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I see 'em up ahead, let's rock and roll!


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Hey there everyone.

The name's Thundercracker, I've been using this site as a Star Fox News reference for some time now, hoping for some actual news, but seeing there hasn't really been any, I've just concluded to become one with the community.

Uh let's see, here's a bit about myself.

- I'm a 17 Year Old guy, living in the rocky mountains of Tennessee, USA.

- I do have a thick country accent, which some parts of the U.S. or other English Speaking countries would have an incredibly horrible time understanding me.

- I'm a big time Video Game fanatic, Star Fox just happens to be one of my favorite series, although we haven't seen a good game since Assault, besides the remake of 64 for the 3DS.

- I absolutely love animals, I have 3 Cats, a Dog, and about 13 fish, if you count them as pets.

- I drive a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire, got it for Christmas of '11.

- I'm a Senior in High School, my Class Ring has a game controller on the side of it, it's actually a PlayStation 1 if you want to be exact.

- I sometimes get Road Rage, but hey, who doesn't?

That's about all I can think of. If anybody wants to know more, feel free to ask. I don't know who would, but I'm just saying.

Happy to be here. Let's be friends?

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Judging from the information you've provided, I'm sure you'll get along here just fine. :welcome: to the forums! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me or another mod/admin.

And admittedly, I've always loved the aesthetics of the Sunfire, congrats. :-)

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Welcome to SF-O!!! :welcome::friends::D

Enjoy your time here, and have fun!

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I always thought the Sunfire was a girly car

Not the best way to get on my good side.

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While we are admitting things here, I always thought the Sunfire was a girly car, but that's because I drive a Grand Prix and I like to talk down to other Pontiacs. It makes me feel better about myself. WIDER IS BETTER, MOFO! :D

Then again, driving a Pontiac at all is surely an achievement; a shame that GM shuttered the brand, but that's a topic for another discussion. :)

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- I absolutely love animals, I have 3 Cats, a Dog, and about 13 fish, if you count them as pets.


I sometimes get Road Rage, but hey, who doesn't?

3 cats, 1 dog, and one incredibly stupid dog that shouldn't have the name 'dog'...oh and some fish lol. I would have a more serious case of road rage myself, but then the realization that gas costs too much money to burn up all the time and auto insurance would sky rocket if I get in an accident or get shot by fellow drivers...I had to reconsider some priorities haha

Welcome to SF-O!

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