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Noble Street College Prep school charges students fines for breaking minor rules.


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Yeah, that's right. The Noble Street College Prep school is charging students real money for minor infractions. If they doze in class, use their cell phones, talk in class, have a slight uniform misalignment, or bring chips to school, they are fined a total of five dollars.


I think this is a bit steep for minor rules. It has results, students don't break rules, but is it really necessary to go to this much of an extreme just to get kids to behave?

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It's sad to say, but if money is the only thing youngsters react to, then I guess, yeah...

If their parents educated them properly, taught them the respect of rules of life in society, the well-behaving, values and such, it shouldn't be needed though!

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I remember when you could bring your own food to school.

At my old high school, I used to go to a local restaurant during lunch, and get a pound of chili, and eat it in the class after lunch.

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So, could it be that those schools wants to make money because they board stiff? Or once again from the pants thread situation, I mentioned about public debts that could be another reason why. I think it's ridiculous to have fines implemented on students for breaking small rules to fights. As I further read the article:

Chadie Morris, 16, a sophomore at Noble Street College Prep, carries a 3.8 grade-point average at Noble Street College Prep, but figures she has paid $45 already this year for such things as talking in class.

"Sometimes it can be about the littlest things and you can still get demerits," she said. "Demerits are horrible; detentions are horrible."

This student that has a good grade average yet gets demerits for breaking small rules to me is outrageous!

Remember that parents pay their city taxes that funds their public schools? Well I think there is no need for additional money made off of students that break certain rules. The taxes should already fund those schools (hopefully).

Just like you said Psygonis that students react to the money then somethings wrong with the parents! Totally agree with you there. But then kids will be kids. Untied shoes for demerits? hmm....

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