sjrathbun812 Posted April 24, 2012 Share Posted April 24, 2012 You know... I really don't understand bullies, and what their problem is. I mean seriously, why the heck would she want to butt into your conversation and say shut up? Your not doing anything wrong, and your conversation doesn't even have anything to do with her, so why she would do it is beyond me. By the way Sroberson, I agree with Peter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted April 24, 2012 Author Share Posted April 24, 2012 I think she doesn`t like me because I`m better than her academically. You should see her start sobbing when she gets a 98 and I get an 100. She`s very immature really. She always has to be the best at everything, but I can still beat her grade wise. Every time I brag (not really, just comparing scores) to fellow classmates about the highest grade, she stares at me with eyes as if she wants to rip my flesh off or something. It`s pretty funny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sjrathbun812 Posted April 25, 2012 Share Posted April 25, 2012 Ahhh, I see. Competitive type huh? Yup. I don't understand people like that either, lol. She's just full of herself and has a big ego. That's why if she can't prove that shes better than you, she gets upset. Honestly though, it shouldn't be an issue. If I were her I could care less on what grades you got. Heck, I'd probably commend you if you got a 100% and if you were someone I knew. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Girls can be fickle. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thunderflare Posted April 26, 2012 Share Posted April 26, 2012 It doesn't make sense, why does she care about how well your doing. If I were in her position I probably wouldn't care, because I just try my best. There was one time classmates asked me to do bad on a test, because it was graded on a curve, whoever got the highest grade got 100% pretty much how it was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted April 27, 2012 Author Share Posted April 27, 2012 CONTINUING MY BLOG APRIL 26, 2012 Not much to say today besides that a kid got suspended at my school. I did some old fashioned snooping around, and got a little information. All I really found out was that it had something to do with a girl, and it was bad. Not REALLY bad, just bad.  So, it actually could`ve been bad, or it was just blown way out of proportion from what he actually did... honestly, there have been a lot of shady things going on this year. First, two kids just dissapear off the attendance sheet AND pretty much the face of the Earth. Second, our principal quits `effective immediately` on a Wednesday, one week before Christmas Break. There were a few rumors, a few pretty believeable, but none really concrete.  Now this. Only a few kids know about what really happened, but they were literally sworn to secrecy. On a positive side of my day, I finished part of a paper we have to write, I beat my brother`s record for Banshee Boardwalk on MarioKart N64, and I am one of two guys in my grade that, as of today, are completely detention-free! I feel clean, although I cut it close today by answering "OVER 9,000!" to a question to which I wasn`t paying attention to in Math class. But, since my rap sheet is clean, she let it slide. So, any funny classrom moments happen to you guys lately?Comment below! -Peter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted April 30, 2012 Author Share Posted April 30, 2012 CONTINUING MY BLOG APRIL 29, 2012 Well, I slept in today until 10:30, I really neeeded that. And now, at 9:00 PM (not that late, but still) I thought it was time for an update, and so here I am, posting a new update! Today I finished reading AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL by Ben Carson. It was a really great book. It seems that there are so many simple solutions to our nation's problems. Really shows how inept our president and his cabinet is. One of my Venus Flytraps is starting to look pretty pitiful, hopefully it doesn't die on me! I've been giving it extra water, but it looks like it might not hold on. It might have to move on to the giant zen garden in the sky they call Plant-Heaven. (Just kidding, do I sound like someone who would join a cult?) My dad has so many frequent flyer miles that they sent him a rewards booklet where you can buy things with your miles. He could get 6 iPods, a PS VITA, one laptop, an XBOX 360, and a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2 with all the miles he's accumulated. His company is based in Belgium, so he travels a lot, but he still finds time to hang out and do stuff. He's seriously awesome. Not much else to say now, and so I leave you, and bid you good day. -Peter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted May 2, 2012 Author Share Posted May 2, 2012 CONTINUING MY BLOG MAY 1, 2012 Looks like my blog is dying a slow and painful ddeath right now, no one`s commented in days! Only your responses can save dying blogs around the world. Donate just $19.95 today... *shows pictures of abused animals while playing sad piano music.* Tomorrow is the anniversary of Osama Bin Laden`s death at the hands of Seal Team 6! WOOT! AMERRRRRRRRICUUUUUUUHHHH! I also watched Barack Obama`s speech he made in Afghanistan today. I really thought it was pathetic, because it had nothing to do with honoring our servicemembers, OR the death of Bin Laden. It was just a campaign speech, and I already dislike his policies! He talked about `phasing out` US troops with Afghanistan`s police force. They tried that in Vietnam, and Saigon fell, what, not even three years later? Look at what`s ALREADY happening in Iraq! That guy`s an idiot. I think his necktie would`ve been a better president, considering it wouldn`t do anything. And don`t get me wrong, I might have been seeing things, but it looked like a green screen behind him. I`d say that was a nice and proper political rant. Hopefully it doesn`t start an internet war. Share your thoughts, everyone! -Peter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sroberson Posted May 2, 2012 Share Posted May 2, 2012 I still say you are a pretty politically clever person for your age. I'll have to make some commentary on politics when I get my internet assured! I am keeping up, just I've got a war to fight with my service provider that i have to win! P.s. I guess if your journal is dying a slow death, mine breathed one of its death rattles lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sjrathbun812 Posted May 2, 2012 Share Posted May 2, 2012 LOL, that's a good way to get people to post. I just didn't have much to say. I'm not a fan of Obama, either. The entire economy has been getting considerably worse ever since he became president. All he does is make bad decisions for two days, and then goes off on a vacation with his wife for two weeks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted May 2, 2012 Author Share Posted May 2, 2012 @sroberson Internet service providers suck. Especially when they send a guy 5 times to fix your internet and it still doesn't work *hemhemComcast*<p>All he does is make bad decisions for two days, and then goes off on a vacation with his wife for two weeks.AMEN. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sroberson Posted May 4, 2012 Share Posted May 4, 2012 Well, actually I have been fighting with AT&T (and still fighting considering I pay for up to 12Mbps internet and at nights I max out at a wonderful speed of 0.5 Mbps...). Where AT&T really botched was they scheduled a day for their technicians to come out 4 different times - Monday, Tuesday morning, Tuesday afternoon, then Tuesday morning again. When I finally got a hold of a customer rep Tuesday night I was informed that the technician that visited that day had supposedly talked to me in person...when I wasn't home. About an hour into the conversation and being elevated to a manager I managed to get $10/month off the internet and they scheduled technicians to come out again the next day. Up and running, but my speed is so slow for some reason at nights. Anyways, ONTO POLITICS! I also watched Barack Obama`s speech he made in Afghanistan today. I really thought it was pathetic, because it had nothing to do with honoring our servicemembers, OR the death of Bin Laden. It was just a campaign speech, and I already dislike his policies! He talked about `phasing out` US troops with Afghanistan`s police force. They tried that in Vietnam, and Saigon fell, what, not even three years later? Look at what`s ALREADY happening in Iraq! That guy`s an idiot. I think his necktie would`ve been a better president, considering it wouldn`t do anything. And don`t get me wrong, I might have been seeing things, but it looked like a green screen behind him. I didn't get to watch the speech he gave due to being at a city hall meeting for the neighborhood I just moved into. I will have to look it up. On his lack of talking about Osama Bin Laden, he has been taking some flack from the Republicans as far as his supposed "boasting" about giving the order to kill Bin Laden. As a result, he stopped mentioning it because the Republican party pointed out that he was using a non-political device to try and leverage more support for himself. So, I guess that is sort of the truth, but the reason he didn't mention it isn't because he didn't care but because the Republicans told him to cut it out basically. As far as him suggesting we need to pull out from Afghanistan - we do. In my opinion anyways, it really isn't our place. We actually seem to be causing more damage by allowing out of control troops to deface and humiliate the Afghan people, further inciting them to carry anti-American sentiments and boosting the enrollment for terrorist organizations homegrown and abroad. I have been in this conversation in the past, if the United States wants to portray themselves as the models of peace and respect for humanity, then they don't need to have soliders urinating on bodies, going ballistic and killing a dozen of them randomly (and furthermore be protected by the United States which is utterly insane), photographing themselves with body parts of people, etc. etc. We really do a bad job of trying to be a good model for society and only feed the terrorist fire. The problems go beyong just morale, the economic impact of being at war is incredible. Because I am starting to really rant off topic... The amount of money we have to invest in veterans and disabled as well as simply the cost of deployment is astronomical (though personally I really have to question why we have so many bases around the world - also being a large constant drain on spending). While it barely compares to the amount the country spends on welfare overall, it certainly is another drain on the already squeemish economy that our politicians have allowed to get out of control. I just feel that we entered the war because there were some special interests that wanted us to and are making a ton of money off it. Perhaps we entered the war as a political tool and it got carried away, but one thing is for sure - terrorism is going to exist no matter what we try because there will always be a minority voice that feels they have to do things in the most extreme fashion so they will be noticed. We can't remain a crutch to the security of a nation that can't protect itself. Our meddling in the affairs of nations like Iraq and Afghanistan is exactly why we have suicide bombers wanting to blow themselves up in our planes and subways. They don't want us there, we don't want to pay the cost of war - it only seems logical that we try to help them get their own two feet and leave. Must like the Vietnam War, many weren't sure why we were even involved (obviously it was to just fight off the 'horrible' red scare and to try and safe the face of the French who had to leave because they were fighting their on version of the Vietnam War before us), nobody is terribly sure why we are still at war over there when a fraction of the money spent over there could be applied to homeland security and better infrastructure here in the United States. Leaving the war is both a goal of the Democrat and Republican party, because Americans want to leave. We are all tired of the horror associated with the slowly rising body count (and personally I think the scare tactics the media outlets use to boost their ratings only contributes to American violence) and as a whole we really lost the same uniting power that brought us to the Middle East. We killed the big bad guy, let's come home now and figure out what is going on with our economy now...please? And Obama has accomplished some things . It's not fair to say he hasn't done anything - its really the extremist party members on both sides and the completely polar activity of congress that is killing any progress. With an approval rating of 10% overall, I feel like the Congress deserves a tongue lashing moreso than the Commander in Chief who is obligated by the media and the public to give grand promises that he knows he will never reach due to congress and the senate. In fact, just writing this I am starting to get enraged by the lofty, useless, and corrupt politicians that we spend hundreds of millions on to run the country into the ground. Not sure about the green screen, but I do have to admit, whenever they get videos of people out in the Middle East...the background always looks so..."perfect"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted May 12, 2012 Author Share Posted May 12, 2012 CONTINUING MY BLOG MAY 11, 2012 So, I apologize to sroberson for not responding to your awesome political post! I tried to respond really late at night a few days ago, and I guess the message never sent. And now I'm too tired and forgetful to remember what I was going to say; I had a few great counter-arguments! Sorry! I just got home from seeing the Avengers movie. Awesome special effects and funny as hell! LOKI: "Do you know who I am? I am a GOD! Bow to me!" HULK: *gives funny look, then grabs Loki by his legs and throws him out the window* Best scene in that movie. Also, there were some previews before the movie, and there are three I really want to see. The Expendables 2: Because it has Chuck Norris in it. I fear repercussions for not seeing it. Battleship: Looked sort of like Transformers, plus it has Liam Neeson in it. It's gotta be awesome. GI Joe 2: I never saw the first one, but it looks just plain bad ass. So, any good movies you've seen\want to see? Comment! -Peter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestalt Posted May 12, 2012 Share Posted May 12, 2012 Oh god i have to go see Avengers...NOW! *disconnets* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thunderflare Posted May 13, 2012 Share Posted May 13, 2012 I saw the Hunger Games which was pretty good, didn't read the book, but the people in my family told me what they left out. Also I would like to see The Avengers and Battleship, they look really good! I think I've heard of The Expendables 2, but I don't know anything about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sroberson Posted May 13, 2012 Share Posted May 13, 2012 CONTINUING MY BLOG MAY 11, 2012 So, I apologize to sroberson for not responding to your awesome political post! I tried to respond really late at night a few days ago, and I guess the message never sent. And now I'm too tired and forgetful to remember what I was going to say; I had a few great counter-arguments! Sorry! ... So, any good movies you've seenwant to see? Comment! -Peter Aww I'm flattered. Its always fun having a political discussion and have neither side get upset or their feelings hurt. There will probably be many many more discussion topics to come! I just saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol last night. Can't say it was a wonderful movie that I would watch time and time again, but I definitely found myself getting caught in the suspense. Not the best of the Mission Impossible movies, but certainly not the worst. Gives me the same feeling as StarFox was acceptable and enjoyable. I also saw Hunger Games, think it was a pretty well put together movie and I look forward to seeing the next one but I can't help but feel a bit frustrated with the "Shaky camera" effect that used to try and hide the violence. I understand why they did it, since the target audience wasn't really teenage to adult males, but still. It seems awfully hypocritical to have a book that teen girls read depicting young adult violence and brutality and then hide it on screen. Those who saw the Hunger Games might enjoy this article I found shortly after seeing it: http://www.cracked.c...ent-honest.html Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sjrathbun812 Posted May 13, 2012 Share Posted May 13, 2012 No kidding! I saw The Avengers too, it was so awesome and hilarious. Iron Man: "I thought we were having a moment." Iron Man's girl: "I was having 12 percent of it. " I swear, there were quite a few people that went, "ooooohhhhh" at that. :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted May 14, 2012 Author Share Posted May 14, 2012 Personally, I like hiw when Robert Downey Jr. isn`t wearing his Iron Man suit, he has a Black Sabbath shirt on in every scene. Additionally, I wanted so badly for Samuel L. Jackson to scream, "I AM TIRED OF THE MOTHER******G NINJAS ON THIS MOTHER******NG INVISIBLE FLOATING AIRCRAFT CARRIER!!" Also, do you remember the thing at the end after the credits with the red guy talking? Sure looks a lot like Schmidt from Captain America.    @sroberson, that article is so true. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted May 18, 2012 Author Share Posted May 18, 2012 CONTINUING MY BLOG MAY 17, 2012 So, I've got finals next week, with a paper due. Also, I had to recite the Gettysburg Address, which I did perfectly, but I got 99.5% because my teacher is such a feminist it's not even funny. I did a PowerPoint presentation, and got 100% on that. But, I still have to study for finals that start next week. I'm pretty busy and so I don't have a ton of time at the moment, at least until next Thursday, until I'm free from school! Hopefully my parents will take me out of the stupid Christian school I'm at. I'm getting an inferior education, they waste gas driving me, and it costs 7500$ a month. I'll probably be going to public school next year, where maybe I'll be challenged to my full academic potential, also saving buttloads of money. So, tell me about your guys' upcoming \ already done finals, tests, and projects! Peter (Disclaimer: This post was done in about two minutes without any revision.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thunderflare Posted May 18, 2012 Share Posted May 18, 2012 Well at the school I'm at we don't have to take finals if we have a C or higher and we haven't missed more than 2 days of school. I didn't have to take finals. I did have an I Can Pass Government project, we had to make our own political party. We where in groups and had to say what was wrong with the government now and how we were going to fix it, make T-shirts for the party, and have a candidate represent the party. I was the candidate, I have a stage fright problem but I was able to talk about our party and its goal (thanks to this site most likely). Our party was The Pack we talked about fixing inequality, our mascot was a wolf, and our T-shirt had a paw print on it. After all the group had gone we all chose a state and had an electoral collage type vote on which candidate for a party would be the next president. Had a primary were everyone voted on any candidate, later when we had the two leading candidates we all voted on which one of them would be the president, parties could not vote for themselves. My party didn't win. At the end my teacher said he wasn't going to let anyone fail his class the project was 100 points, but he moved it up to 150 points so no one would fail and everyone got full points on the project. Now you see why it's called I Can Pass Government. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted May 18, 2012 Author Share Posted May 18, 2012 Wait, so you stood up and explained what was wrong with the government and how you'll fix the nation's problems? Two things: 1. That must have took an hour and a half (lol) 2. Good job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thunderflare Posted May 19, 2012 Share Posted May 19, 2012 Well we chose some problems, equality problems. We did it in about 10 minutes, the class is like 50 minutes long and there were 3 other parties presenting, so yeah. If we had to talk about all the US governments problems, I don't think it would have ever ended. Thanks. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted May 23, 2012 Author Share Posted May 23, 2012 CONTINUING MY BLOG MAY 22, 2012 So, bear with me. This is just going to be a big mishmosh of small events that have happened. It's not going to be long, but I'll try to extend it as much as I can. So... here we go! First day of finals out of the way. At this rate, I won't even have to study, it's so easy. Its all just useless memorization, I guess. I got a new state quarter collector's binder today. My old one had literally fallen apart and was in four pieces. My dog got his haircut today. He's really fluffy and looks like a stuffed animal. I've never had bad "acne", but I'm starting to get a few pimples here and there. I'd better lay off the chocolate. I completed the last level of Diddy Kong racing for my friend on his console. Damn Wizpig... I learned a new technique variation of throwing a frisbee disc forehand that will increase my driving distance by 30 feet. (I'm a frisbee golfer, if you didn't already know.) My Venus flytraps are starting to look pitiful and haven't grown any traps because I let the flowers grow for too long, thinking I could pollinate with them, and assuming that the plant itself would live. It's all my fault if they die. "Subdivisions" by Rush is on the radio right now. Oh yeah. Well, that's pretty much it for today. I'm not in the bloggin' mood, but I had to do some sort of update, I haven't gotten anything in for a while. -Peter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sroberson Posted May 23, 2012 Share Posted May 23, 2012 I used to have some pretty severe acne issues. Had dermatologists prescribe me to about 3 different antibiotics to try and take care of it...then it was until I was put on this stuff called "accutane" did it work. Had to have blood work done, and it came with all kinds of warnings of depression/suicide, liver failure, high cholesterol, etc...It wasn't until this past year or so did I find out there is a class action lawsuit against the makers of accutane because it supposedly caused irrepairable gastrointestinal problems....As I sit in a Mexican restaraunt while hearing about this. The old Diddy Kong Racing game for N64? Or did they rerelease that game eventually? Can't tell you how many times I had fun sitting on the red balloons and waiting for the other racers to pass by as I rained hell on them with a second player as well. One of my favorite songs by Rush, m/_ Rock on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted June 10, 2012 Author Share Posted June 10, 2012 CONTINUING MY BLOG JUNE 10, 2012. Here I am. 1 in the morning. Nothing really to do, and I'm having a bad time trying to sleep. So, it's bloggin' time! Went to Riverfest today. It's in St. Charles, Illinois. They've got everything. Vendors, sand sculptures (they were awesome this year!) and live bands. So I was watching the bands most of the time I was there. First there was this motown band called the Home Wreckers. I will NEVER, EVER, understand black culture. After that, there was this satirical band up called Libido Funk Circus. They played this medley of covers of really popular music (classics, new stuff pretty much everything). They would dress up in these costumes and stuff for each song. It was pretty funny. Also, their drummer was pretty solid. After THAT, I went and picked up a hot dog (Chicago style, of course) it was awesome. I'm pretty pissed off that Miami beat Boston in the series tonight. It just means one more step until LeBron James could possibly get a ring. And that would mean he's one championship closer to overshadowing Michael Jordan. It also means no more LeBron James jokes either. Euro 2012 has been great! Did you see how the BACKUP goalie for Poland saved a penalty kick! AMAZING! It was so cool when Russia just murdered the Czech Republic! Their first goal was awesome. Off the post, and then the forward kicks it in off the deflection! And then when Denmark upset the Netherlands! So exciting! Then today, Mario Gomez's goal against Portugal. He jumps like a fuckin' kangaroo and heads it in off a cross from the right side! I'm SO looking forward to Spain VS Italy tomorrow, because of the pure talent of both teams. It's guaranteed they'll play good ball. I'm really anticipating that, as well as Sweden and Ukraine on Monday, because I'm from Sweden. I'll bet you guys think I'm talking like a 15 year old girl in a mall. That's because I LOVE soccer. I finally managed to get a hold of Led Zeppelin IV on vinyl, and have been playing it so much. I've wanted it for so long, and now I finally have it. By far, "When the Levee Breaks" is my favorite Zeppelin song, but every single other track on there is awesome too. "The Battle of Evermore" is a great acoustic piece. Now I need to find "2112", "A Farewell to Kings", and "Hemispheres" by Rush for reasonable pricing. I laughed so hard when Obama said, "The private sector is fine!" recently. It is NOT fine. Not at all. Stop taking vacations and do something about it, man. Please, comment away, my friends! -Peter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Posted June 14, 2012 Author Share Posted June 14, 2012 Well, not much blogging going on today, but I need some help. I picked up this guitar at Goodwill for $15 and it's in pretty decent condition considering I just replaced the strings on it. Now, I'm trying to play a lot of songs using tabs online. I know how to read tabs and everything, problem is: I'm not fast enough to play chord progressions. I can't go from chord to chord like pros do, I've got to re-adjust my fingers and everything, which takes about 5 seconds. Any tips you guys can give me on just being able to play faster would be great. -Peter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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