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Star Pony: It's Only a Matter of Time?

Hope(N Forever)

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Well put! I wish I'd brought that up too; fandom factions are a thing, and I suppose if we look at it at that angle, SFO and AL could be seen as the saner bunch versus the ancient KLA and suchlike.

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Interesting though it is, I recommend putting the fandom discussion in the bronies topic.

Now then, back to how the game would be made. If it were to have character to character transitions, who would Gilda be, and who would most of the bosses be?

Personally, I think Gilda as Volcain and Granny Smith as the Mechbeth engineer would be hilarious. Though perhaps a dragon would be better suited for Volcain.

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We need a new topic, this has been nothing but three+ pages of angry babies with a couple people just trying to have actual fun in between.

I vote lock and reboot.

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And yet, the posts with most mad and rayge are certainly yours. :3

And Xort somewhat too but much moar controlled.

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And yet, the posts with most mad and rayge are certainly yours. :3

And Xort somewhat too but much moar controlled.

At least I fucking tried to rerail it and only started posting again after it was clear this topic had gone full circle through the shithole, something you facilitated yourself despite Vydrach, Lord O'Donnell and ALA1N-J and others trying to string together a conversation.

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What do you think i do in my spare time?


"Are we not entitled to our grimdark clopfics being included in the show, the degenerate Brony asks?


this is what i do...





i too vote that we lock/delete this topic.....I don't want the younger fans to see it....thanks again DZ for derailing legit topic

...in his defense tho...this should have been put in the brony thread...no here so non bronies dont have to get all butthurt

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>bronies accused of spamming dumb macros everywhere

>brony spams dumb macros everywhere in response

nice job

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i too vote that we lock/delete this topic.....I don't want the younger fans to see it....thanks again DZ for derailing legit topic

...in his defense tho...this should have been put in the brony thread...no here so non bronies dont have to get all butthurt

Way to make no sense for anything and continue to make yourself look like a tool.

At least I fucking tried to rerail it and only started posting again after it was clear this topic had gone full circle through the shithole, something you facilitated yourself despite Vydrach, Lord O'Donnell and ALA1N-J and others trying to string together a conversation.

Wait, what? I've had a very passive role in this topic, so I have no clue what rage train's gone through your head to childishly reverse an accusation because I may have pointed out that you're maybe a little too passionate about a forum thread.

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believe it or not there are yonger members on SFO....and we watch every saturday and comment in the chatroom just like you guys play TF2.... :lock: :lock: :lock: :lock:

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At least I fucking tried to rerail it and only started posting again after it was clear this topic had gone full circle through the shithole, something you facilitated yourself despite Vydrach, Lord O'Donnell and ALA1N-J and others trying to string together a conversation.

Relax bro. Just the interwebs.

I agree with milky cause I'm meant to think that. Yes.

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Wait, what? I've had a very passive role in this topic, so I have no clue what rage train's gone through your head to childishly reverse an accusation because I may have pointed out that you're maybe a little too passionate about a forum thread.

> Post like three times of the general opinion that people are way too mad about ponies

> People still bitching about ponies

> Maybe we should lock this and try again


hahaha yeah fuck off

what exactly makes you think I'm "raging"? The fact that I say fuck a lot? Oh look fuckity fuck fuck fuck i enjoy looking at pictures of fucking kittens because of how fucking adorable they are jesus christ i love fucking cupcakes fuck

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> Post like three times of the general opinion that people are way too mad about ponies

> People still bitching about ponies

> Maybe we should lock this and try again


hahaha yeah fuck off

>milky posts like once just trying to mediate and maybe chill the debate down

>debate continues


hahahaha yeah fuck off

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So yeah, I know I've done nothing but add meaningless posts here, BUT STILL.

Too many people raging about this. It's already been said, but fuck it, I wanna say it too. If you're in a position of power on the site, and you hate ponies, please say, perhaps, "No pony topics." BUT, if for some reason you feel like not saying this, as it takes away the idea of being able to talk about something that really does mean no harm, then let -other- people in power take care of surveying it. We have multiple moderators and admins for a reason.

Second, ....Got ninja'd by Xort.

And since everyone else is doing it; Xort, "Hahahaah yeah, Fuck off" <3

Totally almost has ponyslippy finished sorta.

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You guys really don't get that I play up the "mad" thing half the time and that I'm not actually as pissed off as I seem? That's unfortunate. The point has always been that people are too butthurt about cartoon ponies on a site about cartoon animals and yet this topic persists in causing drama.

It's really convenient how the posts where I contributed as well as the posts where Milky inflamed it on page one (mind you it was basically just attacking Lord O'Donnell for overusing macros) are just being fucking ignored but who the fuck cares anymore

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i'm a pony and i'm for locking this....we somehow got lost....funny how a rose is so beautiful yet so thorny and prickly

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can everybody just chill for a second



are we sufficiently chilled now

can we not tear each other to splinters over ponies

because if ponies is what it takes to shatter a conversation to pieces I don't know what

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this thread is special

so are all of you

special little snowflakes

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You guys really don't get that I play up the "mad" thing half the time and that I'm not actually as pissed off as I seem? That's unfortunate. The point has always been that people are too butthurt about cartoon ponies on a site about cartoon animals and yet this topic persists in causing drama.

It's really convenient how the posts where I contributed as well as the posts where Milky inflamed it on page one (mind you it was basically just attacking Lord O'Donnell for overusing macros) are just being fucking ignored but who the fuck cares anymore

Right, because many others don't play up the mad thing, and you simply call them out as if they were really mad. Maybe not in this topic, but you're right. Who really does care? Obviously not someone still here posting about how who really cares.

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You guys really don't get that I play up the "mad" thing half the time and that I'm not actually as pissed off as I seem? That's unfortunate. The point has always been that people are too butthurt about cartoon ponies on a site about cartoon animals and yet this topic persists in causing drama.

It seems rather reasonable barring few exceptions. It's really, really off topic, but what it is about at the moment is for the most part civil and smooth. You even pointed that out while saying I started things.

Maybe playing up the anger thing in such an "obvious" time bomb topic wasn;t such a smart move?

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You guys really don't get that I play up the "mad" thing half the time and that I'm not actually as pissed off as I seem?

Sarcasm does not translate well over text. You are intelligent, and thus I expect you to know this. Knowing this, you should know that your madding can easily - as it did here - come off as very legitimate, which I'm still not convinced it wasn't. Thus, you can't realistically bitch at people for being mad when you've been madding in the very same fucking topic.

That's unfortunate. The point has always been that people are too butthurt about cartoon ponies on a site about cartoon animals and yet this topic persists in causing drama.

The only one butthurt about cartoon ponies, by his own admission, is DZ. I was pissed at his hypocrisy, and the fact that he came in, unwarranted, and raged. Everyone else was quite moderate, so I don't quite get where you're coming from in generalizing that everyone is all "HURR PONIES AND STARFACK BUTTMAD TIEM!"

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Sarcasm does not translate well over text. You are intelligent, and thus I expect you to know this. Knowing this, you should know that your madding can easily - as it did here - come off as very legitimate, which I'm still not convinced it wasn't. Thus, you can't realistically bitch at people for being mad when you've been madding in the very same fucking topic.

The point is that it's supposed to sound rediculous. It's basically a character. You'll notice when I'm being serious in an argument (see: birth control thread) I have a totally different tone of voice? The way I'm typing to you now? Yeah. When I start posting giant pictures of buttons and tell you to "take better care of your shits" I expect you, the "intelligent people of SFO", to kind of realize that I'm not posting in the most serious of all businesses. Especially how I've made it abundantly clear in my posts that I think fighting about cartoon ponies is retarded and all my argument has boiled down to is "stop fucking fighting about cartoon ponies".

And it wasn't just DZ. He was sure verbose, but look at all the HOW BOUT NO going on right from the beginning of this topic?

And now we're doing the same thing you and DZ started doing halfway after that argument got stupid; ARGUING ABOUT ARGUING. THIS ENTIRE TOPIC IS FUCKING POINTLESS.

*horse jumping off boat gif here*

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I'm sure that we can agree that, as it stands, this topic is a complete free-for-all; everything from complete raging to the obligatory wall-to-wall post of macros is present. Locking this now.


Edited by Sarita
Because I don't want to bump the topic back up, but I think Vydrach's pic is funny and appropriate.
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