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Well that's just fantastic; no one can keep track of where their gear is going, people are allotted gear that apparently doesn't exist, and no one seems to know what they're doing. :lol: And I simply cannot fathom performing maintenance of any kind on a Stryker; the thing is MASSIVE, and I would love to see how large those parts are in comparison to a standard automobile back stateside! :)

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I thought we were gonna pick up the slack for the Squadron... NOT THE FREAKIN' BRIGADE!!!


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Other than your image appearing to be broken, from what you posted it sounds like you're having quite the time fixing mistakes of others. :lol:

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YOU HAVE NOOOOOOOOO IDEA!!! Redeployment cannot come fast enough! When we got here, we pretty much had an entire sector of southern &lt;&lt;<opsec>&gt;&gt; just for our platoon! Toooooooo much ground and mountains to cover with only 20 men!

Edit: My bad. Almost forgot about OPSEC :lol:

(You not missing much. It's just the Rage Guy going FUUUUUUUU...!)</opsec>


S**t must have hit the fan! ComKAF just announced weapon condition Amber!!

"OK, who let Muhamad Al Jihad in with the funny vest lined with "flares" and a clock going counter-clock?" :|

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So, yeah... Always wear your helmet! They save lives!

I didn't even noticed until I got back to base. Wasn't that bad! I thought I got hit with a rock! Once on our line, I felt cold on my head. Thought it was sweat... Sweat at almost 50 degrees at the time? I was cold! Took my helmet off and the cold began to drip down my neck and back and a rush of sharp localized pain was felt on the rear right of my head... touched the area and felt wet. I look at my hand... and yeah.

It was nothing, though. Just a couple of staples to fix the problem and next day I was back on mission... after hours of being examined by the docs. I felt fine. Just a flesh wound. Don't even want it on the record. But that area is now under strict surveillance!

After the medics washed the area to see the extent of the damage, they also washed my hands. I kept pressure on the wound and I told the medics I was fine and well. I took a picture of my hand and head. My hand was covered in more than that before they washed it! After the wash, I took these pics. I was good. Nothing to remove from the wound, but they say it will leave a bald spot :( Got a new helmet though :-)

It pays to be hard headed :lol:

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Holy shit, do be careful out there! Thank gosh you were wearing that helmet/other protective gear. O_o

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I take good care! I wear my gear properly :lol:

But really, I'm doing awesomely awesome :) Almost home!!!! Just a couple more missions :D

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Glad to see you're closer to coming back; make sure to always be on your guard, but I'm sure you already know that. :)

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  • 1 month later...

"... When Johny comes marching home."

Back to base in the States from Afghanistan... back from war.

Now to train, and wait for our turn to go back... because war... war never changes...

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I was thinking about you recently, Rebel; I'm glad that my fears about what may have occurred were somewhat unwarranted. It's good to have you back stateside, and here's hoping that you'll be able to stay here for a bit longer. How was the traveling? :-P

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Glad to hear you made it back safe and sound.

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  • 1 month later...

Gunman Here:

I know I haven't been here for a while since my return. I haven't been feeling like myself lately. I try to act as if I'm still myself, as I was, as I've been before we hit Afghanistan and before our return. But coming back, I feel different. It comes and goes. Stays most of the time. I'm hoping to be able to get over this stage on my life quick and painless and make a full comeback! In the mean time, what up guys and gals! Please bear with me. I will be going to California for post deployment leave. :D Much needed after the 365 consecutive days of work!

Hope you all been doing way better than I have! But at least I'm still alive :3

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Glad to hear you made it back safe.

And like I mentioned earlier, if you're ever feeling like heading north to OR for a little R&R, ring me up.

(Srsly tho, who wouldn't want to get a glimpse of some of this in-person?)


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I'm stationed as far north as possible. Fort Wainwright, Alaska! Going to visit family down in California. And that looks AWESOME!!! Lets go for a hike! lol

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Good to hear from you again, Rebel. While the adjustment process will take some time, I'm glad that you're doing pretty well. Who knows, maybe you'll be back on SF-O in full force sometime soon. :friends:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone near Bakersfield, CA? I'll finally have a home and it will be in Bakersfield, California.

Spending time on leave with family in SoCal. Leave almost over though :( Longest leave I've ever had! Almost a month!!! Haven't seen my bros or parents for a while. Feel better than I did prior to post-deployment leave. So much better! Almost time to work again though DX

Hope you guys been doing as great or better than me :friends:

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Good to see that you're back around, and doing better than you were previously! I imagine you'll soon be able to return fully, unless some moron up in the government decides he doesn't like a country. :lol: Thanks for keeping us updated.

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  • 1 month later...

Gunman here,

I know I've been out for quite a while. The sunny days and still sunny nights of Alaska are great to go out and enjoy the day! Been more active outdoors than indoors both on the job (training) and off duty. Been to the archery ranges and I can honestly say that I went from shooting the ground at a 5 meter range to shoothing a bullseye at a 15 meter range (Still working on the 25.) I feel so locked up in my room sometimes and I just go to my neighboring buddies in the barracks to see if they are going out or something so I don't have to stay in the barracks the entire time. But now that it started to get cold, it won't be long before it starts snowing and the sunlight is replaced by darkness, which I guess it means the end of outdoor activity for under -40 degrees weather.

Long story short, I'm alive and well and been more outside than inside in front of the computer.

Highlight of my outdoor experience... carrying a conversation with a random fox on one of the running trails on base!!! Spotted the fox just walking along the route while running. The fox stopped and stared at me, I stopped and stared and the fox and for 5 minutes just stared and I was like, "So... looking for food? Just chillin? Come here often?" The fox just sat there and tilted his head and yawned. It's probably used to people if it didn't ran away.

Well, it seems it won't be long before the snows start falling and everything freezes and I spend every off duty time online... but what a summer.

Gunman, out.

-End of Entry.

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That fox sounds absolutely adorable, and I'm quite glad that you've made the best for yourself out there. The updates are appreciated though. ^_^

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If I lived near any of you guys I would be pounding at your door yelling, "Dude, It's 0530! Let's go do something, I'm bored out of my mind!!!" :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another day, another penny.

Been down lately due to the threat of being terminated from Active Service earlier than my time do to the numbers the Military is trying to reduce. An old injury comes to bite me in the @$$ at one of the most important events in the military: The Physical Fitness Test. I keep saying it will pass, but it comes right back to slow me down. I got another try. If I fail this one, I'm terminated. Yeah, I'm an expert with my weaponry, know my job and can handle myself on the field. But if you can't run... nothing else matters. I've got to get this sharp pain checked again and ignore it on the runs... if that's possible. First fail in 6 years, and I'm being put down... I miss the Corps.

Don't I sometimes feel alone. Don't I sometimes feel worthless. Don't I sometimes feel like a failure. Don't I sometimes feel down. Don't I sometimes feel insecure about the future. But most of the times I feel glad I'm alive and well and hope to snap out of my dark corner and into the day.

And life goes on. The Earth keeps spinning. Dust in the wind...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gunman here,

Still Alive!!!

Gunman, out.

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Always glad to see an update from you; a shame I may have overlooked the last one. In any case, we're all glad that you're still alive and rather well. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gunman here,

I know I haven't been here in a while. Squadron's been so busy trying to get most of the training out of the way before it starts snowing and it gets below 0 degrees. We still gonna be training at below -30's. Nothing new on my end. Same ol' work hard, train harder, and fall dead tired at the end of the day. Most of my weekends I've pent sleeping because of how tired I've been. The other times I'm not sleeping or training I'm out with budies searching through gun shops and gear shops... 'cuz Imma geardo! :P Hard core training is far from over though. It's only gonna get tougher and more exausting... not looking forward to that :(

Gunman, out.

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