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Gene Inari

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"Huh?" she asked and looked at him, she shook her head, "No, I am not, you should have seen girls at the Acdemy, damn, they were better looking." Kit said, not trying to agree.

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Gene couldn't help but smile. "Quit trying to be modest." Gene said with a laugh. "Besides your beautiful to me."

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Kit then smirked, "Well, Mr.Handsom, anything else to say or do, before we got to sleep?" she asked and smiled with her eyes closed.

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"Nah...I'm ready to sleep." Gene said with a yawn. "Unless you just want to talk."

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"On second thought," kit said as she placed the ribbon, putting her ahir back again, "You can sleep, I am going for a walk."

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"Alright, but don't be surprised if you find me taking up all the room." Gene said with a sleepy smile.

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"It is fien really." Kit put her shirt back on and smiled, she stepped out of the tent and grabbe dher things, putting her hat on she sighed. 'Good ngiht!' she said to herself and begun to wlak.

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Gene put his head down and began to fall asleep.Tommrrow begins a new day.

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A mile away fromt he tent Kit kept walking, "I can'thave you involved with my business, just don't wanna have you get hurt." she said as she walked further and further away from the tent.

"I am so sorry..."

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Gene woke up and quickly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, then noticed some one missing. "Kit?" He glanced around and noticed her stuff was also gone. It took a second to comprehend what just happened, "Why didn't I see it coming?" He began to meantally beat himself up. "Why did she have to leave? I mean she was happy around me, probably the only one she opened up to...Ugh...Why?" Gene then looked up as something echoed inside his head.

Have you ever loved someone though?

No...I never had...but if the day ever comes I'll gladly embrace it.

Heh, you should, those days come and go.

"They came and went..."

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Kit looked at the path infront of her, she then looked abckwards, from where she was coming from. "Gene, thanks..." she said and staretd to run. Bu tthen stopped.

"I amde a choice I finally to regret," she heard thunder clap in the sky, "I ahte the rain."

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Gene heard a thunderclap. "Rain...what a fitting end to this chapter of my life..." Gene simply lied still as it began to rain.

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"No," Kit said and rippe dher hand away from the thugs.

"Kit, we need your help...we do, so does he."

"You can go tell him to screw himself, I said no,"

"Hmph, where's your boyfriend?"

"Gene, eh? I killed him." Kit lied.

A slap soudned the air and kit just felt a nick on her cheek it was ntohing. "So you did, good Kit."

Kit smield, and siad, "He was so easy, getting close to him and then slicing him open, what a wonderful sight." she licked her lips and winked.

"Then we shall leave you for now."

Kit then turned, I kept Gene safe by saying I killed, him, I am in for deep troubl;e in the next day. she then began walking, atleats he really isn't dead.

Kit stopped and felt the dagger whiz past her ear and she wen tto the left. She looked at who threw it and watched as the gang surronded her, "Kit, you can't lie, and hide from us."

"I figure that out, by now." She said drawing her blade. "A fight int he rain, you knwo I love fighting int he rain." she said and attacked.

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"I guess Kit enjoys a life of running." Gene then mentally slapped himself. "Why am I getting so torn up about her?"

"Mabey becuase you have feelings for her and your too proud to admit it."

"About time you reared your ugly head."

"You should be happy I kept myself quiet the whole time your girlfriend was there."


"Temper, temper, you don't want me running amok do you?"

Gene growled, "Bastard..."

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"Why send your thugs after me, your the one I am gonna kill now!" Kit said pointing her sword at her manin enemy, the boss.

Blood dripping fromt he sword she gritte dher teeth and narrowed her icey eyes. Dropping the sword through his neck she sheathed it and hit the dirt and mud off of her clothes. She felt the rain come down and looked around her, dead bodies everywhere.

"I can't believe it!" she yelled, happily, "I killed them, my life! I am free!" she yelled and dropped to her knees. She smiled, then frowned, "I can't go abck to Gene now, though."

She sighed and then kicked a body, "Ha, see me now!" she yelled, "I am free!!"

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"Why must you torture me so?"

"Because you have me locked up inside here, damnit!"

"I have no choice."

"Bah...Yeah right. It's easy to sound cocky when your in control."

"I let you loose and everyone ends up dead."

"Only because I want to have some fun."

"Your one twisted maniac."

"I'm not so different than Kit you know."

"Damnit!" Gene growled," You leave Kit out of this, Yuri!"

"Someone's touchy."

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Kit stood ifnront of the tent and let the rain beta down on her, she sat down and put her backpack down quietly. Layign her eha don the backback, she let the rain drip onto her muzzle, she was at peace with death, she didn't care if she lived or died righ nwo, she was free form the chains and she was happy.


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"Now Gene, just relax and let me handle things."

"Like I'm going to listen to you. You just want out."

"I'll just have to do it with force then!"

"What!? Aggghh!" Gene was then over come with pain. "Kit where ever you are don't let Yuri hurt you." Gene managed to say before he was pushed into the depths of his mind.

Yuri stood up and completely destroyed the small tent he was in. "See Gene, everything works with enough force, if it get's in your way, destroy it!"

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Can I play?

OOC: Ummm...not to be rude but there isn't any room for an extra charater at the moment.

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Kit stood there infront of him, "Hm, you think women are the duribility of toys, do you?" she aske dnad unshetahe dher sword,

"Hello Yuri, your so touching with a conversation."

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"Well, well, well, if it isn't Kit. That weakling Gene is a pitiful excuse of a loser. He holds me back for he fears the darkness." Yuri then grinned and evil grin. "You see, me and your assasin self aren't very different, we both have a thirst for blood and destruction. So why don't we have a little fun?" Yuri slowly unsheathed his sword.

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Kit looked up in disgust, she spit on the ground, "A thirt for blood, within my assasin self, you underestamate me, Yuri."

Kit cracked her knuckles and looked at him narrowing her eyes. "My assasin self fights for a living reason, thr reason for a commanding Justice, not just for the taste of blood upon my sword, you don't understand Yuri, you're blidned by anger and pitiful disgust, a thirt for blood is only for those who feed on money and greed, and you call Gene pitiful, my assasin self fights for a reason, and that reason is for greed to perish within thsi place!" she yelled.

Holding her sword parrel to her body she then dropped it, "I shall fight you hand to sword I guess, I will not drown in greed, evil and death, liek you have!" she yelled, standing in a combat position.

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Yuri simply laughed "You are such a fool, your preaching lies to your own face. You know it's all a lie, admit it!" Yuri shook his head as he put his sword away. "Killing you with my bare hand will make it so much more enyoyable." Yuri cracked his neck and got into his fighting position.

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Kit smoothe dher hair back, "Oh yes, that reminds me, send me to hell, I dare you, kill me where I stand, right now! Come after me!" she yelled.

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