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Little help

Harmony Descent

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I have a feeling I'm not supposed to be asking this, but oh well.

I have just recently downloaded a beta key for my PS3 onto my laptop, but I'm unsure how I am to play it. Do I just copy or save the file onto a flashdrive and import it over onto my PS3, or what am I supposed to do?

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Play a beta key? Huh? If it's a beta key I guess you go to the PS Store and go to "Redeem code" then put it in there.

Elaborate a bit more, maybe?

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

More then likely like Icy said.. you might have to redeem it in playstation store.

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Ehh, false alarm. I was dumb enough not to look at the bottom of the entire page and saw that the site was not affiliated with the creators of the game. So, it was a scam - my fault. Lock this.

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