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Q-Game Break-in.


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"I'm a man of many talents but psychiatry is not one of them." Nick said. "Kage? Fedora? Does Waffles do this often or should we be concerned?"

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"Waffles' default state is what you normals call "broken" " Fedora said. "But to be fair, WE'RE not sure what to call it either."

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"Right then," Nick said, "I say we just leave him in the corner until he comes back around. Any objections?"

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"OBJECTION" Waffles roared in nicks ear, making the trip from the fetal position to nicks ear in the same amount of time it takes a cognative process to occure. But lacking anything meanign full to say, waffles simply Said, yelling again but this time at a normal volume. "I think kittens are adorable"

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Nick recovered from Waffles outburst and blatant disregard for personal space rather quickly. "Kittens are indeed adorable," Nick responded, patting Waffles lightly on the head.

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"I feel ACOMPLISHED!" He cried, tears coming forth like the run over of a dam on a windy day. He sat down in his chair and looked immensly pleased with himself..

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"There there pal." Fedora said while patting Waffles on the back. "Ya did good. Real good." Fedora looked up as if inspired "Why. It's like the time........." Moment ruined. " Yeah, I got nothing."

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"Quick, Waffles, why is a raven Like a wrighting desk?",Kid quickly asked testing his mentality

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"The Dewey Decimal System!" He shouted, grabbing Starkid's shoulder and pulling him close, his eyes a soulless husk of the intellect WAffles had shown before.

"The Ides of March!... NO! I KNOW! Because both produce a few notes, although both are flat and one is nevar put with the wrong end in front."

Waffles was silents. "KITTANS"

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"Poe wrote on both" Fedora said remembering the quote from somewhere. "Either that or the Mad Hatter never knew the answer himself." Fedora thought about that for a minute. "So we now have proven that Waffles is totally sane" he said satisfactorily.

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"Sane? WHERE IS HE ILL CUT HIS HEAD OFF!" Waffles roared, withdrawing his cavalry sabre and weilding it with absolutly no training, swinging it around the confined space. Where he got the Sabre is best left to the sands of time, for nowhere on his body was it present 3 seconds before.

"Sane Owes me MONEY!"

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"PEACE, MAN! PEACE!" Fedora yelled. "We'll, uh, find Sane in Japan."

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"Well the answer is because eventually they both croke",Kid replied.

"And Put That Damn Sword Away Before You Hurt Someone!!!",Kid added in a stern tone.

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"OBJECTION" Waffles yelled, the Sword being neatly deposited back into the 4th dimention. "Carrel never gave an answer you PHILISTINE!" He then considered it to be a victory, and did a victory lap around the small compartment.

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"He's right ya know," Nick added pulling out his phone he began to read from an article on the subject " Lewis Carroll himself got bugged about this so much that he was moved to write the following in the preface to the 1896 edition of his book: Inquiries have been so often addressed to me, as to whether any answer to the Hatter's Riddle can be imagined, that I may as well put on record here what seems to me to be a fairly appropriate answer, viz: 'Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front!' This, however, is merely an afterthought; the Riddle, as originally invented, had no answer at all. That's the closest we ever got to a real answer from the source."

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The cockpit door opened, the jet now on autopilot. A very confused Kage walked in rubbing his temples, "What is going on here?" He asked, "I can hear you all from the cockpit and my navigator is gone. For all we know, we could be flying south to Africa by now!"

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Icy was sitting back quietly, partially hidden from the others, laughing at what was going on around him. He was also admiring the view from the windows.

He still didn't say anything, though, but just continued chuckling...


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"Well I'm glad one of us finds humor in this, maybe there still hope after all", Kid commented


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  • 3 weeks later...

"I don't get it? Haven't we all been humorous?" Fedora said. The realization then came to him that this "operation" was closer to a comedy act than a theft of a game beta. How far away is Japan anyway?!

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"ALL THE WAY" Waffles shouted, reading the subtext and answering as best he could in the circumstances. "IMMA CIRCUM YOUR STANCE" Waffles then shouted at the voices, who thinks that Waffles needs a sedative. "NO YOU"

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  • 4 weeks later...

"The Flight continued on for several more hours as the band of friends discussed amongst themselves to pass the time and soon made there first checkpoint... Ireland.

"Well Would you look at that... beautiful, isn't it?",Kid asked as Ireland came in to view below.

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As they changed headings, Kage looked outside, then back at his instruments. He pointed to the GPS, at a string of letters that read "EIDW"

"Nick, can you radio Dublin Airport and request a landing?" He asked, "The frequency is 128.600"

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Nick did as he was told, tuning in to the aforementioned frequency and relaying the request.

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'Aye, Clearance Given... Welcome to Dublin lads',Came the reply from the airport over the radio

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