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Reboot, Remake, or Sequel?


Reboot, Remake, or Sequel?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you prefer?

    • Reboot
    • Remake
    • Sequel
    • Prequel

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I'd say Remake and reboot like you-new graphics are good, becssue it makes you "happier" and the nostaliga all the greater. Reboots are great too becasue if someone in the company or something has a new idea, you sort of really want to see where this new idea is going to go.

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I gotta admit, if the remake (or reboot? I never really understood the difference) that Microsoft did with Halo: Combat Evolved had me pretty excited - until I saw the price tag :-/

I feel like remakes of the classics is a great way to keep that nostalgic feeling going and allows me to continue enjoying my favorite games without worrying about it being lost due to age (I constantly worry about my favorite games being lost because the original console it was released on broke or I can't get a hold of the game anymore). Saying that, I don't really feel like remakes can replace new games and sequels. If its possible for a new story or sequel to come up for a franchise, and the fans want it, then it should be done. I will always be more excited to hear about a new game coming out in a franchise than I am to hear that they are remaking an old title. In the case of Mario I feel like its an easy way to get away with milking the cash cow without really doing much. Remakes to me should be like an extra treat or dessert to fans and newcomers to the franchise, not the main course of the meal (to use eating as a metaphor). The steak of a franchise rests on new games and innovation.

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Ah ok. I figured that was the case but I just wasn't completely sure. Then I will stick with my previous post. Remakes are awesome treats, sequels are what drives the franchise. :)

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Classics are classic...and i would only be for a remake if something astounding had taking place in the game industry that could greatly improve gameplay. However, sequels are still what keeps the ball rolling in a game franchise. If the game was to be rebooted then i'd prefer if it were from an entirely different prespective with a fresh set of characters and events

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Remakes of classic and/or great games are really excellent.

Reboots of some games can be either GOOD or BAD, depending on how they did it.

Sequels are amazing and can be either as good as or better than the previous installment

Personally, though, I prefer sequels and remakes.

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...tough question.

For me, it all depends on the series. Example: the Star Fox series could use another sequel...a legitimate one. Adventures and Assault are fine as they are (in my opinion). On the other hand, let's take a look at the Metal Gear series - some of the greatest games of all time, but there's way too much focus on getting the next part in the series out. Something I would love to see are complete remakes of the original Metal Gear games (the ones originally on MSX)...or a better remake of the first Metal Gear Solid (I though Twin Snakes was...ugh).

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I'd say sequel, just because the SF series needs new original content. Assault is the last new game, and that's 2005 (?)

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I`m not sure wich would be better, a sequel or a reboot.

How about a sequel that also serves kinda like a reboot?; i mean, like a sequel where we discover that the Andross of the 64 and next games in reality was some clone being controlled by the real andross, (who was preserving itself being frozen or something like that, making a clone of himself to actually recollect data and learn about Lylat`s deadliest dangers before he tried to conquer it) who still resides there.. in the destroyed and abandoned base of Venom, deep inside in a place that survived the destruction of the base , in which by some events escapes and starts making a new army and a new war, and in those events Krystal leaves, dissapears, etc; also retconning the events so that not too many years have happened between games, so we have another war, Andross being more evil since he already knows Fox (who has a lot of character growth since he needs to become stronger to defeat Andross since he already knows how Fox fights) , and characters well developed since the 64 game, but the same situation, you know, history tends to repeat itself.

Or somehting like that, it`s really more an idea than anything.

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Although I enjoy reboots/remakes, I think sequels are better. They progress the series, and frankly, remakes just kind of... dust off an old game and slap on new graphics. Which I don't mind, but they should focus on progressing the series, I think. *shrug* But I did enjoy SF643D. It was a fine game.

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They should make a sequel to get the series started up again, then make a prequel.

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I honestly think the series needs a reboot, to pick up directly after SF64. The entire canon was completely screwed up with subsequent releases, but keep in mind this isn't implying that they were bad games. The amount of plotholes caused by Adventures and Assault for the series is astounding, not to mention the barebones characterization we receive for the characters. Some barely have what constitutes as a backstory.

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I have to say reboot, but a game where you can play as James would be almost as awsome.

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Well, think of a reboot of Adventures in this fashion. Halo became the greatest first person shooter ever after Halo 2. They created #3, then a prequel. It got enough attention to the point at which they made CE: Anniversary and have announced Halo 4. I think that they need to get the series up and running with a prequelremake to get the series back up and running, so to speak. I know I am posting twice, but I sort of changed my viewpoint on it and wanted to explain myself better.

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Well, if Pokemon is anything to go by, remake is my choice. Sequels are a close runner up though.

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Well, think of a reboot of Adventures in this fashion. Halo became the greatest first person shooter ever after Halo 2. They created #3, then a prequel. It got enough attention to the point at which they made CE: Anniversary and have announced Halo 4. I think that they need to get the series up and running with a prequelremake to get the series back up and running, so to speak. I know I am posting twice, but I sort of changed my viewpoint on it and wanted to explain myself better.

*Drools at the notion of a StarFox Adventures remake that clears up some plot holes, updates the graphics, and improves the voice acting/scripting*

That sounds almost beautiful...I still need to get a hold of StarFox 64 3D. From the screenshots I have seen it looks like an incredible remake I would be happy to own. I think from a business standpoint that makes sense to rerelease a familiar title that will invigorate the fans as well as attract new ones (because obviously a remake of a game is good on two levels: better graphics, and the admission that the game is a classic and deserves to be played again). I just fear that it may not work for a franchise like StarFox since the last game that progressed the story (Command) was released so long ago and nobody takes it seriously. Then again, attempting to write up a sequel to a game franchise nobody is really aware of might be worse. It will be interesting to see what comes up especially with the rumors of another SF game. I think I might cry if it turns out untrue...The possibility of another Zelda game might hurt too much (no offense, I just haven't gotten into a Zelda games since Majora's Mask).

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well now that you've added prequel...I could see that happening for some games...espcially StarFox...vote changed

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I say sequel and here's my reason:

For starters, I am not a fan of remakes or such, but they can be good. I have bought several remade games, and majority of there left me rather disappointed. Also, Why do a remake when you can just simply play the original? It's basically the SAME DAMN GAME, but made to look more up-to-date.

I am on the fence about a reboot; although I am curious as to WHERE the company/developer would be taking the series. It all depends on the series IF it needs a reboot, but I'm willing to make a SMALL contribution if the series being rebooted is the Starfox series simply because they left us with an open-ended conclusion (Although there were, what, eight endings, but I still see it as an open-ended conclusion).

Now, a prequel is alright with me ONLY if it's retelling a character already in the Starfox series - I.E. explaining Falco's past and playing it through his eyes before he joined Starfox, or doing the same, but seeing things unfold through Wolf's eyes. So, that's my ONLY acceptable reason to a prequel; I'm just NOT feeling it for a prequel to the series since, in my opinion, the series doesn't really need it - plotholes that were already within the story DESPERATELY needed to be filled and were left open.

Aside from my distaste for the above three, I want a definitive sequel that will please both me and the entire Starfox community - although there will be haters. The sequel having be one of the TRUE endings to Command or just continue on where Assault left off. I enjoyed Command, but I'm pretty sure there are A LOT of people on here that dislike it, maybe even are in denial of it even being canon (Almost how the fans are in the same state with the Mass Effect 3 ending(s)). I mean, I wouldn't mind it if the series then focused on where Starwolf went on from the end of Assault or showing how Starfox would continue on being the heroic mercenary team they are up until the team just begins to fall apart, then drift away from one another (No, I'm not saying making it a prequel to Command since that's NOT what I'm aiming at).

It doesn't HAVE to be that, but something interesting, different, and enjoyable. Although that is a lot to ask, but it would be cool to see it meet these requirements.

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I say sequel and here's my reason:

For starters, I am not a fan of remakes or such, but they can be good. I have bought several remade games, and majority of there left me rather disappointed. Also, Why do a remake when you can just simply play the original? It's basically the SAME DAMN GAME, but made to look more up-to-date.

I am on the fence about a reboot; although I am curious as to WHERE the company/developer would be taking the series. It all depends on the series IF it needs a reboot, but I'm willing to make a SMALL contribution if the series being rebooted is the Starfox series simply because they left us with an open-ended conclusion (Although there were, what, eight endings, but I still see it as an open-ended conclusion).

Now, a prequel is alright with me ONLY if it's retelling a character already in the Starfox series - I.E. explaining Falco's past and playing it through his eyes before he joined Starfox, or doing the same, but seeing things unfold through Wolf's eyes. So, that's my ONLY acceptable reason to a prequel; I'm just NOT feeling it for a prequel to the series since, in my opinion, the series doesn't really need it - plotholes that were already within the story DESPERATELY needed to be filled and were left open.

In other words:

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I honestly think the series needs a reboot, to pick up directly after SF64. The entire canon was completely screwed up with subsequent releases, but keep in mind this isn't implying that they were bad games. The amount of plotholes caused by Adventures and Assault for the series is astounding, not to mention the barebones characterization we receive for the characters. Some barely have what constitutes as a backstory.

I second this. I also agree with Falco'sFinest in that before making a prequel we should fix the current story.

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