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Your Favorite Final Fantasy games?


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Just list them and why.... Im bored so lets see what everybodies favorite Final Fantasy games they have...

~Final Fantasy 2 * basically I like customizing characters and love the story line in it, I really don't know why people don't like this because of customization, I really liked that feature*

~Final Fantasy 3 *the original Japanese version, I have a ROM of it, its very fun and hard.... Job classes is a main reason and its story*

~Final Fantasy 5 *Its known to be the Hardest FF out there, I love the difficulty and extra bosses, Shinryu and Omega are a**!!, plus lets hear it for Gilgamesh and his theme!!! plus lots of Jobs*

~Final Fantasy 6 *Do I really need to explain why??? well the characters, Kefka being an awsome villain, also I love the Story and its very fun*

~Final Fantasy 8 *The Junction System (being able to customize the characters) a lot of secrets and sidequest, not really much into the story though, plus welcome back Gilgamesh as a summon!!*

~Final Fantasy 9 * I really love the music they put into this game, plus the story was great... and the secret boss Ozma, love battling him. Also the characters were unique in this game... my favorite is Amarant (which is in my Avie right now) and Freya, and Zidaine.... this game is very fun, lol Gilgamesh is funny in this game*

~Final Fantasy 11 *hmm... I still play it.. its a good MMORPG... Lets hear it for the Blue Mages and the Dragoons!!!*

~Final Fantasy Tactics *Love this Tactical game on PS1, Ramza and the gang are all good! and so many Jobs.. I don't know what to pick!! and plus the secrets and secret characters... even using Cloud from FF7! aahh great game.. they should have put Squall from FF8 instead of Cloud... They really need to make another FFT with Ramza... the one on Advance with Marche was Pitiful.. sorry FFTA fans just my opinion*

These are my favorite Final Fantasy's.. Im not a fan of FF7, I think its really Overrated.. sorry FF7 fans.. I really don't like this game... I know Im going to be flamed if I said that in GFaqs...in the FF7 board! I didn't put FF1 because well your just thrown in to a world map with not much of a story and little to choose from, its a good game just not my fav... and FF10, its a great game.. though I really couldn't get into it, I did love the battle music... anyway those are my Favorites FF games

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FFVI: Definitely number one for me. If I could give you one reason why it's my favorite, that reason is Kefka. Lots of villians are trying to steal the power of the gods and take over/destroy the world; Kefka was one of the few who actually SUCCEEDED. And I think he's the only villian deemed too evil for the stereotypical evil empire (Gestahl arrested him for war crimes against Doma, remember?).

If I could give you a second reason...the music. Everybody loves Aeris' Theme; too bad it's a ripoff of Celes' theme (Aria de Mezzo Caraterre). All of the battle themes are top notch, and Dancing Mad is 12:00 of ownage in SFC format.

Reason three: the Esper system. Who doesn't like getting a 50% HP bonus with every level up?

FF4j: Second favorite to me. It's everything I love about FF6...just not as much of it. Zemus does get a nod for pulling the strings behind everything evil going on in the world. From the moon.

FF5: This one...I didn't like it too much. Most of the music was forgettable (except one, which I don't think needs to be named), and the characters were...mediocre. The Job system is really cool, though it did lead to me over-grinding to max out a job ASAP (yeah, I'm weird like that).

FF7: Believe it or not, I haven't played this game. I almost feel I don't need to, though, thanks to Advent Children and the Internet spoiling everything I need to know. :yes:

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ya know FF4 wasn't my favorite that much.. though I did like that old man with magic and has a weird taste in robes... can't remember his name....

I really liked FF5 just for its Difficulty and Jobs.. plus well fighting Shinryu and Omega... and Gilgamesh.. Not into the Story really.. but its fun... ugh trying to max out a job is a pain!! expecially ones that need 999 ap to get.... Mimic...

I think Kefka was an awsome villian.. better than Sephiroth in my opinion..

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Sephy was a pansy who couldn't have been a few seconds faster and stopped Holy. Or noticed a little green marble falling away...

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You know, I have yet to play through an entire FF game. Or seen it played through. The closest to that would be 10, which I enjoyed. I also really like 9 and 3/6.

I can, however, tell you that I REALLY FREAKING HATE Crystal Chronicles. It's one of the most awful games I've played in recent history.

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Final Fantasy VII- Cloud and the gang really got me to start loving the series.

FFIX- I love the whole Medieval setting (definately music as well) and Vivi's my all time favorite character out of the whole FF series.

FFX- Since this was the first one to grace the PS2. I loved the voice acting the cutscenes and the storylines pretty much awesome. Yup.

FFX-2- I'm prolly the only one that likes this. >.> It's all girl power and dressing up with dresspheres. How girly.....>.>; (But I sure like it!) Music's pretty cool too. A lil too pop but it's okay.

FFX-2 Last Mission- All that crap I said but with the final mission there's more story to it and that one dressphere! But I could never get ahold on it.....T-T

FFXII- Even though I played the demo, I'm still hooked. I love the action based gameplay rather than the turn based. Can't stand Vaan for some odd reason.

Uh....yeah, I like FFCC too. If you tried the multiplayer.....It's quite fun. But, the stupid thing is, you have to play over and over and you don't really know where to go or what to do. Also, the you have to use GBAs suck major donkey because, yeah.....It just doesn't make sense. But, I enjoyed it......took me forever to beat though.

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Ive played the Demo of FFXII, although its in Japanese I really do like the game and can't wait for it.... *yes my PS2 can play Foreign Games, all thanks to a little modifications I did... and having to buy a 2nd PS2 with a failed attempt with the 1st one by accidently destroyed the whole system internally...lol* anyway the game is going to Freakin Rock!!! it feels odd having Vann *as a theif* using a sword.. so used to a knife or something like that for theifs..

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Guest xzero44

i love all final fantasy in generar i have play all of them the only one that i havent finish or played is ff x1, if someone knoews how to get it thanks ehehe

my fav 3 i say is

1 final fantasy 9: i love the character the sroty and vivi hahaha is fun and kill ozma pretty fun, and the card iss good to

2 final fantasy 10:i enjoy playing this good and everything i like the character part of the story, the only thing i didnt like is the way to get skills the msphere map :shock:

3 final fantasy 7:i really like the game becouse my fav char is vicent hahaha, and kill the robots is fun, im still trying to kill the water robot


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^In FF7 do you have the water materia so your characters don't have a time limit? just wondering... since I beaten the water bot before what was it emerald weapon?

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How many water machine bots were there? Wasn't it three or four?

Emerald, Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire? (I think)

All I remembered is I got owned by Diamond...... :shock:

Another thing, I hate the Sphere Grid! And, Vaan should have a lighter weapon like you mentioned Ramuza. I'm also thinking (And Hoping) Penelo gets to keep that bow and arrow. I like that weapon :shock:

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Final Fantasy Tactics owned all.

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Guest xzero44

i dont know i never got to beat it, is just below the water where you get the submarine, is pretty hard i got every item and magic summons and everything i came with my 3 best chars in ultimate (vicent, cloud and red)and he beat the crap out of my haha,

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