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My life - A Blue Blur

Geo Stelar

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I can have the requirements anytime I want, but my connection isn't as constant as online games need it to be :(


Anyways, I now have a Steam account! http://steamcommunity.com/id/mckarter/ How do I add friends? :lol:

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Oh damn, I have to buy a game before I can access all features :lol: I don't even know how to buy; or let alone if I CAN buy :P I guess y'all gotta add me, then :D

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is it normal to have a crush on a fictional character? xD

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is it normal to have a crush on a fictional character? xD

Seems to be. Though I would think of it less as a "crush" and more of an obsession or infatuation with the character in question.

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Seems to be. Though I would think of it less as a "crush" and more of an obsession or infatuation with the character in question.


Hmmm I don't feel either way, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

LOL @ myself 'cause my curent favorite games are those I don't even own :lol:


My faves are Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon, the upcoming Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, and of course, Star fox 64 3D, allfor the Nintendo 3DS. gotta start saving money :-P


Anyways, I just did a major cleanup of my notebook computer, uninstalling unnecessary programs (I was really tempted to uninstall the Internet Explorer but decided against it for the sake of the original installed programs :-P:troll: ) and deleting all those unwanted videos and pictures that I have downloaded throughout my high school life and my first year in college.

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I'm gaining some progress now on making up the story for the RP I'm planning, but it's really hard :lol: 


Incorporating Megaman's technology to a world as simple as Mario's takes a huge deal of my brain cells :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright! My second year of college will start two days from now, so I'm trying to prepare myself. The 2 month vacation seemed a bit lacking to me, but whatever. So! With another year in college ahead of me I will once again be inactive here, but I will try to log in every once in a while :)

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Alright! Second year of college starts tomorrow!! :D I wonder what challenges and fun times we're going to have. Well, I hope to make it through better this time! ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...



The 39 Clues - The Maze of Bones

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got to try out DoTA 2 the other day, and I also played TF2 last week and earlier today. whew I definitely need some more playing hours xD


Pyro, Demoman, and Sniper FTW!!!

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  • 2 months later...

okay! I survived the first semester of my second year in college! :D YES! WOO :D I am so relieved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I don't know whether to save my money for a Wii U or a 3DS. Because I just saw the trailer for MK8 today -_-


Anyway, looks like my short vacation is coming to a close end, my second semester will begin on Nov. 4, Eastern time, so yeah, goodluck to me xD

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  • 5 months later...

So, it has been quite some time since I last visited SF-O xD


well, I just survived the fourth semester of my college education, so next June I will be starting my third year. 


I got few new interests since last time I was here. For one, my new favorite movie is Disney's Frozen. I am now also watching an anime called Baka to Test to Shokanjuu.


in my personal life there has been very few points of important events, like admitting to my classmate that I really like her, made some new friends and such xD






yeah I know this journal is kinda pointless :lol:

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