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*mother hen time*


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*smotherhugs everyone*

I'm so sorry I was away for a while - I had no internet because I moved appartment! Another rage rant and update is in my journal for you curious peeps. But I just want to let you guys know that I'm back. I'm glad to see this place has been peaceful! How is everyone? I hope you're all okay. :-)

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lol I didn't notice you were away, :lol: but welcome back anyway.

Everyone seems fine, the site just got more fame for the past week with new members pouring in.

Some users aren't as online here as they used to (esp. us Rec Room dominators ;):lol::friends: ) but hey, that just implies that everyone here has a life, right? :)

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lol I didn't notice you were away, :lol: but welcome back anyway.

Maybe that's why SFO has been so peaceful. >:3

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Redeemer... I wondered where you vanished to. Welcome back, comrade!

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It has been peaceful because all the dopes worth smacking have been smacked down. SFO is now in a golden age, and that's boring. I miss prowling around for cleanup duties.

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^^^You're saying that now Milky, but seriously be careful what you wish for.

To be honest, I wasn't able to tell that Redeemer was gone because i could have sworn just last week she had posted in Fred's cartoon update thread. (Maybe these past two weeks have gone by so quickly, it felt like one week?)

In any case, welcome back Redeemer.

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Thanks guys! Well I was only gone for a few days but I felt rude after leaving without saying so. I had to move flat and everything, and I had no internet until this morning.

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Good to see you Redeemer! I've been gone a bit too, last few weeks of the semester have been strenuous. I'm glad you're back!

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Pfft, I was gone for like a year and I'm not fretting about it :troll:

But seriously, glad you're back online! I certainly know how much I would freak out if I don't get my daily interwebs fix. I don't think I've seen you anywhere since I've been back, so now's a good time to say it's cool to see you again :D

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Thanks guys! Wait until you see my new place, it's going to be so awesome!

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Yay! Glad you're back, the board is always quieter when it's resident awesome isn't around :3

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Welcome back! Dealing with ISPs is hell, I just finally got through with AT&T and Comcast...Swear, its like they haven't heard I have other options, they just continue treating customers like dirt. Least AT&T gave me a $10/month discount for a year because of the service being so bad :3

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Hey Redeemer, glad to see you settled in okay, hopefully your time without us wasn't TOO bad lol.

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  • 5 months later...

Okay, I'm assuming this is my clocking in/out topic. XD

I'm currently having trouble with my eyesight, so I can't really see anything until I get my new glasses, which I currently can't afford. So I'll be away from SFO for a little while, not too long I'm hoping. If you guys still need to PM me, feel free, and I'll try my best to browse the boards but don't expect too much activity from me for now.

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