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The Sick, Twisted Mind of Peter


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Thank you for your compliments! You`re pretty knowledgeable yourself. :) I guess I just like following politics.

I don`t really have anything else to say at this point besides agreeing with you on the fact that our judicial and penal systems are a mess. Because of our judiciary, I bet the Zimmerman case will take years to finish, like the Casey Anthony case. But, we wouldn`t want some "Break the rules=instant death" kind of court either. I guess that`s one downside of a free country, but the benefits can crush the negatives.

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I've only recently gotten into politics more seriously since I got my current roommate. Pretty hardcore liberal for the most part and likes to talk politics once in a while.

I'm not so much upset with the legal system (though they like to waste money like nobody else's business by trying to research why in fact someone committed a crime instead of just convicting them and getting it over with), but I am upset with the penal system. I think its an incredibly corrupt system that has been privatized so companies make money by jailing more people instead of rehabilitating them. The United States has the highest incarceration rate out of the entire world. I think our jailed population represents 25% of the world's overall. Something is very wrong with our society somewhere. I like to blame the lack of rehabilitation programs and the the drug wars. Society's vengeance upon people ends up locking away thousands of people that create massive drains on tax money, and in turn releasing them when their time is done they can't get a job and will probably resort to crime again.

I'm hoping the Zimmerman case quiets down soon, i'm getting a bit tired of hearing about it. I was going to bring it up in another topic but I was afraid that it would be a bit polarizing to members here and start upsetting some people because of the obvious rift this has caused between people. I blame the media outlets for feeding the public evidence at their whim so they can generate more tension and drama so people will tune into read the next update (heck one news outlet was caught editing the tapes they had with Zimmerman).

I think you can agree when I say this...Republican, Democrat, Independent...it doesn't matter. What matters is the construction and maintenance of the United States. When it comes to labeling oneself as a particular party supporter, they should label themselves "American" (At least to those who are actually living in the United States...Sorry if that shpeal sounded really jaded and annoying to anyone else living outside the US lol)

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I agree with pretty much everything you're saying there. I personally think Zimmerman is innocent, and all this "he's a racist and he hates black people" racial crap being spewed by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson is just them trying to cause an issue. There's evidence that Treyvon Martin was caught with drugs in the past and had a few run-ins, and Zimmerman hasn't done anything like this in his life, and tutored black kids on his weekends, so there's nothing that's being racially driven here. Maybe the Martin kid really was in the wrong and tried to attack Zimmerman.


APRIL 13, 2012

Had a Science test today. I'm positive I got at least a 90, maybe an 87 if I was unlucky. I was also assigned a Science project to build a psychrometer. It sounds like it could be a fun thing to do, but I haven't really started on it yet. But, I've got the nice weekend ahead, I might have my friend over tomorrow. And, it looks like it's going to rain, so maybe I should put out the bucket to collect rainwater. You see, you can't feed Venus Flytraps anything besides distilled\straight rain water, or they die. And, we're running out, because you've got to give them water and sun frequently. I have had two Venus Flytrap plants for three years now, and both of them are growing flowers and very large leaves this season. When they're in dormancy for the winter, all their leaves die, but the core stays intact, but the leaves (with traps) come back bigger and better the next season. The flowers aren't good for anything besides pollinating the plant and sucking up energy. What you want to do with it is, cut it off once it blooms, and you spread it all over your plant, and even more leaves grow. I hope you are enjoying my blog this time around!


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I agree with pretty much everything you're saying there. I personally think Zimmerman is innocent, and all this "he's a racist and he hates black people" racial crap being spewed by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson is just them trying to cause an issue. There's evidence that Treyvon Martin was caught with drugs in the past and had a few run-ins, and Zimmerman hasn't done anything like this in his life, and tutored black kids on his weekends, so there's nothing that's being racially driven here. Maybe the Martin kid really was in the wrong and tried to attack Zimmerman.

I have no real strong feelings on who is innocent or who was justified on the matter, but I kind of think Zimmerman might be telling the truth. All of the facts on both sides are really weak, so its hard to say - but Zimmerman seems to have the more concrete evidence that supports him, while Martin supposedly has had a more troubled background as of recently before the shooting. Its a nightmare, and it will be fascinating to see what happens. No matter the outcome, there will be some communities that feel it wasn't enough and that justice wasn't served. I feel bad for Zimmerman - much like Casey Anthony he will be demonized and hunted down forever (heck they already have the Black Panthers offering ransoms for Zimmerman. Oh, and since I mentioned Casey Anthony, I think she is 100% guilty). We won't be hearing the last of this for a long time to come. I definitely disagree with Sharpton and Jackson getting involved in the scenario (and especially the idea that Martin's parents are trademarking slogans being used in protests). They are just looking to put their name and face out there, and generate more racial hatred and angst while they make money off it. You never hear them speak out against black on black violence, nor condemns the actions black citizens take out on others. What's truly needed to help resolve racial hatred, or to at least help bring it together is another Martin Luther King...He spoke of love for all people, not just the injustice that was committed on blacks during the time. This perversion that people make of his 'dream' so many years ago is shameful and regresses society growth, splitting people down the line in how much pigmentation is in their skin again.

Sorry for the wall of text again >_<

Congrats on the test score! I know I wish I was making those kinds of scores lately haha. How did you get into raising Venus Flytraps?

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That's my main problem with groups like the NAACP and Black Panthers. They are using the things that whites did to them in the past to justify all their hate crimes against whites.

Well, my brother and I had a really good idea one day and we just ordered them from somewhere in Georgia. We nursed one of them back to health after it arrive upside down. :|

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Alrighty! So, sorry for double posting, but 'the show must go on!' as someone, I don't know who it was, said.


APRIL 15, 2012

Well, we got some rain today, good for my Venus Flytraps. They needed some, and we were out of rainwater. That was something good that happened today. I have standardized testing next week, on top of regular classes, all with homework, and more tests. I'm so happy. :( I've got some studying I have to do tonight, that I've already gotten a head start on. I've memorized about half of it so far. By the way, is it just my school, or is middle school just useless memorization?


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By the way, is it just my school, or is middle school just useless memorization?

Yup, that sounds about right for everyone. There are some things that are invaluable later in life, essay writing basics for example. Others, like advanced math [more so in high school] are completely useless beyond specialized occupations.

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Alrighty! So, sorry for double posting, but 'the show must go on!' as someone, I don't know who it was, said.


APRIL 15, 2012

Well, we got some rain today, good for my Venus Flytraps. They needed some, and we were out of rainwater. That was something good that happened today. I have standardized testing next week, on top of regular classes, all with homework, and more tests. I'm so happy. :( I've got some studying I have to do tonight, that I've already gotten a head start on. I've memorized about half of it so far. By the way, is it just my school, or is middle school just useless memorization?


I guess one could credit the band Queen with the phrase 'Show Must Go On', but I only think that because of the song they wrote that is titled that. I'm sure its much older than that though.

I have a feeling that much of school is really just memorization. The school systems have become a factory that tries to pump out as many faceless semi-productive individuals so they can claim they were successful in graduation rates and test scores. I am personally at odds with the way most schools are arranged in the way they do not challenge people to think through problems or try and apply what they do know to a somewhat similar situation and see how they problem solve. It gets better in high school and college, but I fear if one attends public institutions it gets worse all around since they have to measure up to some standards being enforced upon them or else they lose funding. On the flip side, to try and personalize schooling and tailor it to students a bit more so they can select things they would like to learn, it causes a bottleneck on the system, slowing down the speed at which you can educate masses.

Oh one of the reasons I would like to study educational psychology... :)

Good luck with testing and homework!

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Thanks for the encouragment sroberson! That`s why I`m looking forward to college, because I can learn things I actually WANT to know. :) Why should I give a **** about the periodic table or solving linear equations when I want to be a newscaster / radio DJ? I`ve got 5 more years. Just five more until I can enjoy learning new things? LOL

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Hey, you might not have to wait 5 years. At the high school I'm at I go to a votech school so I have regular school half the day and go to votech to weld during the other half, while I'm a junior up to senior. And I can tell you now that hands on welding is alot better then sitting in a desk all day.

I also don't see why we have to learn stuff we don't need, It's probably to show people there strengths and weaknesses, so they have a better idea of what they are going to do, but if I already know whats the point. There are some classes I think we do need like government, history and, PE. PE because I hate sitting around all day.

Sorry, if I haven't been keeping up with the posting lately.

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My school isn't really like that. XD It's more like, 'you memorize what we tell you, if you're smart we put you in higher classes, if you're stupid we put you in a special class, if not, you're in the norm, and there you will stay.'. LOL, not very cool is it?


APRIL 16, 2012

Well today and last night we had a giant storm. I mean GIANT. About time, because this year it didn't snow at all and the farmers could've had a head start on the crops this year since it was 80 degrees for 3 weeks straight in February-March. There's been very weird weather this year. I took a bunch of tests today, including standardized testing, and a history test. The history I did pretty good on, I'm expecting at least a 90. But you know what I didn't understand about standardized testing (and never will)? Is how before each portion of the test, they have to explain it to you like you're a first grader. XD

That's all for today!


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But you know what I didn't understand about standardized testing (and never will)? Is how before each portion of the test, they have to explain it to you like you're a first grader. XD

That's because most of the kids taking these tests SHOULD still be in first grade. :rolleyes:

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So that`s why I always finish in five minutes! X)

When I saw your comment I just about died on the floor laughing! That was a well played joke there.

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APRIL 17, 2012

Second day of testing out of the way! We had Math (which was 50 questions, so it took me around a half hour to finish.) Then Spelling, which they gave us 30 minutes to do, and I finished in about 2. I mean, what seventh grader can't spell? (except for a few, don't get me wrong.) After that we did something called Language Mechanics. It was basically capitalization and punctuation, which is also easy. Our days will be kind of wacky this week. You see, the schedule is testing in the morning, and regular classes in the afternoon. We've been doing Fitness Assesments in PE since last week, and it will continue this week, and next week. So far, my records are:






The government classifies me as; "Physically Fit". I'd say that's pretty good, and so does my mom, but in the low standards of our world today, I'm not so sure.

Continuing on, there's this girl that's really mean to me, and discipline-wise, she's untouchable, since she's a girl. Anyways, all the guys hate her because of the kind of stuff she says to me, and of course, it doesn't really even bother me. In one of our classes, I hypothesized with some of my friends that she just has a crush on me. She got wind of it, and said to me, "In your dreams!" Using my quick wit, I responded:

"Not even. Because, if I ever had a dream about you, I'd be sick." She got SO mad. LOL

That's all for today! How "physically fit" are you guys? Comment below, I look forward to seeing your responses!


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Haha, I always get a kick outta' reading stories like that. In the terms of your question though, I'd say that I'm the exact opposite of what one would cite "physically fit" in America. I was never too fond of physical activity as a whole, and would much rather prefer to exercise my mind more than my body. It's a habit that has to change sometime though; it can only be for the good. You know, unless I'm running and end up getting hit by a bus or something. :lol:

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Excercising the mind is good, sometimes better than physical exercise. Although, its either one or the other in a lot of cases. In the wise words of Bill Cosby, "The mind is always arguing with the body." I`m not a jock-athlete hardcore guy, but I`m not a scrawny runt either. (I can beat most people my age in arm-wrestling, I`ll tell you that much.) I tend to stay balanced between intellectual and physical activities, although I love exercising all the more. If you put a book and a football in front of me, I`d pick the football, so to speak. I`d like to think I live a balanced lifestyle.

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APRIL 18, 2012

Third day of testing is through! We did more Language\Vocab stuff, and then a Science test, which because of one of our previous Science teachers`"methods" (Basically, she knew nothing about science, all we did was read out of our textbook, and had to use Google to answer every question. But more often than not, she would just say, 'that`s a very good question' and ignore you. Luckily, she got pregnant and left, and now our science teacher is so awesome I call her `mom`.) Continuing on, no one knew a lot of the answers except my friend and I because we watch  the Science Channel and read old textbooks. Heck, I didn`t know half of them because our new teacher hasn`t had enough time to get us back on track after our first one messed us up so bad.

Did you hear that PETA is going after Obama because he said in his book that he eats\ate dogs? Not to mention the fact that he`s a hypocrite for going after Romney for the thing with his dog on top of the car, which I must say, is so full of hot air that the balloon`s about to burst. And, by the way, I beat Star Fox 64 on the "red trail" today, with 1109 hits.

So, what are your Star Fox 64 high scores? Comment below!


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The last one that I could find (enshrined forever thanks to the CEF website) is 1451, which certainly isn't the best but it's enough to give General Pepper pause. :-P Or more like flat out "WTF?!"

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APRIL 19, 2012

Last day of testing! Done until next year, guys! I'm relieved that we don't have to fill in those damn bubbles OH SO PERFECTLY anymore...

So I had to write a story and retell it in our English class. I retold it perfectly from memory and got 100% on it. I guess what people say about me being good at talking really is true!

On another note, I just bet my brother's friends that I could eat 2 frozen pizzas in 1 hour. Easy 15 bucks for me, i guess. I can eat more than they think I can.

Well, that's pretty much it for today. Sorry that my day was uneventful!


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APRIL 21, 2012

OK. Sorry I haven't kept up with the posting, you guys! I DO have a life though. Tonight we had a cookout, and I ate a cheeeseburger and 2 brats, along with 2 cans of Pepsi and chicken salad, so I'm in a food coma right now, to say the least. Also, I finally unlocked the 'Xevious' minigame on Star Fox Assault. Well, that's pretty much it for today, you guys! See you later!


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^ Wow, I don't think I'd eat that much. :shock:

Xevious took me forever to unlock. It was a pain in the butt, and now I hardly ever play it. :hehe: Still! The main goal for me at the time was to unlock everything. :lol:

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APRIL 23, 2012

First day back. I'm so sick and tired of school. Just three more weeks, three more weeks...

One of my Venus Flytraps has grown a second flower! They'll both be mutant killer awesome this summer after they bloom...

I've recently found that sitting in the back row suits me very well. I only pay attention in two classes, those being Science and Writing. And, they rarely ever call on you because they don't see you when they're in the back. I mean, what good does middle school do you anyhow? I have a 4.0 and I don't even try. :)

Also I totally dissed that one girl I was telling you about earlier who keeps butting into conversations and telling me to shut up. Here it is.

*Peter is talking amongst his friends, Girl walks up and says,*

"You know what, I'm just sick of you. Shut up." Peter replies,

"And I'm pretty sick of YOU butting into my conversation that obviously has nothing to do with you. And by the way, you brag about being OH SO CHRISTIAN all the time, and what you've been saying to me as of late hasn't been very Christian, if the words in Matthew 12:7 serve me correctly. I'd examine your attitude and not mine, missy." *Girl stands there silently, then runs away to go cry.*

LOL. I hate how immature these kinds of kids are. They act all religious when there's an adult around, but act like a total b**** when nobody's watching them. Life is good. Again.

So, has there been any times you guys have verbally beaten down a bully? Share your stories below! As for me, I'm outta here. Later!


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Yes, I know three more weeks. :D I'm ready to be out of school too. :lol:

This is the point of school were no one cares, I'm still trying a little though. :-) Unlike others at my school they fail and take summer school and think it's no big deal, just think of all that time you just wasted, I'm sad for them. I wish they'd try even a little. :( There was a kid in my class today who wanted more homework in math so he could get his grade up, and think about more homework on a monday, by the way we already have homework in that class every day.

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So, has there been any times you guys have verbally beaten down a bully? Share your stories below! As for me, I'm outta here. Later!


Yeaaah...can't say I have ever really stood up to people honestly. I say that with some regret not necessarily because of myself, but more because the people needed someone to tell them off. Only time I ever really took things into my hands in regards to bullies was to make myself a target instead of one of my friends. Well heck I guess I have done that a couple times now that I think back on it :/

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@sroberson I've gotta say, that's a commendable thing to do. Good job.

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