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Ugh, yeah, let's avoid the bullshit strawman political cartoons obviously written by grumpy old men whose idea of "liberals" is "greasy stoned-out hippies" and whose idea of "feminist" is "butch lesbian who wants supreme control over the male population".

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Ugh, yeah, let's avoid the bullshit strawman political cartoons obviously written by grumpy old men whose idea of "liberals" is "greasy stoned-out hippies" and whose idea of "feminist" is "butch lesbian who wants supreme control over the male population".

Sorry, never really saw the political tones. Just found it while searching for my essay...


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Eh I'd consider it a "political cartoon" when it's 1) dealing with a Big Issue hotly debated in politics and 2) painfully unfunny

The fact that the artist went out of his way to give the woman female-symbol earrings makes the misogynist slant a little obvious.

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Well...I can only speak for my country the good o' U.S. of A. and here I think abortions are only considered for truly legitamite reasons aside from once every blue moon.

Abortion is an intensely personal decision and i do not believe that words on paper can dictate how one should handle it. However if it is to be done, i wish that more institutions would offer and even encourge clinical abortions. However you slice this cake, I DO NOT approve of: in home, on the street, or do-it-yourself abortions...its way too dangerous...

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However you slice this cake, I DO NOT approve of: in home, on the street, or do-it-yourself abortions...its way too dangerous...

Well, that's another reason of legalization. Legal ones = less clandestine ones

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I'm gonna go ahead and say this cuz it needs to be said...DAMN YOU NINTENDO...we really need another starfox game don't we :lol: i mean just go to the forums and look at the side bar of new topics...

otherwise guys...plz continue...

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Yes. Making abortion illegal is not going to stop them. It'll just make them infinitely more unsafe. My great aunt had to get a hysterectomy after a botched abortion and has had medical problems since.

This was in Nazi Germany, just so you know. Where it's kind of understandable that you don't want a kid.

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As a child who would not exist if my mother had not had an abortion: Uh, hi. (She has had both an abortion and stillbirths, I can tell you right now the stillbirths are marginally more painful emotionally than the abortions.)

As for my opinion, I follow the general direction this thread is going. It's going to happen anyways, I'd rather spend the money to make sure it's as safe for a woman as any other surgery.

EDIT: And by marginally, I mean vastly, derp.

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As a child who would not exist if my mother had not had an abortion: Uh, hi. (She has had both an abortion and stillbirths, I can tell you right now the stillbirths are marginally more painful emotionally than the abortions.)

As for my opinion, I follow the general direction this thread is going. It's going to happen anyways, I'd rather spend the money to make sure it's as safe for a woman as any other surgery.

EDIT: And by marginally, I mean vastly, derp.

Well, generally women have their mind set on why they are aborting, stillbirths just can happen to anyone...

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And sometimes, like the woman in the story I posted, they don't want to abort, but they have to for medical reasons :/

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See people, we can discuss this on a civil manner...

BTW, Your opinion on the countries than have a "NO EXCEPTION BAN" (not even if they're dying) on it? (Chile, Honduras, El Salvador, etc.)

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I think that abortion should be legal for the circumstances in which a child is concieved. If a woman is raped, or will die if she tries to give birth, I think those would be some cases in which an abortion is appropriate. Otherwise, if a child is concieved out of wedlock, or they do not want a child, then it's their problem, and they should have practiced safe sex or abstinence. So, for me, I dislike abortion, but there are just some situations in which one would be needed.

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practiced safe sex or abstinence.

See, here's the problem.

Birth control is expensive because a bunch of grumpy old men refuse to cover it in health care (while they go off and pop their insured Viagra), and if you can't afford birth control, you're probably nowhere near being able to afford a baby. But because you can't afford birth control, you are more likely to accidentally concieve--and don't pretend that abstinence works, because it really doesn't--and likely to need an abortion because you cannot physically, emotionally, and financially handle a baby. And no, adoption isn't an option if finance is the problem because pregnancies demand constant check-ups, dietary change, maternity clothes, and more.

"Well she had sex, it's her problem!"

And here comes the disturbing anti-choice hypocrisy: using an unwanted fetus as a "punishment" for women having sex. This is why abortion is acceptable in cases of rape, but not willing sex, even though the end result is still a dead fetus. It's because the latter requires the woman actually wanting to have sex, which is icky, and any woman who wants to have sex is a big dirty slut and should be punished, right? No.

If you dislike abortion as a form of birth control, then support birth control coverage for those who can't otherwise afford it, so that they hopefully won't need an abortion because they have the resources to actually practice safe sex. While you're at it, throw a bone to proper sex education, because it's completely abysmal in America.

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I do have an interesting point, not sure if it was made here. Early abortions are performed within the month the woman finds out she's pregnant, are they not? And if so, by then the "fetus" is no more than a grouping of cells. If I am not mistaken, it takes a bit longer than a month to miscarriage, right? Therefore, it could very well just die anyway, giving it only the potential to be life, not the guarantee.

Now let's take this to other cells, like the sperm cell from the male. Men masturbate, it's a fact. It's also a fact that if they don't, the sperm cells die off anyway, thus creating the death of cells that could potentially be human life, kind of like abortion? And women, they ovulate once a month, the eggs die and are replaced by new ones(If my health teacher didn't fuck up my education on the female reproductive system, this stands... Right?) Well, when the eggs die, there goes more potential for human life.

The OBVIOUS solution is to keep having sex so that we don't kill humans, right? RIGHT!?

Anyway, when used responsibly, abortion is not a bad thing. Not in my eyes, it's just sometimes I cringe to think of certain people I know who would try to fall back on that every time instead of using other methods(Yeah, they exist).

Anyway, if I mistook anything, please shed some light on it, feedback is nice to have.

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