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Off Duty / On Duty


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The AK, I can remove the rails and extendable buttstock and muzzlebreak to it's original look: a standard black synthetic AK-47. I have 10 round mags already, but no bullet button. Well over 16in.


The MP5, only the top permanent rails for sight, no muzzlebreak but has an extended barrel with a barrel shroud that looks like a supresor. I have the 10 round mags, but no bullet button. Over 16in.


The M&P AR, it's all rails (originally purchased with), estendable buttstock, standard AR muzzlebreak. I have the 10 round mags, but, again, no bullet button. Over 16in.


By the stupid Commiefornia's regs, only my 1911 is "legal"! I volunteered my service for nearly 8 years, risked my life fighting, carrying the very weapons I'm now not trusted with by the very nation I fought for! A pen in the hands of these politicians is far more dangerous than firearms in the hands of the law abiding citizens/veterans!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gunman here,


*Looks at calendar* ... Well... 2 months and a couple of weeks left for my second DD 214! Soon I'll be home again! I'll let my hair grow again and will have my beard back! I shall get my mane back! And hopefully I'll be able to begin my firearms collection. Soon... soon. Wait... California... damn.


Gunman, out.

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  • 2 months later...

Gunman here,


Not been around here because politics.












That is all.


Gunman, out.

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Aside from the hilariously vague post, it's great to hear from you again, Gunman. Here's hoping you'll triumphantly return to the kingdom of SF-O one day. :P

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  • 1 month later...

Gunman here,


Status update: Still alive! Nothing new going on. Just trying to spend more time away from the internet and more time out there with family, friends, with my dog, at the range or just wondering around. Still take my phone here and there, but can't always carry a laptop everywhere I go. I still stop by every once in a while to say hi and see what's up. Also, bad signal areas seem to be following me around!!! My house is in a near dead zone! I can't win! This is also another reason why I don't spend much time online. Also, my laptop is being weird. It freezes every once in a while. This is another reason.


Hope all is going well with the lot of ya! Stay cool and chill!


Gunman, out.

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  • 3 months later...

Gunman here,




Gunman out.

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Though vague, that message is always good to read.  Good to see you around. :P

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Always good to see you guys around! Even better if we could all hang out.

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  • 1 month later...

Gunman here,


Still alive. Been working hard and chillin' out. Hope you're all having a better time! Not much to tell without violating personal OPSEC. XD


Gunman, out.

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We're not doing too bad around here, good to hear from you again though. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Gunman here,


Been a while! I ain't leaving. I just don't have anything interesting to share. And I am too political now. Let's just say I've been keeping my skills with my firearms sharp. Leg still messed up, so can't run for long, so I gotta make my shots count. Also been baking in the desert in the town bearing a funny name that fits the heat properly... Bakersfield.


Hope you're all been keeping well and are doing better than me.


Gunman, out.

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I'm glad to see that you're still kicking out there. :P

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