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I Find Your Lack of Legend of Korra Worship Disturbing...

Fana McCloud

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Yeah, I really wasn't too attached to Lyn, but that's just because the core group of characters in this show is a little larger than in TLA and I've yet to adjust to having to deal with so many characters. That'll pass, though, and Lyn going down still felt like getting punched in the gut. But, I have another crazy fanwank theory that's not likely to be right.

So, what Amon does looks a lot like the Energybending that Aang did, both to Ozai and that Yakone (sp?) fellow. However, there are several differences. With Energybending, the lionturtlethingy told Aang that you have to touch the heart and the mind, which he does both times we see it done. Amon's thing, though, has him touching the forehead and the back of their neck if I recall correctly. He also doesn't have that light-shining-from-all-orifices thing that Energybending did.

In addition, since the flashback episode made a point to show us Aang taking the guy's bending away - as well as using Amon's own catchphrase of "I'm taking your bending away - for good," - it seems to me like the difference between the two will be somehow important. Perhaps, since Amon's blocking doesn't also target the heart of the person, it's not taking their bending away but their knowledge of how to bend. Or something along those lines. So maybe the next seasons will have Korra having lost her bending but working to get it back, or learning how to truly Energybend by being taught by Aang and restoring bending to those who lost it?

Just maybe. Maybe I'm just grasping at straws.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was most amused by the season finale, everything got tied up with a neat little bow. >:3 Makes me wonder where we'll be going next season with all of this. Also makes me sad because now I have to find something else to watch while I wait for Korra to return.

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Okay I'm goint to post my thoughts on season one.

It was AWESOME, almost better than Last Airbender, but I do have a few complaints.


I think season two is going to be kind of un nessisary, they really ended the confict with Amon's death.

The ending was a litle too predictable. The ghost of Aang comes and is all like, "Hi Korra! I'm goint to give you your bending back! And its all going to be like nothing happened." I mean am I the only one who thinks she would be just fine with only airbending?

But besides these two little nit-picks I love the show.

Oh and before I forget Melo (Mello? I have no clue how to spell it.) Had me laughing my butt off with the whole 'fartbending' part.

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The ending was a litle too predictable. The ghost of Aang comes and is all like, "Hi Korra! I'm goint to give you your bending back! And its all going to be like nothing happened." I mean am I the only one who thinks she would be just fine with only airbending?

This bugs me as well, sort of. But the more I think about it, the more I think we might be about to see an entirely different sort of plot to TLA. Aang's adventure was focused on learning all the elements and using them for war, which provided plenty of good conflict between his goals and his nature as an Airbender. Korra, though, is pretty hot headed and shit, and that sort of overarching plot wouldn't have the same tension and internal conflict.

Korra, as of the end of the finale, can now bend all the elements at least reasonably well, as well as being able to Energybend. It's quite possible that this whole "Being a fully realized Avatar" business could sort of go to her head, and her arc be focused on learning more restraint and self-control. After all, she still was very hotheaded and impatient in her fight against Amon, and she really only won because she was lucky. I get the feeling that the next seasons are kind of going to be the polar opposite of Aang's adventure, which could be really cool.

As for my thoughts on the rest of the finale... meh. I'm kind of toeing the line between mildly disappointed and satisfied. It was at least explained why Amon was so unstoppable, but I feel there should have been more to hint at it before the reveal. Maybe there was and I just wasn't looking hard enough, but I'm still not really happy with it. That ending with him and Tarlok was fucking grisly, though. I'm quite shocked that is got put in there.

Mako and what's-her-name (I can't remember the names of any of the not-as-important characters to save my life) didn't get nearly enough closure with their relationship. It was kind of just "I really care about you and I'm going to kiss you on the cheek" and then he's telling Korra he loves her. Meh. The romance should never be a main part of the plot IMO, anyway, which was a problem I had with the show so far. TLA's romance was never at the forefront until near the very end, which made sense because they were quite possibly going to die in the war. But I can deal.

On the other hand, we did get some good fight scenes, Tenzin got to go full badass, the appearance of Aang itself and the other Avatars was pretty damn impressive, even if it did seem a little contrived. Iroh totally proved me wrong on my fear that he wasn't going to have much of an identity. His actions and decisions really worked for me, and I think he's one of my current favorites in this show.

All in all, it was okay. I'm excited for more shit to come, and I enjoyed the entire season on the whole.

Also, to quote myself in an earlier post:

So maybe the next seasons will have Korra having lost her bending but working to get it back, or learning how to truly Energybend by being taught by Aang and restoring bending to those who lost it?

Ha! At least one of my theories was right!

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