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Star Pony: It's Only a Matter of Time?

Hope(N Forever)

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I am not sure whether this kind of discussion is particularly Star Fox-related, but I guess I'll leave that to the mods to decide. Anyway, what I am about to open discussion about is something that has been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while. I am aware that some of the members on the forums had been or become Bronies for a while, so throw in your two cents on this idea if you want to.

Anyway, what am I talking about? Well, with the tribute-craze of the online My Little Pony fandom lately, I am really wondering how long it will be before someone unveils a fan game project based on My Little Pony, inspired by the Star Fox series!

Before some of you attempt to scoff or question this idea, let us look at the following non-modded fan game projects examples that are already available.

  • My Little Investigations - A fan game project that is heavily based on the Investigations sub-series of Ace Attorney.
  • My Little Pony: Budding Friendships - A fan game project that is heavily based on the Harvest Moon series.
  • Silent Ponyville - A 3D fan game project that is inspired by a fan fiction, which itself is based on the Silent Hill games.
  • Pony Kart - A 3D fan game project that is heavily based on the Mario Kart series, and similar racing games (although one could argue those other racing games stole it from Mario Kart to begin with).
  • The Legend of Celestia - A fan game project that is inspired by The Legend of Zelda series.
  • Pony Emblem - A fan game project that is heavily based on the Fire Emblem series.

With such concepts in the works, do you believe it only a matter of time before one "Ponified" Star Fox game would be in the works as well? Probably would even advance so much that it would place actual Star Fox fan game projects such as Shadows of Lylat to shame!

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Also, I recommend linking these in the FiM fangames and mods topic.

That being said, I wouldn't mind a Star Fox style pony game.

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I was really hoping this pony fad would have run its course by now. :/

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When will you learn, DZ. This is not a fad. It is a fandom.

There is a difference.

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Silent Ponyville....yes

So much yes.

When will you learn, DZ. This is not a fad. It is a fandom.

There is a difference.


Fads only last for a short time.

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I was really hoping this pony fad would have run its course by now. :/


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In DZ's defense, FiM IS the most intrusive and innescapable fandom I have ever seen. Pretty much no where you go, you see image macros, sigs, and avatars of brightly colored fluttershy's and rainbow dashes, and that's not even counting all the times it pokes its dick into conversation that didn't even call for it.

Beats furries by a landslide.

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I like those ponies, I love Starfox, but both of them together? ... I don't know, it depends on how it is made... It can be good as it can be garbage. I'd rather wait fon an actual proposal for such fangame, to see how it would work. But I hardly see how Equestria could run with spaceships. A fangame about investigations or a fantasy adventure, I can imagine it. But a spaceshooting pony game? O_o Not sure if want.

And some guy already made some pun involving both :


... Yeah... He's the winner of an IGN Starfox contest... This one is OK, it's just a character mainly created for lolz, but I don't think it'd be that good in a whole game...

On topic, give me a "Story of the Blanks" or any "original" pony fangame anytime instead of most fangames taking a franchise and ponyfying it, though My little investigations actually looks good, mainly because the gameplay can apply to Equestria's universe.

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One doesn't need to make it ponies flying around in spaceships necessarily.

Just an on-rails shooter, like the Star Fox style, with ponies.

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One doesn't need to make it ponies flying around in spaceships necessarily.

Just an on-rails shooter, like the Star Fox style, with ponies.

Hmm, why not? Again I'll need to see how it works before any judgement, though there can be some ideas :


It's still a pony spaceship, but it doesn't look that bad. Though I'd see it as a carrier with the ponies themselves being the fighter jets, but how unicorns and ground ponies would work since they don't fly?

Anyways, to sum it up, I'd look at options before making a clear opinion on the thing.

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Well of course, Ala1n. There can be bad fan games easily.

Was just saying that it didn't need to be ponies in spaceships firing lasers.

Could be Derpy firing muffins, with parasprites being the main enemy, and mailbags being the nova bombs.

I have a feeling that'd be pretty danged epic, as long as the gameplay felt like Star Fox.

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This would certainly make a wonderful fan fic...and an even better game. We've certainly got the talent...just look at Fighting is Magic it started over a simple disscusion of the possibility of a MLP fighting game. Besides our fellow ponies have to have something to do between season 2 and season 3.

I motion that we rally our SF ponies, northeast of Tartarus to gather at Sugar Cube Corner and ratify a petition to be sent to Prince Blueblood

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Ultimate irony, seeing as you've been regurgitating the same pony macros that have been here for ages.

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Ultimate irony, seeing as you've been regurgitating the same pony macros that have been here for ages.

Have I done so within the same board, on the same thread, on the same page, only 10 posts apart??? I think not :pimp: ....plz link me to these overused macros of mine...i DARE you to find them on SFO

In other more relevent news...Pinkie Pie is Andross

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Just saying, it's more original to see Dr. Evil twice than it is to see Rainbow Dash wearing an expression of disapproval, as seen -all over the goddamn internet.-

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Doesn't even make sense.

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No, I'm asking you to speak like a normal person rather than just naming MLP characters with no rhyme or reason. You know, the sort of behavior that justifies DZ's annoyance at you guys.

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