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I'm finally off of school. I did my math test, which I got a "C++" on. (I've never been a math-head.) My mom said I could've easily gotten a B if I hadn't made so many typical errors. Ah well, as long as I can do average, I don't feel too bad.

As of other things, I finally have "Forget and Not Slow Down," Relient K's 6th album. I'm considering picking up their "Apathetic EP," mainly because it has some awesome acoustic versions of their songs that are only found on it. They did release two cover albums, but I'm not sure I want to get those, because some of the songs covered I don't really care for. *shrug*

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Ugh, bad news.

For quite a few months now, I have been getting these awful stomach aches. I had no idea what was causing it, and some days my stomach was fine. I then later discovered that I'm allergic to the protein in milk, which I had been drinking daily. So I can't drink it anymore. :( Shame, 'cause I drink it all the time. It's my favorite thing to drink, actually.

Also the animals around here are shedding like crazy. I need to brush them everyday/every other day otherwise the house gets coated with hair, lol.

It's been really hot here, lately, going from the 90's to the 100's, and staying around there. :P

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Ugh, bad news.

For quite a few months now, I have been getting these awful stomach aches. I had no idea what was causing it, and some days my stomach was fine. I then later discovered that I'm allergic to the protein in milk, which I had been drinking daily. So I can't drink it anymore. :( Shame, 'cause I drink it all the time. It's my favorite thing to drink, actually.

Also the animals around here are shedding like crazy. I need to brush them everyday/every other day otherwise the house gets coated with hair, lol.

It's been really hot here, lately, going from the 90's to the 100's, and staying around there. :-P

hm, too bad. Milk is my favorite drink too. Nothing is quite like it.

Do you have dogs or cats? or mabye you have some exotic animals :P

i have a dog, a labradoodle actualy. She is bred so that she doesn't shed. Makes it SO much easyer.

Oh its been hot here too, couldn't even go out side till the sun was down

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We have two dogs and two cats, but nothing exotic, really, unless you count a small gold fish. :lol: The dogs are not long haired, but even so, they shed a lot.

On a plus note, yesterday there was a storm, so it did cool down some, I think. It's kind of humid out, though.

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Edit: This post has been removed.

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Had a long day today. We must've visited half a dozen stores, not to mention hovering around the mall for hours and hours. I really don't mind shopping. It's just, when your standing there on the hard floor, doing nothing in particular, waiting for your sister to finish looking at stuff that she will most likely will not buy... it gets a little... um... how shall I put this... BORING.

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Okay, I slept horrible last night.

First off, I didn't fall asleep til 1:00 AM. Then half an hour later, I wake up to find the fans are off, it's hot, I'm extremely tired, and I keep hearing this "Beep... beeeeep.... beep..." I tried turning the fan back on, just to see if I could, and it didn't turn on. So the power was out.

I'm used to listening to the nice hum of the fan, but when it was off, the house was so quiet... it was almost creepy. I didn't really know what to do. There was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep when it was like that. Especially when all I hear is that obnoxious beeping noise. Further more, I heard someone in the shower. Who takes a shower at 1:30 in the morning?! I figured it was either my sister or one of my brothers.

So I sat there, in my bed, hating every minute of it. I still couldn't believe that I had only gotten half an hour of sleep. I literally prayed to God to turn the appliances back on. Eventually, whoever was in the shower got out, and I heard him/her walking around going upstairs, then downstairs, then upstairs... then downstairs again, into the room which was making that horrible beeping noise. The beeping noise then stopped. Then, "Thump thump thump, squeak," up the stairs again.

Thankfully, half an hour later, the fans were back on. Shortly after that, I slept like a brick.

Then, what felt like four hours later, but was actually six, I see my dad come in and turn the fan off. I was so tired I just mumbled, "I know..." and fell back to sleep. Then two hours later, I wake up and feel somewhat better, but still wanted to get more sleep. Then my brother tells me it's almost 10:00, and I need to get up. So I did.

I come down stairs, and my eyes hurt, with the main thing on my mind being, "I slept horrible last night..." I fix myself some breakfast, sit down, and think more so than eat. A couple minutes later, my other brother walks by and sees me eating breakfast in my pajamas. He stopped and asked me, "You just got up?" I replied yes, and then told him I slept terrible last night. We then started talking about last nights events, and I found out that so did he. I told him I heard someone in the shower, and we suspected it was my other brother. Of course I knew that he had a tendency for staying up late, but 1:30? We talked some more, and I see him walk by, and evidently had just gotten out of the shower. I asked him if he was the one was in it last night, and he said yeah.

This goes on and on, but at the bottom of it all, we still don't know why the power went out. I mean, there was no thunderstorm or anything...At any rate, I'm just glad the long night is finally over. icon_razz.gif

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Went to the "First Friday," of July at the church, mainly to socialize. All the youth group really did was play dodge ball. I didn't exactly have fun, but for all intents and purposes I'm glad I went because it helps me get better at talking to people... although, I really didn't talk much. I kept thinking, "I need to talk to someone, but I have no idea what to say. I'm horrible at this." So I walked up to one girl and said, "I cannot start conversations, so do it for me." Lol, then she said, "Well, that's why you join the crowd! Make people think you're part of it, that's what I do. People are talking around me and I just go, 'yeah, yeah, uh huh.'" She's actually the girl I like most, 'cause she's funny and friendly.

Before the whole dodge ball stuff started, I was in a room with all the 9th graders/highschoolers. There were tables around and stuff. The problem was, there really weren't any seats left. At least, no seats at all the tables where most the girls were. I just kind of pulled up a chair, sat there for a while... eventually I couldn't bear just sitting at the sidelines, not talking to anyone. So I got up, walked to the table where most the girls were, and kind of pretended that I was watching the two guys next to the table playing ping pong. I saw that girl I mentioned at the table, so I hoped to somehow get a seat. After a while of standing there, trying to not quite be noticed, but be noticed, (if that makes any sense,) I waited for a pause in the conversation, and struck up a conversation with her, saying, "Hey, you're [insert name], right?" She looked at me, and I was met with a friendly, "Yeah! I didn't see you at the Mix, were you there?" (Just so you know, the "Mix" was a certain camp like place that the church was hosting or whatever.) I told her no, and things kind of went from there. I was able to get a seat and the whole bit. Still wasn't really able to talk much. (I'm so socially awkward, aren't I?)

Anyway, on the drive back I told my mom of how things went. She said she was really proud of me for not really forcing myself in the conversation, but not being too fearful to kind of jump in.

The rest of the day before THAT was spent doing chores in the morning, surfing the web, and I had a lot of fun learning the song Fire by Augustana. I loved the piano composition, and it was in my vocal range, so I just up and decided to learn it. It's a really beautiful song. If you haven't heard of it, look it up.

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Goodness, I think this year this is the hottest it's ever been. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Goodness, I think this year this is the hottest it's ever been. :-P

Take whatever heat your currently experiecing, darling, and add a broken air-conditioner to it...thats how i feel right now. :o

Also, on a netbook? i've been cotemplating get one of those...just don't know if they can handle low level "steam" action.

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Goodness, I think this year this is the hottest it's ever been. :-P

"Today's forecast: All of the United States is on fire."

Well, today is the day before the wedding. Right now I'm in a hotel in Pennsylvania, typing on a Netbook. Yesterday was pretty nice. Went to my sister's bachelorete (have no idea how to spell that,) party, and had a lot of fun. Our inlaws are such nice people. Today, however, is going to be the wedding rehearsal. I'm also wondering if I'll be able to see our cousins today... haven't seen them in years.

Good to see you've been enjoying yourself.
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I am everywhere you want to be, Lord Shen!
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I am everywhere you want to be, Lord Shen!

Witty words is all i smell, Shaper! When i wave my hand of influence things happen!!! *kicks futher ranting to chat room*

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Take whatever heat your currently experiecing, darling, and add a broken air-conditioner to it...thats how i feel right now. ohmy.gif

Also, on a netbook? i've been cotemplating get one of those...just don't know if they can handle low level "steam" action.

Actually, yeah, the hotel isn't the best of quality. The AC=stupid because it doesn't get rid of the humidity in the room. But, I suppose it half works.
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I'm not gonna lie, I wish my topic was more organized like Peter's. :lol: That and interesting. I shouldn't have even started one of these. :P I could just let it die, but I always end up having something else to say after weeks of "Nothing-special-happening! :D" Suffice to say I'd much rather have a clean start... Maybe I'll just let it die, wait three years, and start over. :P

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I'm not gonna lie, I wish my topic was more organized like Peter's. :lol: That and interesting. I shouldn't have even started one of these. :-P I could just let it die, but I always end up having something else to say after weeks of "Nothing-special-happening! :D" Suffice to say I'd much rather have a clean start... Maybe I'll just let it die, wait three years, and start over. :-P

make things seem intresting :-P like how i went bunge jumping last week and the rubber band broke sending my hurrdling at the gorund before a gaint eagle swooped in and saved me, if you get what i mean ;) Organization is nice. But my journal is the seconed or 3rd largest and is anything but. The key is consistancy. Sometimes what you post doesn't have to be important to others. I use my journal to archeive my self. I read my own pages and see how i have changed. I preserve memories and emotions. Its for YOUR own benefit. Make it what you want it to be about. And just keep at it.
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make things seem intresting :-P like how i went bunge jumping last week and the rubber band broke sending my hurrdling at the gorund before a gaint eagle swooped in and saved me, if you get what i mean ;) Organization is nice. But my journal is the seconed or 3rd largest and is anything but. The key is consistancy. Sometimes what you post doesn't have to be important to others. I use my journal to archeive my self. I read my own pages and see how i have changed. I preserve memories and emotions. Its for YOUR own benefit. Make it what you want it to be about. And just keep at it.

Haha, sure...Or how I was sitting at my desk in my room when all of a sudden I grew so huge that I fell off the planet, and my mom got really mad at me because I was supposed to be doing my homework at the time. :P (Kudos if anyone here gets the reference. ;))

I guess you're right... I'd still like my topic to be more organized and not just this big wall of text that is a huge bore to read. :lol:

And yeah, I do enjoy seeing how I change over the years... sort of how I like how my art has changed so much since the first post in my art topic. :P

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It was good! your voice is very clear, but the audio on your recorder made it a little harder to hear, and you need to sing louder then you play!

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Whew... that's good to know. Yeah, I forgot to say the quality is pretty darn bad. :P But alas, I cannot make it any better because, really, that video was like, 10, 12 megabytes. And you know what's really annoying? It took half an hour to upload. I'm not kidding. Then when it got to 93 percent, our modem died, as it often does, and I had to rebut the modem and re-upload the whole thing.

Now, I shrank this video as much as I could, making it for email/instant messaging, so if it's that hard for us to upload, think of how hard it would be to upload a 150 megabyte file. :/ What would help is if I had a mike, so that you can hear me clearer, but I don't. :P If you can't hear it very well, I would suggest you get out some headphones and turn up the volume. That might help. *shrug*

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Changed my avatar. I think it's hilarious.

Edit: Also, we have TF2 now. The game is pretty awesome. I haven't played it in a while, but I'm practicing on becoming a reliable sniper. I find it very satisfying to get head-shots... that and stabbing people in the back as a spy. That's always fun.

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