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Don't you just love it when...?


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Here's a thread for you to take out your frustrations by simply stating what your problem is. Starting each statement with "Don't you just love it when..."

Of course, no badmouthing other users for reasons i hopefully need not reiterate from the site list of rules.

I'll start.

Don't you just love it when you miss your stop on the train because people have a tendancy ignore you when you are trying to tell them you have to get off?

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Awesome thread idea, especially since we got a Good News thread lol

Don't you just love it when one of your friends decides to mooch off your living space, drink a ton of beer and pass out on the sofa until 2am to proceed waking you up in the middle of the night as they continue mooching off your space, television, netflix, etc.

Yeah... -_-

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[Threads like this have a tendency to spiral out of control quickly, though we could give this one a chance before lock as it relates to annoyances rather than direct bad news.]

Don't you just love it when the remote goes missing?

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Don't you just love it when Youtube decides to douche out and eternally buffer on a 30 second video the moment you try to fullscreen it?

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Don't you just love it when you are such in a hurry and forgot the keys to your house?

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Don't you just love it when you get a migraine (very bad headache) when your watching a movie?

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Don't you love it when you get a line of a song stuck in your head, but forget the rest?

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Don't you just love it when everything seems to go your way and in one stroke of bad luck, all turns to ash?

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Don't you just love it when Gary Oak gets that Gym Badge before you? Goddamn it Gary. Goddamn it.

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Don't you just love it when someone sits in the bathroom for hours late at night and all you want to do is brush your teeth?

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Don't you just love it when you get excited for a game coming out soon and then the devolpers push it back a couple of months?

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Don't you just hate it when your eating an apple, that still has the little sticker on it...but you dont realize the sticker was still on the apple until you've swallowed that sticker.

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Don't you just love it when a game suddenly crashes?

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Don't you just hate it when your eating an apple, that still has the little sticker on it...but you dont realize the sticker was still on the apple until you've swallowed that sticker.

Has happened to me before. :lol:


Don't you just hate it when, your ready to go some were, your driving and the seat and mirrors are messed up from the the person driving before you.

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Don't you love it when you're having a nice, fun, competitive TF2 game, and then someone decides to be a sourpuss and go Heavy with a Kritz Medic?

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Don't you just love it when you step in a huge wad of gum right next to the trash can it could have been easily thrown into earlier?

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Don't you just love it when you are playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Olimar beats your ass so hard it makes you want to chuck the controller at the television?

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Don't you just love it when your computer crashes, the relaunch is messed so you have to launch the PC repair system that takes a lot of minutes, then when the relaunch is complete you realize Avast doesn't work anymore so you have to uninstall it 'cause you want to keep it free and you have to relaunch your PC, but then it crashes again, making it relaunch, then you open Firefox to go on Avast and download the free version, but Firefox quits REPEATEDLY, screwing up the download, so you open Chrome, go to Avast and download, and since you want to chill out you go to some places on the net, but then Windows crashes AGAIN, it relaunches, you open Chrome, you see that the download is still going on but for three quarters of hour, when the download is finished you realize the crash made the download corrupted so you have to do it AGAIN, you re-download Avast and install it, all in an entire hour hopng Windows won't crash in the process?


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Don't you just love it when your computer crashes, the relaunch is messed so you have to launch the PC repair system that takes a lot of minutes, then when the relaunch is complete you realize Avast doesn't work anymore so you have to uninstall it 'cause you want to keep it free and you have to relaunch your PC, but then it crashes again, making it relaunch, then you open Firefox to go on Avast and download the free version, but Firefox quits REPEATEDLY, screwing up the download, so you open Chrome, go to Avast and download, and since you want to chill out you go to some places on the net, but then Windows crashes AGAIN, it relaunches, you open Chrome, you see that the download is still going on but for three quarters of hour, when the download is finished you realize the crash made the download corrupted so you have to do it AGAIN, you re-download Avast and install it, all in an entire hour hopng Windows won't crash in the process?


I believe I have a solution to your problem;




Don't you hate it when people don't appreciate the classics for ridiculous reasons? [Classics as in music, television, cars, etc.]

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^ I have the perfect quote for this.

Quote by Steve Wozniak

"Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window."

Don't you just love it when people don't answer a email, text, PM, etc.

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Sadly, i'm admittedly one of those email non-respondents LOL :?

Don't you just love it when you purchase a grocery item you thought you didn't have at home, which it turns out you do, and that only delays your consumption of the newly purchased item....and as a result, it expires before you get to finish half of it?

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Don't you just love it when you purchase a grocery item you thought you didn't have at home, which it turns out you do, and that only delays your consumption of the newly purchased item....and as a result, it expires before you get to finish half of it?



Don't you hate it when the "users online" section of SF-O is full, yet no one posts and you're forced to sit there and pretend you have a life? No?


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^^^well CRAZY, to be honest, as a user, my concern would be that my posting nearly everywhere to get others involved in a conversation is hopefully not viewed as spamming...since between 2-4 topics my say the latest post was put up by me....

I guess i have to add something on the fly

Don't you just love it when other people decide to "help you organize" your stuff, and all they end up doing is cause you to misplace something VERY IMPORTANT?

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Don't you love it when you bring food back for your roommate, who is too lazy to find a way to get food himself, then watch him complain about said food and dispose of it right in front of you?...always a lovely experience.

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Don't you just love it when your Internet goes kaput... again.... and again... and... again?

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