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StarFox Infinities

Guest Silver Phantom 2

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Guest Silver Phantom 2


OK, what if the Battle for Sector Y was a complete flop? And the Cornerian Armada was completely obliterated. Fortuna and Katina were completely overrun with Venomian ships and the Cornerian bases turned into Imperial strongholds. Bolse, the Venomian Armada, and the dozens of Andross' secret weapons invaded Corneria and destroyed what little army General Pepper had left.

Then, Andross began his horrific regime.

Eight years later, the situation is no better. StarFox has split. Fox McCloud flies with the Great Fox and a new crew to deliver supplies secretly supplied by Slippy and Beltino Toad from the inside to Peppy Hare and the Lylatian Liberation Army (LLA). Peppy has become a recruiter for the army and can often be found among the outer worlds like Titania and Zoness trying to persuade stragglers to join the LLA. Falco Lombardi is unaccounted for but it is rumored that he has begun his own resistence force on Corneria itself and is fighting with terrorist tactics against Andross' people. General Pepper is awaiting his execution in a Cornerian prison (Andross is waiting for the 10 year anniversary of the Venomian "Liberation") Colonel Bill Grey has now been promoted to General and leads the LLA in an all-out war against General Scales (a puppet king under Andross) allied with the Earthwalker and Cloudrunner tribes.

With Venomian forces being supplied continuously to the Saurian front, and the worsening situation with the mysterious forces of Sauria being deployed against the Rebel troops, a climactic battle is about to take place...







-Weapon? If not we can supply you one


-Current Location

-Rank, nothing higher than Colonel

Three Story lines, Corneria, Sauria, Space. You can take place in all three or only one. The rule is that you can only have one character per storyline. Remember that the storylines are not limited to those locations. The canon SF characters are non-playable but by all means approachable.

Name: Alan Kimbo (usually refferred to as Kimbo)

Age: 24

Gender: M

Species: Skunk

Appearance: Tries to keep his hair in good order. Standard issue LLA trooper armor.

Weapon: MA5B Standard Assault Rifle

Allegiance: LLA

Current Location: Cape Claw, Sauria

Rank: Sergeant (LLA 109th Mobile Infantry)

Name: Daniel Clapp

Age: 30

Gender: M

Species: Vulpine

Appearance: Leather jacket, slicked back hair, mirror shade sunglasses. Wears denim 501 blue jeans. Darkened his orange fur several shades. Can usually be found carrying a back pack.

Weapon: M6D Magnum

Allegiance: Publically known to be Anti-Androsian

Current Location: Corneria City, Corneria

Rank: Civilian Personell

Name: Berin Otis (Bear)

Age: 20

Gender: M

Species: Bulvine (Cow)

Appearance: Venomian uniform. Gray and Black standards. Doesn't really bother with personal appearance other than military standards.

Weapon: Standard phaser pistol

Allegiance: LLA, is a spy working his way onboard Venomian vessel Kristallnacht.

Current Location: Sector Z

Rank: Colonel

Remember to tell people when you're switching stories/characters...

And now we begin...

---C O R N E R I A . . .

Daniel Clapp was unconfortable with political rallies. The thing was that he felt bound to participate in them whenever they happened. Thus, when Daniel happened to be walking on his way to an LLA meeting in the Merison Butcher Shop, he just happened upon a demonstration of about 100 or so protestors in the middle of the street. The ringleader appeared to be a vulpine woman not yet in her 20s holding up a sign that said "Down With Andross." She was standing upon a large wooden crate giving a fine tirade:

"...all over our Constitution! Yet he claims to enfoce it!" Everywhere, the protestors cheered and shouted for her to continue on with the Truth, "He says that we have a right to free speech! To say what we want! But why is it that every time one of us wants to speak with him, we get thrown into prison? Who does he think he is? God almighty? I tell you, i will not be silenced! We will not rest until General Cornelius Pepper is out of prison! And until the Lylat System is free once, again!" The protestors and some passer bys cheered. She jumped off the crate and started chanting with the protestors, "Down With Andross."

Daniel pushed his way into the demonstration and grabbed the woman's arm. He leaned and whispered into her ear as he dragged her out of the crowd, "You have a good heart, but you're going to get yourself killed."

"Who are you to be talking? Daniel Clapp? I see you at these demonstrations all the time!"

"I'm glad you know who i am, but now is not the time and this is not the way."

She shook herself free and started back toward her rally, "I'm staying with my people. This is my war! Go fight your own."

"Trust me, if i wasn't smarter, i'd be up there with you. Look." Venomian police officers moved into the crowd and drew their weapons.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!" one of them shouted.

The protestors continued to chant. The officer cocked his sidearm and fired into the crowd. Daniel could only guess how many were hit. He saw several bodies fall to the ground and red splatter those around them.

"Please." Daniel said. He held out his hand for the woman to follow him. Tears in her eyes, she grabbed it and said, "Let's go."

---S E C T O R Z . . .

Bear's break was over. Sadly. He put down his drink in the lounge and rubbed the drunk out of his eyes. He reached the door and was stopped by a guard. The black-clad guard put a scanner at the bulvine's eyes. Bear forced open his eyes and let the laser scan them.

The guard checked the scanner and said, "Below the line, you're good to go."

Disappointed that he wasn't drunk to the point of not being able to work, Bear left the lounge and headed back to the bridge. He passed a reptilian officer on his way up, "Hey, Berin!"

"What's up, Katch?"

"Commander's lookin' fer ya. Heads are gonna roll!" Katch said.

"Great..." Berin was technically, still on break for another two minutes, however, Venomian officers did not care or care to care about the breaks of officers who worked 24 hour shifts. The officers were just as heartless as their leader. Bear guessed that's what made them officers.

The only thing that encouraged him was that his work, more or less helped the real cause. The whole reason he was even on the Kristallnacht.

When he was finally in the bridge, Commander Janovin, a ruthless lupine was fuming, "OTIS! There you are! Where the hell have you been? I've been pinging your COM for almost half an hour!"

"I turned it off." Bear said without flinching.

"Why the bloody hell would you do that?"

"I was on break, sir."

"On break!? So i supposed i not only have a late officer, but also a drunk one?"

"No sir. I was designated ready for work."

"Fine then, get your ass to Navigation 5 minutes ago before Captain gets on deck!"

"Right away, sir."

"I don't see you gone, Otis!"

'Another day, another dollar,' Bear thought, 'if only the Empire paid.'

---S A U R I A . . .

Kimbo hated Cape Claw. He hated sand. He hated beaches all together. Too much sand. Too much salt water. It all got in his fur and was all gritty and nasty. Not that anyone cared to approach him anyways as he was considered disgusting to society already. It just didn't matter to him. But the sand...

Solar just started to creep over the oceanic horizon. It's yellow disk starting to pour pink into the navy blue sky.

'Today.' he hoped, 'Today we run into the Lightfoot Village and maybe Thorntail Hollow.' The deeper they got into the planet, the farther away they'd be from the beach. The better off they'd be.

Kimbo looked over and saw the General standing on the beach not 20 feet to his right, "Nice sunrise, sir." Kimbo said.

General Grey took the cig out of his mouth and puffed out the smoke, "Sure is." he said.

"So, we heading into Thorntail Hollow today?" He wasn't sure that the general would answer that question, if the information might be confidential, but it was worth a shot.

"If we're lucky." Grey answered.

"If." Kimbo said. A smile formed on his face.

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