with Leon's gay personality.

- Pigma: Pigma is a hoarder of money. He needs it and more of it. His greeed comes from a severe case of OCD, IE he is quite literally a money hoarder. He is lonely, and wants it to change, but he keeps ruining budding relationships through his greed. He has even killed girlfriends for money.

- Andrew: Suprisingly intelligent, but his spoiled demeanor suppresses it.

- Bill: Has a strange affinity for open hatches. You can't explain that.

- Katt: Bounces around to different men, though she desperately wants Falco. It is unknown if she would remain loyal to him if he ever accepted her advances.

- Gen. Pepper: A textbook aristorcrat. The Pepper family has been involved in Cornerian poilitics and military affairs for centuries. The family fortune is so massive that I don't think anyone could deplete it. The forutne comes from a bunch of Salt Mines on Fichina.

- Andross: Before he went mad, Andross actually invented many medical devices in-use throughout Lylat. Perhaps he has saved as many lives as he has taken.

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- Bill: Has a strange affinity for open hatches. You can't explain that.

Admittedly, while I enjoy your take on the characters, DZ, this one HAS to be my favorite. :lol:

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- Bill: Has a strange affinity for open hatches. You can't explain that.

Genius. Added to my sig.

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Krystal never left Sauria and all the drama that she caused in Command, if you wanna pretend this game actually exists, was nothing but Fox's imagination. Because soon after meeting Krystal, her existence alone destroyed his sanity which landed him into the looney bin.

Okay, I just made that up on the spot. My REAL headcanon is that Command doesn't exist. Lucy, Dash and Amanda never happened. NOT THAT GOOFY, I KNOW. ;;

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I don't know if that's even necessarily a headcanon being that Command is of canonical ambiguity even by Word of God.

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Sure let's go all out why not.


-Very much the smarmy hot blooded hero type. Sure, he has some emotional baggage but he out-manly's it for the most part. Hearing Pigma or anything related to Andross will flip his shit though.

-Should actually have a Scottish accent of some degree or another because -why the fuck not-.

-Is kinda average-short in height. I don't mean in the BIG HEAD SPINE SHATTERING SKULL way that Smash Bros. makes him look, but like, seriously in the 5'5" range.

-his kung fu fighting in SSB is totally canon. I see Fox as the agile speedster archetype, which is funny given his main character hero status (which are usually balanced).


-Totally a high school dropout. Knew Fox from their school days, then turned to street gangs. Fox recruited him to save him from a prison sentence.

-Tall as hell. Also a good bit older than Fox or Slippy. (maybe 2 or 3 years?)

... and now my fever is giving me brain block. Will add more later.

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-Very much the smarmy hot blooded hero type. Sure, he has some emotional baggage but he out-manly's it for the most part. Hearing Pigma or anything related to Andross will flip his shit though.

I wouldn't mind seeing Fox exhibit a berserk button though in order to keep things serious it would have to be executed correctly. Then again, this scenario could also be played for laughs. :lol:

-Should actually have a Scottish accent of some degree or another because -why the fuck not-.


It should CLEARLY be a thick Jamaican accent instead. :)

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I have a thing for emotionally flawed characters, and it shows through my headcanons which certainly lack in goofyness. :U

Fox- Yeah he has the hero's charm and comes off as cool and calm minded, but it's all a front. When it comes to internal problems that can't be solved by suave heroics, Fox is moody, rash, and impulsive to the point it damages relationships.Also like Rob said, any mention of either of Fox's parents or Andross tend not to end well.

Falco- Is fiercely independent and shows no weakness. However he takes the attitude to the extreme; he flat out rejects Katt's romantic advances because he doesn't want to depend on anyone for anything and also doesn't want her to become a point of weakness for him, so he walls off any sort of attachment to anyone. This also extends to the SF team, he's on because it's convenient and he leaves when the convenience disappears. He doesn't need no team slowing him down and keeping him from doing his own thing. Falco may be the Ace, but even the ace needs their wingman, which Falco disagrees on.

aaaaand also like Rob, lack of sleep is catching up to me, so that's all I got at the moment.

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  • 2 months later...

wolf with a violin...rather interesting take...slightly ironic, if that be the point....i can only see O' Donnell as sum kinda heavy metal rock star

but krystal is definitely a pianist

and Peppy is the wise guy on the sax

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Well, of course Krystal's a prostitute in her spare time :troll:

Ouch, successful troll is successful...

I completely agree with Rob in Fox having his kung-fu skills from SSB, also his other special abilities would be pretty cool too :)

I think Falco deep down inside wants to be buds with Fox so they can go grab a drink once in a while instead of pretending they almost hate each other. Fox just returns the attitude so he won't be upstaged and lose face by the seemingly don't-give-a-damn Falco. So its a perpetual cycle of ribbing each other when in the end they could be bros. Like a bro-mance, minus the homo.

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