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Describe the user above

Geo Stelar

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Just as the title says. Describe the user above, but if you can, stay neutral or just be positive.


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He likes to entertain himself while at the same time entertaining others. As well as occasionally taking absences from the site. But when he is here, he makes sure to post like there is no tomorrow.

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He always knows how to point out the best in people, yet is never afraid to speak his mind and show you where you can improve. :)

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is a guy who never holds back in stating his opinion about anything.

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He always brings a cheerful mood where ever he posts. :3

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Always nice and happy in her posts. Creates a cheerful mood and brightens up the forums.

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Is a great person, with some of the best overall art I've had the pleasure to view. :)

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is a good guy with a great and cheerful personality who never fails to bring humor to almost every post he makes.

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From what i can see, he has a lot of interest in videogames, and have a preferance for some characters, , the number of post tells me he is an active user, so he finds this comunity very interesting and have good topics to talk about, so he always has something to make people reflect, he seems to be like a nice person to talk in real life, due to the fact that all his comments are always positive so i think he actually is someone who values peoples thoughts, so sharing and learning different points of view may be one of his interests, that implies that he cares about helping others. :-).

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he is fairly new to SF-O so I don't know much about him.

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Won't risk any misjudgements and is always bringing new ideas to the table. An overall great user to be around too! ^_^

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Haven't seen him around too much, but I know he likes ponies and funny avatars. lol

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Is a good guy who likes sharing whatever he finds interesting and funny to others, as well as to see what other people like. He also is more active in the rec room, like me.

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Seems to be a good friendly person, understanding and compliments others too!

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Is an incredibly fun person to chat with, and somehow always manages to stay active on this site. :)

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A talkative patron of the under appreciated, generally knows what the main subject is even if he is uninvolved, and is ready to use his mod powers if necessary but mostly ignores the title.

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He almost always sees the best in others. Also he thinks about what he is going to say before going on to post it. A user with initiative, and one of the users whom I see worthy of a site position.

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  • 3 months later...

YOung, happy, and always seeming happy when other peole arent.

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While at times he may seem confused about what he wants and does not always consider his actions, he always means well, and makes for a trustworthy companion and an entertaining one at times.

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(Aww thats really sweet buddy ^_^)

Seems to keep to himself, and can be quite serious but is alwasy up for a good laugh or two, and doesn't seem like a bad person.

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He's Falco Lombardi after he gets burned to death and goes to Hell and joins the Brotherhood of Shadow.

(note: if you don't follow Mortal Kombat mythos you won't get it)

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(I'm not reall Falco though ;))

I don't really know the user very well, BUT they seem knowledgable about games that have lasted for ages, so thats a start :)

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