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ACTA - The Kraken of the Internet


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ACTA is the EU version of SOPA. And it's also scheduled to go global once it's in effect. It was given the go-ahead this morning, and is now being signed for across Europe. It's expected to be in full swing by June.

ACTA is a seemingly helpful treaty, that battles against fake branded goods and such. But it's been formed in secret, by people who weren't even elected by the public, and it has a hidden agenda detailed in the treaty. If it comes into effect, simple things like sharing an mp3 over Skype, drawing fanart of any kind, or quoting a copyrighted article can result in an instant fine and/or prison. No ifs, no buts, you're gone and that's it.

It also means you, your family, and your friends will be heavily watched, just to make sure you're not doing anything illegal. So you can say goodbye to your privacy and basic civil rights.

Here's the website for more information: http://www.stopacta.info/

I don't know what we can do, but I honestly think the world has gone mad.

Petition against ACTA: https://www.accessnow.org/page/s/just-say-no-to-acta

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It has always been mad, my dear. I'm sorry it seems that there is no really stopping that though. Let's hope you and your friends can avoid that!

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Here's hoping, because once it's passed over here, it'll be passed in the US.

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Um… what? This is really happening? It's really going into effect?………

I guess I was wrong.

This is really messed up… That's really stupid. I mean, I don't even know what to say except… Bleh.

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I can't believe that this will ever happen in the EU. Too many different countries with different opinions. In the UK it might be possible, as they already have cameras everywhere there. Here in Germany we have much more problems with this situation of being supervise all the time. Our constitutional court did even prohibit a law, which allowed logging (not monitoring!!!) phones, mobiles, internet-activities etc. for safety purposes.

And what some Polish politicians think about ACTA... well:


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I've edited my first post with a link to the petition if anyone wants to sign.

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I've been seeing flyers about ACTA being put up around my college campus. (With the Anonymous logos on them btw)

I can tell this ain't good, and with it being so close to being made a reality, it's freaking scary.

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Did you hear that the US already extradited a UK citizen for copyright infringement that wasn't considered infringement in the UK? He had a link to copyrighted work on his website that was hosted on a UK server, and was brought here to the US to be prosecuted and possibly imprisoned. Good ol USA /sarcasm


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Did you hear that the US already extradited a UK citizen for copyright infringement that wasn't considered infringement in the UK? He had a link to copyrighted work on his website that was hosted on a UK server, and was brought here to the US to be prosecuted and possibly imprisoned. Good ol USA /sarcasm

That's why you never sign the confessions. Then they can do whatever they damn well please

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That's why you never sign the confessions. Then they can do whatever they damn well please

and that is what pisses me off about this.

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Here's a video on ACTA; it is -somewhat- NSFW;

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Just signed the petition and linked to it on Facebook, better spread the word about this.

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I knew it! I knew that another bill will be coming back again! SOPA was backfired and so they decided to wait and create another bill that the laws are about the same as SOPA. A lot of people in the mainstream are going to be distracted by a major sport event this coming weekend Super Bowl XLVI and next coming round of reality shows. So this gives the opportunity for the tyrants to jam this coming bill through congress, to the president, and to control over the internet it seems. I just hope that more and more people become awake about this situation.

Will Google and other major websites protest again? If so do it again DZ!

--- Update---

The United States already signed the agreement a few years ago (traitor!).


But no laws active yet. If it does backfire in the EU before June there is a second round of victory!


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I knew it! I knew that another bill will be coming back again! SOPA was backfired and so they decided to wait and create another bill that the laws are about the same as SOPA. A lot of people in the mainstream are going to be distracted by a major sport event this coming weekend Super Bowl XLVI and next coming round of reality shows. So this gives the opportunity for the tyrants to jam this coming bill through congress, to the president, and to control over the internet it seems. I just hope that more and more people become awake about this situation.

What? This is gonna be going through around the time of the super bowl? That seems so soon.

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What? This is gonna be going through around the time of the super bowl? That seems so soon.

Yup, here's a petition to stop a new bill that Lamar Smith, sponsor of SOPA, has also sponsored; http://act.demandprogress.org/letter/snooping/

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