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Story for a new StarFox game?


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Crash landing on Venom as a mission for Fox or Falco would be a pretty neat scenario. And, I'm not really interested in removing Krystal as I am interested in actually making the game realistic. I don't want it to be, "OH MY GOSH THEYRE BOTH FOXES, THEY SHOULD GET MARRIED". Unfourtounately, that's what a lot of the fanbase wants. I would like it to be a sort of touch and go thing, and delve deeper into both of their opinions and feelings. If they can match them up, fine. If they can't, then they'll listen to the crowd.

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I guess when you put it that way (about Fox and Krystal) it makes a bit more sense. I just feel like it would be a huge waste to disregard her seeing as basically two games have been wrapped around her and Fox with fans wondering "what's next?"

I have been kind of wondering, did Nintendo ever make official what happened to Krystal's home planet? That needs clarification (maybe in a flashback) to develop more appreciation for her

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I have been kind of wondering, did Nintendo ever make official what happened to Krystal's home planet? That needs clarification (maybe in a flashback) to develop more appreciation for her

The amount of things that Nintendo hasn't made official about the Star Fox canon could fill multiple warehouses filled with complaint jars. There are so many plotholes that the games resemble incredibly large pieces of Swiss Cheese. :P

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I've got a great idea then!

Ok, picture this....The next StarFox game, will be shipped in a large block of SWISS CHEESE!!!...

Yes, hrm...then it will be called "StarFox: Swiss Cheese Chronicles"

It's perfect, it will allow players to control Fox/Falco as they works to resolve the Titania incident after SF64, play as Krystal as she figures out what the heck happened to Cernia before Adventures, you get to play as Wolf O'Donnel as you figure out why he and Fox dislike each other so much...

umm, play as Panther as you learn how he got his brain injury that causes him to refer to himself in third person?

Play as James McCloud as we figure out if he is actually dead or not! (spoiler alert, if he is in fact dead, then it will be a pretty boring part of the game!)

Play as Slippy as he somehow manages to get through Cornerian military school?

What other annoying plot holes are in StarFox? I can't immediately think of any big ones at the moment

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I think the whole story line was great until Command, thank God it wasn't canon.

Honestly, I think a little drama is okay in the series. No bullshit from Command, that was too far.

I'm talking about like the scene in Assault where:

Peppy sacrificed the Great Fox into the shield of the Aparoid Homeworld, I hated to see the end of the Great Fox, but I guess it was a necessary sacrifice. But I would like to see the 64 Model of it be refurbished in a new game. Kind of like what they did in SSBB.

In a new game, I would like them to cover some things like:

- The Fate, if any, of James McCloud.

- The Origin of Star Wolf.

- Why Wolf hates Fox so much.

It's be nice to have the old 64 Model of the Arwing back, but maybe with a few modifications. Kind of a mix between the 64 Model and the Assault.

Not as many ground missions as Assault did, but a couple would be okay, if necessary.

Possibly a return to Venom?

Fight the Ghost of Andross?

Remodel the Landmaster again.

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What other annoying plot holes are in StarFox? I can't immediately think of any big ones at the moment

I want to see why Falco's not wanted by the Lylateon government if he was a gangster before joining StarFox.

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In a new game, I would like them to cover some things like:

- The Fate, if any, of James McCloud.

- The Origin of Star Wolf.

- Why Wolf hates Fox so much.

It's be nice to have the old 64 Model of the Arwing back, but maybe with a few modifications. Kind of a mix between the 64 Model and the Assault.

Not as many ground missions as Assault did, but a couple would be okay, if necessary.

Possibly a return to Venom?

Fight the Ghost of Andross?

Remodel the Landmaster again.

I agree with the return to Venom. They never really suggested that the rebel armies lead by Oikonny in Assault were completely wiped out or not so there is legitimate reason to believe that there still is a considerable force on Venom. As far as a ghost of Andross? I feel like it might be time to retire him after he was the focus of 3 different games (SF, SF64, and Adventures...am I missing one?). Maybe some huge plot twist where one of the major allies of the Lylat system end up leading the Venomian army...Wolf maybe? With a minor infection of the Aparoids? They never said what happened to Wolf's team after Assault (discounting Command, I don't know how it was resolved there but I will put my money on the answer being pretty bad). Sky is the limit on allowing James to enter the picture. I was a fan of the ground missions but they needed to refine it a little and make the controls better imo.

I want to see why Falco's not wanted by the Lylateon government if he was a gangster before joining StarFox.

That is a pretty good question actually...But did Nintendo officially recognize that Falco was a gangster? I know it is suggested that he was in league with Katt and others in a gang out in Titania or something but I wasn't sure if that was canon. Not sure how that could be incorporated into a game that comes after Assault unless its a flashback or for some reason the Cornerians decides to arrest him. Or I guess if they run with my idea of the StarFox: Swiss Cheese Edition :P

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You know, one story idea I had was this.

I know Star Fox is a mercenary group, they're for profit and of course. They can't just stick to the Lylat System because if they stick to one area, there's no profit to be gained during peacetime. What if a government from the neighboring systems offers Star Fox a job proposition. The system is divided by a Empire and a Federation, both have been in a ceasefire for nearly 50 years and the Federation fears that the Empire has hijacked a Federation bomber and made off with the nukes. Team Star Fox accepts the job, investigating the areas of interest. As they do so, they are ambushed by a powerful mercenary lord, who has plans to maximize his profits by breaking the ceasefire between the two factions. Star Fox must stop this madman before the worst happens and millions of lives are killed in a nuclear holocaust.

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You know, one story idea I had was this.


They can't just stick to the Lylat System because if they stick to one area, there's no profit to be gained during peacetime. What if a government from the neighboring systems offers Star Fox a job proposition.

Hmm...exploring the option of another galaxy with its own sovereign government under a crisis?


It certainly opens up possibilities to having a great many other conflicts outside of the Andross routine. Not sure about completely cutting out the Lylat system/government due to the recognizable nature of it to fans.

Perhaps there could be a conflict brewing between the Lylat system and a newly found (insert the blank name) system led by arms dealers and/or terrorists? It allows Lylat and Corneria to stay in the picture while also adding a hint of modern day conflict to the franchise that people can relate to. We all hear the word "Terrorist" about every day, or if that isn't enough then there are plenty of cynics out there that would love to watch Nintendo take a stab at ultra powerful corporations and war industrial machine - thus adding a mature undertone to the series that can attract new and older fans. And should Nintendo opt to make this game much later down the road from Assault (completely discounting Command as usual since I can't picture how to incorporate it in this story) it gives the chance of passing the torch from Fox McCloud to a next of kin in a gentle and friendly way. What could happen between Assault and this new game, lets call it Insurrection (just because it came to mind and sounded bad-ass), is anybody's guess but it could also be like a reboot in the way Fox's offspring take over StarFox and start their own adventures.

Just a thought that my mind took off with when I started writing about it. Thoughts? lol

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But did Nintendo officially recognize that Falco was a gangster?

Not sure if this relates, but I think Falco's character was based off "The Fonz" from Happy Days, who is kind of portrayed as a gangster.

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Not sure if this relates, but I think Falco's character was based off "The Fonz" from Happy Days, who is kind of portrayed as a gangster.

Will have to look into that and dive into the biographies of Falco that Nintendo provides.

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  • 2 weeks later...

did Nintendo officially recognize that Falco was a gangster?

Sorry it took me so long to reply, but yes I think Nintendo did.

In SFA Fox asks Falco, "So, is this like an amusement park to former gang member?" And Falco replies, "You know it!"

Again I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply.

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Hey its all good :)

I haven't gotten too far into SFA so I don't know about that quote. I wish more development was done for Falco, he feels like such a promising character to dive into adding a kind of gritty tone to the storyline that puts one of the members of StarFox in the area of being a rogue/criminal. Least they kept his character the same throughout the games - the standoffish (Holy crap! Apparently that is a real word according to spellcheck!) badass itching to pull the trigger.

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Assault didn't have as much heart in it.

I actually liked the story over Assault; it went over some pretty nice and broad things. On the other hand, none of the characters really move anywhere. It was like making a game about any mission assigned to StarFox (Not that the mission itself wasn't interesting) + Plot convinience which gave them nowhere to move.

...if they remove that and have it less circling and going into more depth, I'm okay with that. I don't think they have to create any groundbreaking changes, but on the other hand, a plot twist or two wouldn't kill me.

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I actually liked the story over Assault; it went over some pretty nice and broad things. On the other hand, none of the characters really move anywhere. It was like making a game about any mission assigned to StarFox (Not that the mission itself wasn't interesting) + Plot convinience which gave them nowhere to move.

...if they remove that and have it less circling and going into more depth, I'm okay with that. I don't think they have to create any groundbreaking changes, but on the other hand, a plot twist or two wouldn't kill me.

I like really gripping plot twists personally in my games, but for Star Fox...maybe not. I know I mentioned in another post regarding my feelings towards Assault, but I started just generalizing it lately as "I just never felt very attached to the events in the game". My suspension of disbelief was never taken away as I watched the almost emotionless expressions and voice acting of all of the characters as the GALAXY is being destroyed by a virus. Their friends in the Cornerian military had been consumed by the Aparoids, Pigma - the guy responsible for James' supposed death - is floating around and all Fox is say it "Aw dang he got away", they shoot down General Pepper and that's about the most emotion I really feel was adequate the whole game. I think what got me was I just couldn't feel much empathy towards the characters or the events in the game when they all seemed to have no emotion themselves. None of the characters other than Fox and Krystal seemed to be of much importance, but between Fox's lack of fear/suffering/pain/empathy for the war, and Kyrstal's lack of everything but 'the look' for Fox and a very brief and unconvincing declaration that they will save Sauria...I just wasn't feeling it

So, with that in mind, I think the plot was fine, the events that happened in the story were fine, the character development holes could have been looked over in some cases, length of the game was miserably short but I can live with it...but without getting some emotional response from Fox other than a steely glazed over expression as if he doesn't care millions are suffering at the hands of the Aparoid infection, I just feel it fell flat on its face.

If, in another world, Rare made Assault with the same plotline and everything else - their work on the graphics, facial expressions, and feeling behind the characters would have turned my feelings around about the game I think (which mind you, I still love the game just it was lacking. Everyone is a critic as they say lol).

It sure would be nice if Nintendo did make a new Star Fox game. The remake of Star Fox 64 was just amazing.

I actually just got that for the DS that my roommate has. I am extremely excited about playing it since the graphics on it just looked so damn great and best of all it appears they stuck with the original level design overall which makes me happy.

So I know we all pretty much pan Command as non-canon, but I couldn't help but wonder. What if Nintendo somehow pulled off a reboot/sequel? So hear me out, at the end of Command, 'Dash Makes a Choice' it is pretty much setting the scene for another Lylat War - Venom vs. Corneria. The very basics of the game are now back in the limelight. StarFox can all get back together fight the bad guys just as they did in SF64, and this time Nintendo can figure out a better way of adding other characters to the game without shedding a hope they would be given conflicting or no personalities at all (Ooh, imagine a awkward encounter with Star Wolf with Krystal still part of the team...so much room for drama/redemption/etc). I can't really picture who would take Peppy's slot as this could easily be another 4 years at least after Command and Peppy was supposedly in his mid 40s during Adventures (putting Fox in his mid 30s in this new game and Peppy in his early 50s) but I am personally interested in seeing a revival of the non-canon characters of Miyu or Fara. And Katt needs to show her face too >_>

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, I did like the Command ending "Dash Makes a Choice" primarily because it was one of the only endings in that game that actually worked. Most of the others were either bad or incredibly cheesy. While it would be a good ending and set up for a new game, the story as you mention doesn't make a whole ton of sense in terms of Star Fox. But I would like to see that ending if it can somehow be utilized. I wish they didn't make the characters age significantly from Adventures since it almost implies that now they're aging and soon they will retire and then end of franchise. I haven't played Assault yet, so I don't really know a ton on that game.

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