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Short Story Contest. Who's Intrested?


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So I'll be honest. This idea came to me after reading about Myu's art conest on her DA. Where she excells at drawing, writing is more my forte so I technically only half stole the idea :troll:

The baisics are as such:

1. Entries should be emailed to me at nickjwilliams55@yahoo.com . I would prefer if you send the orginal file as an attatchment because sometimes when you copy and paste some of the formating can be lost in translation making the piece hard to read.

2. The word limit is a min of 2000 words and a max of 5000 (this won't be strictly enforced i.e. your piece wont be rejected but if you write too little it may not be competitive and too much puts you piece in a diffrent class making it hard to fairly judge.

3. There is no specific theme or prompt so make full use of your creative freedom.

4. Since the contest will take place through this forum all of the forum rules on stories apply. A copy of these rules are below as they were set down by DZ in the fan ficton board. These WILL be enforced. The bits in parentheses I added.

1. No sex scenes. You can say that characters engaged in intercourse, but don't go beyond that.

2. Graphic descriptions of death are prohibited.

3. Post a warning if there is significant cussing/swearing. (Make a note at the top of the piece. Avoid the GD, S, and F bombs altogether.)

4. Please post a warning if a story contains significant violence. (Make a note at the top of the piece.)

5. Do not post anything that promotes illegal substance use.

5. The cut off date will be determined later depending on intrest. The date will be given 2 weeks in advance so everyone will have time to finish. After the cut off date feel free to post your entries in this thread for all to see.

6. Pieces will be judged on how well their written. Baiscly I will judge charecter devlopment, over all story, and flow each on a scale from 0 to 20 meaning the possible scores can range from 0 (which you'd practicaly have to send me a blank page to recive) and 60 which is a perfect score. Total score will decide the winner.

7. Over all score will be posted in the results but I will PM everyone their Individual scores allong with personal input.

8. Pieces will be judged as they arive. This way hopefully there will be enough space between the piece that I won't be comparing it to another piece. Probably what will happen is if I get more than one a day I will judge one then wait a day before judging the other.

As far as prizes go, I can't really offer much so the biggest thing will be bragging rights, however I do shoot some random movies that end up on youtube so top prize could be a cameo in one of my vids, or mabye even writing a short scene for us to do. The way I figure first prize will get to chose one of those two and second prize can take the other if they want. Of couse you won't be forced to do anything so you can chose to defer the prize to the next runner up. Let me know what you guys think and if your intrested, start writing!

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I am most definetly in on this, and I highly encourage anyone else reading this to give it a shot and go for it.

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I knew you would be all over this one chaos, lol. Glad I've got some intrest. As long as I have two people I'm doing this.

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I'm in too. But mainly because I'd like someone to give me some proper progressive criticism. Any idea on our timeframe here?

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I suppose I'm in. It's been a while since I wrote anything, so it might be fun to flex those creative muscles again.

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Awesome, its getting intresting now. Im looking forward to yall's stories:)

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Ok, I have officaly decided that Febuary 29th midnight (estern time US & Canada) will be the last day to submit your stories. That gives you roughly 17 days to finish, so if you havent already get writing! Looking forward to your stories!

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Ooh. I'm glad I could help xD

I really want to write something for this, but there's a reason I haven't posted most of my short stories here - many of the things I write about are against the rules, lol, but I'll see if I can come up with something :>

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Lol. Well to be honest the only thing that gets to me is exessive cussing. Realistic is one thing, that forced f word every other breath like in most of todays war games is another entirly. I know soldiers. The only people who cuss like that are pre-teens who think they have somthing to prove. Anything else I'm personly ok with and would judge evenly, we just wouldnt be able to post it afterwards.

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Just one more week to turn in your submissions!

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Aw, I forgot about this. I meant to say I was in but oh well.

Wonder if I can get something together in a week……

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So, with only three days left i haven't received any submissions. So what I'm gonna do is extend the date one week to march the 7th. Hopefully this will give everyone enough time to get their stuff in because it's not much of a contest if there's no entries.

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So, with only three days left i haven't received any submissions. So what I'm gonna do is extend the date one week to march the 7th. Hopefully this will give everyone enough time to get their stuff in because it's not much of a contest if there's no entries.


That's just about what it comes down to, :lol:

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Awesome, can't wait to see it.

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Excellent, i shall read it tomorrow when I'm mentally sober so to speak.

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Ok, I've only got one submission so far, so I'm gonna set the date back one more time to March 21st. Get to it people!

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Whoops, totally spaced on this. Someone smack me with a heavy blunt object.

But I did send you the submission, from my Gmail account, so it should be there and everything.

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Just got it:)

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  • 2 months later...

Hey peeps. I owe you all an apology. The past few weeks have been a little rough. I'll spare you all the details but after a series of increasingly long and aggressive arguments me and my girlfriend came to the conclusion that we need a break and probably wont be able to really clear the air between us until we can sit down face to face whenever the hell she gets to to come home next. Because of that this whole competition was completely forgotten. For those of you who entered I intend to follow through on the feedback because, as a writer myself, I know how important it is. Again, I'm really sorry about forgetting about this.

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