Drasiana Posted March 21, 2012 Share Posted March 21, 2012 Hi kids! It's your favourite curmudgeonly internet yeti, Captain Dras! And today we're going to talk about BIRTH CONTROL! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Now, as some of you might not know, birth control has become quite the thing in recent debates in the good ol' US of A. Primarily, a number of bills and controversies are floating about on whether or not birth control should be covered by health insurance, and whether or not your boss should be able to deny you coverage based on their religious beliefs! Isn't that stupid? Let's demonstrate why. Once upon a time there was a woman named Sandra Fluke. Sandra is a law student that testified that women's birth control should be covered by healthcare, even within religiously-affiliated institutes. One of the cases she brought as justification was the story of a friend of hers, who suffered from polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is where giant gross cysts grow on your ovaries! What else, is that it's one of the most common endocrine diseases in women and can cause numerous health problems. What do doctors prescribe to keep these horrid growths at bay? Birth control pills. But, largely due to ignorance as to what birth control actually is, many organizations do not cover this even when desperately needed. Women often have to pay over a hundred dollars a month to purchase birth control. And when Sandra's friend could not do this any more, her ovary became so dominated by a cyst she had no choice but get it removed. This has caused her many symptoms associated with menopause. This woman is 32 years old. Because of the twisted humour of the powers that be (not God, the government), a woman may no longer be able to have children. Then there's the fact that early-onset menopause can lead to cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. All this because she was denied birth control. Then came the insults. You also may or may not be familiar with the shameful slamming against Ms. Fluke and her stories from infamous sack of hatemeat Rush Limbaugh. Unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh is only king of the hatemeat, so there is a legion of hategiblets for him to watch over. These are the kind of people that deny birth control coverage because they are of the belief that anyone who needs it is...let him speak for himself: She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. Now, there are many parts of this sentence that make Mr. Limbaugh and his supporters look like massive idiots.The birth control pill is a fixed dosage. You could have sex once, you could have sex fifty times, you could be abstinent and using it for unrelated medical problems. The number of pills you take has absolutely nothing to do with how often you have sex.MEN BUY CONDOMS. Let's talk about men for a second. As Limbaugh demonstrated, this whole birth control thing is being equated to "hardcore feminazis demanding we pay for all the slutty sex they're having". Alongside the bizarre implication that the sex isn't monogamous, even between married couples, it's also for some reason not putting men in the equation either. See, men also like having sex. And men also do not want to be suddenly saddled with a baby. Ergo, men are often the ones supporting the use of birth control in their relationships! Why this isn't acknowledged seems strange to me. I could talk about how, as usual, it's a symptom of only male sexuality being acceptable, but there's something more interesting to talk about. Women's birth control is not covered by most health insurance. Fucking Viagra is. Yes, kids, the same grouchy old men sitting on a panel, decrying women concerned for their reproductive health as whores, are very likely the same men who go home that night to pop their insurance-covered dick pills. Viagra, and pills like it, can be used to treat other disorders, but anyone who's ever recieved a spam message knows its primary function. Give me a moment. I'm about to say something incredibly stupid for the sake of making a point: "He wants us to pay for him to have sex. He's having so much sex that he broke his dick. He wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay to fix his dick so he can continue to whore himself out. Can you imagine if you're his parents how proud of your son you'd be? There he is, come up to congressional hearing and testifies that he's having so much sex that he can't afford his own four-hour erections, and is agreed with that Obama or the Pope should provide him the means. So, here's the deal, you mascunazis: if we're going to pay for your boner pills, and thus pay you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is: We want you to post the videos online so we can make fun of your tiny shrivelled dick." Yeah, see, how dumb I look? Let's be frank, here, folks. Abstinence doesn't work. They teach you "sex is bad" and nothing about actually having sex, and then wonder why on earth STI's are spread. Guys, when you refuse to teach safe sex, and teenagers are notorious for wanting sex, they are going to have an awful lot of unsafe sex. This is not a hard equation to solve. The sex education system in America is flawed, and it's a flaw that persists in the denial of often medically necessary treatments for women based on the archaic fear of icky-wicky sluts. I was a lucky one. My sex education in high school was fantastic. We went over every means of birth control--the pill, condoms, sponges, abortion, you name it--and while abstinence was an option, no one was trying to trick us into thinking it was one that worked for everyone. Gay sex exists. Transgenders exist. And here, this is how to build a healthy relationships and what are signs of an abusive one. Men abuse women. Women abuse men. Men abuse men and women abuse women. And men, women and genderqueer folk are equally responsible in whatever relationships they pursue. Oh, look. My entire graduating class--small town community, you know how word spreads--has since had one pregnancy, and I'm pretty sure it was intentional. And look at how many of us have been to college, have jobs, have stable relationships with friends and family! And it's possible that you can be a contributing member to society while having sex? Egads, Jenkins, check the readings, I think we've entered an alternate dimension! No, just the real world. SO, my children, to sum up this gigantic post that I could likely continue for pages if I didn't have actual work to do: TL;DRWomen need birth control for medical necessities, as well as reproductive health.WTF @ Viagra getting coverage and birth control notEmployers should not be able to deny medically necessary treatments based on their subjective beliefs.Sex education is necessary and doesn't really hurt anyoneIf you don't want to have sex, don't have sex.If you don't want other people to have sex, tough shit.No one knows fucking anything about birth control because some Americans are more freaked out by sex than they are of violence. NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX ED AND BIRTH CONTROL, KIDS and I will answer questions should you have them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faisul Posted March 21, 2012 Share Posted March 21, 2012 I hate to reduce my response to a stellar post such as this with a single image macro but at this time I am currently at a loss for words, so, eh. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LoneWolf Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 SO, my children, to sum up this gigantic post that I could likely continue for pages if I didn't have actual work to do: TL;DRWomen need birth control for medical necessities, as well as reproductive health.WTF @ Viagra getting coverage and birth control notEmployers should not be able to deny medically necessary treatments based on their subjective beliefs.Sex education is necessary and doesn't really hurt anyoneIf you don't want to have sex, don't have sex.If you don't want other people to have sex, tough shit.No one knows fucking anything about birth control because some Americans are more freaked out by sex than they are of violence. NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX ED AND BIRTH CONTROL, KIDS and I will answer questions should you have them Oh, okay thanks. ALRIGHT HERE WE GO MY SERIOUS OPINIONS GO The reason I see that birth control isn't covered is the same reason that they don't want sex ed, or the reason they don't sell condoms to minors. They don't want kids running around willy-nilly and screwing each other's brains out. However, it doesn't make sense, teens are going to continue doing so, no matter what. I mean, you're at the peak of your reproductive capability in your late teens - twenties. But then, the teenage brain is developing at the same time, and I think some people fail to comprehend that if you screw up, you now have 18 years of bad luck. So to solve this problem... They don't explain sex to kids. But wait, what? This perhaps makes teens more prone to exploring it on their own. Is it not better to just explain it to them, rather than having them go to a pornsite and figuring it out from there. Or even worse, trying it for themselves. I think it's pretty critical to explain just how big of a risk it is. And explaining it in scientific, educational terms isn't going to get the kids wanting sex. Not at all, in fact, it may prevent it, because they now know what it is, and probably have better things to do. The other thing: If you don't want people to have sex, then that's too bad. It's not your problem, it's theirs. I personally don't give a fudge. Go have sex if you want to. Go have gay sex if you want to. Not my business, not my problem. No one knows fucking anything about birth control because some Americans are more freaked out by sex than they are of violence This is one thing that confuses me. Let's use Germany as an example. They censor violent media, perhaps rightly so after being a major Axis force in both World Wars. However, sex on TV is absolutely fine. Violence is taboo, sex is not. That makes sense. However, in the good old US of A, we are cool with explicit violence, and not with explicit sex. This makes about as much sense as Ghandi riding a balloon on mars while eating popcorn. Sex is a natural part of life, violence is not. That has to be the longest post I've written in forever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drasiana Posted March 22, 2012 Author Share Posted March 22, 2012 or the reason they don't sell condoms to minors. uhhh hate to interrupt but they kind of do. My high school sex ed programs gave out condoms for free and encouraged buying them. Unless you mean people who WANT them to put an age limit on condoms? I don't think explaining sex to kids will make them not want it...hormones and all. But it will allow them to make more educated choices when it comes to their sex lives. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LoneWolf Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 uhhh hate to interrupt but they kind of do. My high school sex ed programs gave out condoms for free and encouraged buying them. Unless you mean people who WANT them to put an age limit on condoms? I don't think explaining sex to kids will make them not want it...hormones and all. But it will allow them to make more educated choices when it comes to their sex lives. But I thought...? Never mind. I dun goofed there, perhaps. Also, yeah, it allows for a more educated choice. Amurrica needs more of that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mjakob42 Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX ED AND BIRTH CONTROL, KIDS and I will answer questions should you have them HEY! Speaking of Kids and the whole sex ed/birth control, my solution to the whole issue lies within (part 1 of) the film below, and the film just so happens to be entitled Kids: NSFW WARNING http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMQvME-Hy9M&feature=plcp&context=C423f7e5VDvjVQa1PpcFMTDPLyusLfyyk_CHT0v6i7OTfcTWkYnFw%3D&skipcontrinter=1 I know it's kind of naive and stupid to think a film can impact issues like that being discussed in this thread (not to mention that my opinions on the issue would turn this thread into a broken record), but Kids presents very roughly what can happen when safe sex isn't practiced, along with showing the dark side of contemporary American youth. The rest of the film is available to watch on YouTube (in parts), so start watching to know where I'm getting at. In other words, it could be used as a sex-ed tool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thu'um Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 I don't understand were your getting kids arn't educated at school about sex, i have been required to take 5 YEARS of sex ed and i think am very well veresed on the subject matter. No doubt sex ed is important. Kids should know what their dealing with. I am NOT against birth control, but i don't support it either. I belive couple should have sex when planning to have a child. If you don't wanna have kids then sure go buy some condoms or a pill, much better then aborting a child later. But as for people having to provide medical service that may go agaisnt their religon is out of the question. I can't force them to go to church, why can they force me to provide abortions. I can't control people having sex, and god forbid i should! But If a man goes a drops the seed in his girlfriend, he is responable for his action. Not me, not any business owner, nobody but him self. Thats why kids need sex ed. so the can become aware about the results of their actions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 I don't understand were your getting kids arn't educated at school about sex, i have been required to take 5 YEARS of sex ed and i think am very well veresed on the subject matter. No doubt sex ed is important. Kids should know what their dealing with. Then you, like Dras, were lucky and got good sex ed. I know I didn't, and apparently not many do. I am NOT against birth control, but i don't support it either. I belive couple should have sex when planning to have a child. If you don't wanna have kids then sure go buy some condoms or a pill, much better then aborting a child later. Nobody mentioned abortion, man. Until you brought it up, this thread was about nothing but preventative maintenance. We have an abortion topic for abortion. This topic is for birth control. But as for people having to provide medical service that may go agaisnt their religon is out of the question. I can't force them to go to church, why can they force me to provide abortions. I can't control people having sex, and god forbid i should! But If a man goes a drops the seed in his girlfriend, he is responable for his action. Not me, not any business owner, nobody but him self. Thats why kids need sex ed. so the can become aware about the results of their actions. Nobody is trying to force anyone to provide abortions. That's what doctors who give abortions are for. This is about birth control pills, which aren't always covered in insurance, and why they should be, considering that aside from the obvious benefit contraceptives provide (irresponsible teens won't get saddled with a baby they can't afford, married couples who love each other can have sex without having to always worry about babies) the pill can help treat actual health issues, much like Viagra which is covered by health insurance. Really now. Did you even read the OP? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drasiana Posted March 22, 2012 Author Share Posted March 22, 2012 I really, really really love the amount of bitching AJC is doing about abortion after making a big production out of how he wasn't going to touch the topic at all. And now he's doing it in threads that aren't even about abortion while demonstrating a clear lack of knowledge of what the fuck anyone is talking about! FYI, there are plenty of doctors willing to do abortions. Medical coverage is the problem. And if you are paying for medical coverage, then that medical coverage should fucking cover the things you need medically provided. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 Well this is just silly (the reason for the topic and not the topic itself). Outside of... oh... what religion is it that's all fire and brimstone about birth control? Catholic, right? Anyway, outside of the over-zealous religious fanatics, I wasn't aware that birth control pills were such a hot topic. Which is stupid not only is there this health issue about birth control pills being treatments for medical conditions, condoms are only... what? Eighty-something percent effective, iirc. Something like that, which when talking about something that prevents pregnancy and the whole slew of issues that can come of it, 10-20% failure rate is too high, especially when the failure rate is escalated because people out there don't know not to "double bag" with condoms as latex rubbing against latex will tear both condoms to shreds, and that some personal lubricants can weaken and/or eat through the condom materials. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but once one starts taking birth control pills, it's relatively important to keep taking them as an "on again, off again" routine with them can throw your hormones completely out of whack, yes? Also, in the subject of general birth control discussion: Remember kiddies, even if a woman is taking birth control pills, it's a good idea to keep using condoms as it does help prevent the spread of communicable diseases, and also while birth control effectiveness is in the late 90's, it has been known to fail every now and then, so some extra protection doesn't hurt. Just be careful though, as I believe the lubricants that kill condoms are some of the ones with spermicide. And was AJC bitching about abortion? For some reason, I honestly couldn't make heads or tails of what he was trying to say, when I usually can. Though I have a feeling it's partially because when I was reading it, I could see Xort's Rainigel Dashberry avatar there and was hearing sounds in my brain the entire time I tried to read it. I belive couple should have sex when planning to have a child. Tell me how you think they'd accomplish having a child otherwise, unless you mean artificial insemination or a test-tube baby, at which point, why bring it up? If a couple is trying to have a baby, but still using contraceptives, that's actually good, as they shouldn't be breeding in the first place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drasiana Posted March 22, 2012 Author Share Posted March 22, 2012 If a couple is trying to have a baby, but still using contraceptives, that's actually good, as they shouldn't be breeding in the first place. Holy shit hahahahaha I seriously just broke out in a peal of psychotic drunken laughter and hope my neighbor forgives me because I undoubtedly woke him up. Thank you for that. Anyway, yeah you're spot on about most of those points there. In fact, let's talk about condoms for a bit. I'm glad you brought up spermicide. Spermicide is nasty. It can do nasty things to you. Try not to use it. Condoms themselves, well, they can be sort of pricey. That is, when you have to buy them at the store, rather than get some nice little rubbers for free from an organization liked Planned Parenthood...which keeps getting funding cut by old men terrified of vaginas who take the Onion seriously. As far as the on-again off-again thing, that is true. Many women actually use birth control to regulate their periods. Lots of women have some pretty fucked-up menstrual cycles that either a) are accompanied by crippling cramps, nausea or headaches b) come whenever the hell they feel like it and last for way longer than they should. Living under the constant fear of a random visit by mother nature with a vengeance is not particularily pleasant, but it's another thing that birth control can ease. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 T'was my pleasure. And yes, I have heard spermicides can have some rather bad side effects, plus due to potential irritation, can increase the risk of catching HIV. Plus it is a very ineffective contraceptive. Best case scenario, you're looking at a 30% chance of failure. Average scenarios, closer to 40% chance. Just get some danged condoms. If you're so broke/cheap you can't really afford the condoms, then you really need 'em since dealing with a pregnancy and all that can follow, will be hell on earth for ya. And if you're really hard up (lolpun) for spermicide, there are condoms already dosed with spermicide. As for what's his face there falling for the onion, well, I can't really talk because there was a point where I didn't know about The Onion, and saw a thing on TV where they were talking about a way to vent frustrations at a baby while not actually harming the baby. Think giant ass gyro bowl, with a shock absorbing, puncture resistant, fireproof core, and the baby is in a harness inside. I figured out it wasn't about the time they started talking about stabbing it, kicking it down stairs, and throwing it in the fireplace. Up until there, though, when it was talking about just shaking it and screaming your head off, well, my face when. Because sadly, I'm sure there are people out there who would love that product, and I wouldn't put it past people to try and sell it, if The Onion hadn't done the joke first. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if someone still tried to sell it. But this takes us back to the subject matter. Birth control, not a bad idea. Because unwanted, key word being unwanted, pregnancies can make your life hell, and there's no easy way to deal with 'em. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geo Stelar Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 (edited) In my country the government has developed a bill called the RH Bill, or Reproductive Health Bill, wherein it is stated that every family must have the sense to plan ahead about when or how many children they should have over a span of time, and/or use condoms or contraceptives. The Catholic Church doesn't support the RH Bill primarily because they are proudly upholding a quote from the bible, where God said: "Go forth and multiply" (Seriously, though? At present times multiplying has gone out of control, man!) I am, of course, supporting the bill, because our country (among many others) is overpopulated, and it doesn't hurt (nor should it be an issue) to make people come to their senses. Family planning must always be present, while using birth control is for those who are just cautious, while everybody else just doesn't care about the word 'overpopulation', or the abbreviation, 'STD' Edited March 23, 2012 by Geo Prime 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unoservix Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 ironically, Planned Parenthood actually prevents a lot of abortions by offering contraceptives and information to women. and "not getting pregnant" is the 100% surefire absolute guaranteed best way* to prevent an abortion! *no, abstinence is not it, abstinence doesn't stop anyone from having sex, it just stops them from knowing what the hell they're doing when they do have sex. seriously, i love the logic behind it though. "we'll tell teenagers not to do something, and they'll do what we told them to do!" it could only have been thought of by people who have never actually been or raised a teenager. and that's not even just "teenagers being shitheads," there's, like, biological urges and stuff behind it here too. it would be hilarious if it wasn't directly ruining so many lives. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 The Catholic Church doesn't support the RH Bill primarily because they are proudly upholding a quote from the bible, where God said: "Go forth and multiply" I guess "God" didn't think about how much it costs to raise a child (about 200 grand from year 1 to 18 in the States, without pampering) or how overpopulated our planet will get in the next decades. Seriously, as it is now, we should already have laws that would prevent people from spreading like bunnies. Last time I checked, we still can't live under the sea or out in space, and won't happen anytime soon. Birth control not only helps our environment (less people= less resources spent), but it also gives couples an economical breath. Sex is as natural as breathing, so the BS about "you should only have sex whenever you plan to have kids" is one of the biggest and most igno conservative comments I have ever heard, even some religious people in power recognize this. And so the rest is a matter of having Sex Ed. Hell, I remember cnn having a big ass news column a couple months ago about how the pregnancy rate in some counties in America went down after schools implemented a better Sex Ed system. Ironically enough, teenagers where having more sex than before, but the pregnancy rates and the STDs were substantially lower.The rest is just a matter of common sense. Still, most of the conservative States in the country are adamant on supporting it, and yet, these are the places with the worst teenager pregnancy rates. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harlow Posted March 22, 2012 Share Posted March 22, 2012 I can't wrap my head around it. I once saw a documentary about how someone was trying to create birth control pills for men. Which isn't a good idea since it's 100 million against 1. Which is easier to eliminate? So yeah, make the birth control pill more accessible (which is weird, since it's been a protagonist on all Sex Ed classes I've seen, so I guessed it would've been easy to get), or at least, make the morning-after pill the new condom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geo Stelar Posted March 23, 2012 Share Posted March 23, 2012 I guess "God" didn't think about how much it costs to raise a child (about 200 grand from year 1 to 18 in the States, without pampering) or how overpopulated our planet will get in the next decades. Seriously, as it is now, we should already have laws that would prevent people from spreading like bunnies. Last time I checked, we still can't live under the sea or out in space, and won't happen anytime soon. Birth control not only helps our environment (less people= less resources spent), but it also gives couples an economical breath. Sex is as natural as breathing, so the BS about "you should only have sex whenever you plan to have kids" is one of the biggest and most igno conservative comments I have ever heard, even some religious people in power recognize this. And so the rest is a matter of having Sex Ed. (I think God thought about it [besides, back in the very old days raising a child doesn't cost as much as it is now] It's just the humans that didn't think much ) Yeah I highly agree. However in my country the government and the church are still debating over this (which only started because some of the priests are too stubborn they insist what's on the Bible = not that I'm against them, but they must realize the word 'overpopulation'), that's why it has such become an issue, where it just takes common sense to know that at these times multiplying MUST be as minimized or as controlled as possible. Sex Ed is also being considered in my country now, but oddly the Church doesn't have any arguments about it. Hell, I remember cnn having a big ass news column a couple months ago about how the pregnancy rate in some counties in America went down after schools implemented a better Sex Ed system. Ironically enough, teenagers where having more sex than before, but the pregnancy rates and the STDs were substantially lower.The rest is just a matter of common sense. Still, most of the conservative States in the country are adamant on supporting it, and yet, these are the places with the worst teenager pregnancy rates. My country too. Pregnancy rates of teenagers are getting slowly as high as the pregnancy rates of older women. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drasiana Posted March 23, 2012 Author Share Posted March 23, 2012 make the morning-after pill the new condom. Eek, no no. The morning after pill is an "emergency" contraceptive for a reason. You shouldn't take one every time you have sex; it's really a huge dosage of hormones that has many varying side effects. It's recommended usage is as a backup in case a condom is torn, or the woman forgot to take a regular birth control pills. Keep in mind morning-after =/= regular birth control pill. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Posted March 23, 2012 Share Posted March 23, 2012 make the morning-after pill the new condom. Women can't take the morning after pill on a regular basis, it was designed as the last resource for "oops" situations, since it's basically a huge hormone nuke. If I remember well, women that take it need to wait a couple months before taking it again, because it can get dangerous. EDIT: loool ninja-ed (I think God thought about it [besides, back in the very old days raising a child doesn't cost as much as it is now] It's just the humans that didn't think much ) My point exactly, people that wrote the bible lots centuries ago didn't have capitalism and overpopulation in mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harlow Posted March 23, 2012 Share Posted March 23, 2012 As far as the on-again off-again thing, that is true. Many women actually use birth control to regulate their periods. Lots of women have some pretty fucked-up menstrual cycles that either a) are accompanied by crippling cramps, nausea or headaches b) come whenever the hell they feel like it and last for way longer than they should. Living under the constant fear of a random visit by mother nature with a vengeance is not particularily pleasant, but it's another thing that birth control can ease. My old Biology teacher said that women can kill during the period and that it's the only animal that bleeds for days and doesn't die... For each time of every month, women are zombies possessed by Satan :B Eek, no no. The morning after pill is an "emergency" contraceptive for a reason. You shouldn't take one every time you have sex; it's really a huge dosage of hormones that has many varying side effects. It's recommended usage is as a backup in case a condom is torn, or the woman forgot to take a regular birth control pills. Keep in mind morning-after =/= regular birth control pill. I'm not saying there should be PEZ dispensers for them, just make them accessible for many to have on their purses for "just in case" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drasiana Posted March 23, 2012 Author Share Posted March 23, 2012 Actually other animals menstruate. We found out the hard way before our cat got fixed and they even sell little pads for dogs. :B Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted March 23, 2012 Share Posted March 23, 2012 I once saw a documentary about how someone was trying to create birth control pills for men. Which isn't a good idea since it's 100 million against 1. Which is easier to eliminate? The pill and the sperm aren't going to duke it out to be king of the dude piston. That being said, I doubt it'd be as effective or as generally safe as the more tried and true female birth control pill. The female birth control pill works by tricking the body into thinking it's already pregnant, correct? That's not really an option for men, nor is there an option similar, so the only way I could see for a male birth control pill would be for a dosage of spermicide and possibly halted sperm production. I doubt this'd be safe or effective. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonia Mendoza Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 Simply put, the answer to why birth control and Sex Ed. shouldn't be an issue can be summarized in one word: 'Overpopulation' > No more, no less... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harlow Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 The female birth control pill works by tricking the body into thinking it's already pregnant, correct? That's not really an option for men, nor is there an option similar, so the only way I could see for a male birth control pill would be for a dosage of spermicide and possibly halted sperm production. I doubt this'd be safe or effective. Two theories were said: 1) Tricking the body into thinking he "finished" 2) Derp the sperm and stop them from moving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 The male pill is still under development, with still a long way to go. Mostly because it "supposedly" stops sperm from being "effective", but then again, you need to make sure millions of lil guys are ineffective so, yeah, don't even count on having it anytime soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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