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Krystal fan or no?


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The point of this topic is to see how many Krystal fans are on this site. I don't hate her. I don't love her. I kind of just like her.

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[Wouldn't this topic be better off with a poll?]

Personally, I don't really mind her as a character in the games. She doesn't seem to add much nor detract anything, but then again, characterization is so bad that no character seems to do that either. I definitely love the fanart though, :lol:

*Waits for lonewolf's inevitable post* :D

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Nope, cannot stand her.

She's bland, even more so than the other characters, adds very little to the story and creates far more plot holes than the series needs. She reminds me of when you have a friend that always brings his girlfriend along to places, and she's always there but never really talks or contributes to the conversation and is just there because he is. The difference is however that Fox and Krystal have zero character development as a couple, she's literally "Fox's Girlfriend" and in my eyes after Star Fox 64, when Nintendo were looking to further the series I can hardly imagine a romantic subplot was top of the list of priorities. Its a space shooter, Fox does not need a girlfriend. Not to mention the whole farce that was command was caused by her throwing a hissy fit when Fox tried to protect her.

So yeah, I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan. She's functionally useless and also gives Star Fox fans in general a bad rep, as she's pretty much the spokesperson for the Furry side of the series.

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in my eyes after Star Fox 64, when Nintendo were looking to further the series I can hardly imagine a romantic subplot was top of the list of priorities.

appearently it was, but yeah starfox didnt need any romance. And if it did why not stick with Fara

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I have no idea why people keep opening this can of worms. Behave yourself, Milkshake.

Part of me wants to say "NO, LET MILKY UNLEASH HIS FURY, ITS FUNNY" and the other part of me wants to say "Milky is probably burnt out so bad on this topic he couldn't rage even if he was shown a thousand Krystal pinup drawing".

Oh wait I just said both teehee.

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She's pretty, but horribly abused by the fandom, and absolutely useless to Star Fox. I like her, sure, but I'm sure as hell not a fan.

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She's fun, her accent in some games is amazingly attractive, As far as not being a furry, I can still say if she shaved all that fur, I'd hit it.

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I can still say if she shaved all that fur, I'd hit it.

*Mental Image Created*


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oh god Krystal would look like one of those hairless cats if she shaved her entire body.

Anyway, as much as I like her design, Krystal presents too many problems and there's been no effort made to make her more than a sex object so, no, I don't really care for her.

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yes, a fan is what i'd call myself. Krystal is my seconed favorite character to fox and while i don't think she atrributes to the actual team star fox as much as other members she is far from usless, and its my belief that she actualy contributes to game more then several of ther characters. I have no regret that she entred the seires, infact i know that i wouldn't be near the fan i am of star fox with out her. While she isn't a perfect character and can be considered dry, she is realy only as plain as other characters. the only draw back i feel because of krystal is the negative attention star fox gets for having the biggest yiff icon.

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Not really. I find her to be a throw-away character. She doesn't have much personality.

Miyu's never been developed, but I think she's a lot cooler than Krystal. lol

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Oh great, one of these topics again.

I like the character, but I think that she could or could have done a little bit more throughout the last couple of games. Lets just hope that if they decide to make more Star fox games, they begin to flesh out more about her.

And if it did why not stick with Fara

Because she was only in the 1992 comic which is considered to be not canon.

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Lets just hope that if they decide to make more Star fox games, they begin to flesh out more about her.

I've said it once and I'll say it again; if there is another fully-fledged Star Fox game anytime soon, I hope they actually flesh out/characterize EVERYONE. All of the characters, places, ideas, etc, are in dire need of some details!

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I've said it once and I'll say it again; if there is another fully-fledged Star Fox game anytime soon, I hope they actually flesh out/characterize EVERYONE. All of the characters, places, ideas, etc, are in dire need of some details!

And if our demands are not as expected.......Well then better grab your pitchforks and torches. :-P

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And if our demands are not as expected.......Well then better grab your pitchforks and torches. :-P

Way ahead of you;



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Part of me wants to say "NO, LET MILKY UNLEASH HIS FURY, ITS FUNNY" and the other part of me wants to say "Milky is probably burnt out so bad on this topic he couldn't rage even if he was shown a thousand Krystal pinup drawing".

Oh wait I just said both teehee.

Both are true to different degrees, so I'll just leave a reaction video. Wall = thread

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Nothing wrong with Krystal. Nothing at all. The way she was introduced was fine and she may not be a valuable asset to the SF team/universe, but she's a nice character all around.

Idk where all this hate came from.

But no, I'm not "a fan". :S

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[Wouldn't this topic be better off with a poll?]

Personally, I don't really mind her as a character in the games. She doesn't seem to add much nor detract anything, but then again, characterization is so bad that no character seems to do that either. I definitely love the fanart though, :lol:

*Waits for lonewolf's inevitable post* :D

Tried to do that. I don't understand why it wouldn't show up.

Anywho, thank goodness most people here aren't, "Krystal? *drool*" More of, "Krystal? HRNNNNNN"

I'm sorry if I repeated an old topic. I figured the subject has probably already been discussed. But, I wasn't there to see it, so there. :P

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I'm a fan of Krystal for purely non-sexual reasons. I am the 1%.

That being said, she's my favourite video game character.

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Good character concept, terribly executed.

Fan of the character? Yes.

Fan of nintendo's portrayal of her? No.

Fan of nintendo's portrayal of her in Command? Fucking hell, not in the slightest.

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I definitely love the fanart though, :lol:

*Waits for lonewolf's inevitable post* :D



Alright, besides that, my actual opinion on Krystal. Whilst she's hot and I probably would do her, her character is paper thin. Pretty much, I don't look at her and say "Yeah, she's a cool character" I look at her and go "I'D HIT THAT". Essentially I see Krystal as a female just there for the fact she's female. I also agree with scourge, she's a great idea, but the way they portray her is inconsistent and not even all that well done across her 3 different personalities.

Quite honestly, I prefer Miyu because she's a clean slate and open for development, not soiled by inconsistent character. Or even Katt, she's consistent.


Now look me in the eye and say you wouldn't hit that.

And don't hate, most of you knew my stance anyways.

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How did i know you'd wheel out the best Krystal fanart ever?

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