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That Power Rangers thread


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Since I veered another thread off topic, I'm starting this. Talk about the show, the sentai, how awesome Tommy is, how awesome In Space was, whine about the pizza incident in Turbo, etc. Go nuts.

Here's where it started:

Huh? You say something, Vy? *Continues watching the flashy morphing and megazord formations*

First, Power Rangers is not a cartoon. Second, only good Power Rangers was the first one, which had the most metal opening ever in a show.

Some of the later ones were alright like Dino Thunder. It kind of started going downhill after In Space ended.

Zeo. In Space. Time Force. Dino Thunder. SPD.

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Ever since I even a year old I have been a fan of Power Rangers or any kind of Tokusatsu.

I can still remember the toy commercials that were featured on my VHS copy of the first episode:



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Only one I liked was the original. All the others annoyed the ever living hell out of me.

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Only one I liked was the original. All the others annoyed the ever living hell out of me.

So just the first 3 seasons?

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I started watching the series back in 1993 and a couple of years ago I watched seasons 1-4 in their entirety.

My thoughts:

Season's 1-2 were the best one's. Third was pretty meh as it involved a lot more changes then I would have liked (regarding villians, direction of story, new technologies, etc). Season 4 (Zeo Rangers) was underrated as it's a bit more mature and thus worth a watching as well. By Season 5 and into season 6 it just...wasn't the same anymore.

Green Ranger was by far the best role Jason David Frank played. He was more badass, "tougher", and the Green Ranger was just a better developed character when he was first introduced in part 1 of the Green With Evil mini-series. The White Ranger was more of a "heroic" figure and just...didn't resonate as well with most people. Saban did away with the Green Ranger because in the original Zyuranger series he ended up dying and they had plans to take him out as well but the backlash from the fans was so great that they reintroduced Tommy as The White Ranger in Season 2 (who was originally from Dairanger, the season that followed Zyuranger)

Lord Zedd was the best villain - even after he was toned down due to complains from parents over how evil he was. The producers doing stupid things like having him marry Rita Repulsa was probably when interest started to wane for me back in the day.

As some of you might know MMPR was based off Zyuranger. I took some time and watched the first 40 or so episodes of Zyuranger subtitled and all I have to say is that "what the hell did I miss out on?" Zyuranger was not only more badass, violent, sexually charged at times, had stronger language, a far better storyline, and over just more mature, but there was something about it that just...changed the way I looked at the American power rangers when I was growing up. Zyuranger basically beats out MMPR in every single category with the exception of the soundtrack - which Ron Wasserman did brilliantly.

But yeah, I'd encourage all you guys to get a hold of Zyuranger with subtitles and have a look for yourself, I can assure you guys won't be disappointed.

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/proceeds to hum theme song

The power rangers were the ultimate ass-kicking transmorphing multichromatic exploding superheroes of my childhood. I spent the majority of my time with Power Rangers Ninja Storm.

One of the things I'm glad to say, though, was that the other day I caught the new Power Rangers on TV the other day, and it's still just as cool, once you can get past the SAVE THE PLANET, MAN themes. Just as many explosions and cosplayer zord fights. YES PLEASE.


EDIT: Oh, and I remember now, their master was a hamster. A NINJA HAMSTER. FUCK YEAH.

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So I (and everyone who've seen Gokaiger) noticed a problem:


Of course, not every sentai team were adapted to Power Rangers so all but 17 would have to be cut. It would be ok if it weren't for the Zordon era.


Here's where things get tricky. Here's the character list:


  • Jason
  • Billy
  • Triny
  • Zack
  • Kimberly
  • Tommy


  • Rocky
  • Billy
  • Aisha
  • Adam
  • Kat
  • Tommy


  • Kat
  • Tanya
  • Rocky
  • Adam
  • Tommy


  • Justin
  • Kat-Cassie
  • Tommy-TJ
  • Tanya-Ashley
  • Adam-Carlos

In Space:

  • Andros
  • Carlos
  • TJ
  • Ashley
  • Cassie

This is where things get complicated. Now I've only seen Linkara's take on the Power Rangers series and that goes up to SPD so far so I'm only going with what he said:

Problem #1: Tommy. I didn't put him in since it's in the pre-Kalish era but he's also a black ranger in Dino Thunder. That's 5 powers.

Problem #2: The post MMPR/Zeo/First turbo team.

Problem #3: Second turbo team/In space team.

Problem #4: The late Triny. (Her actress died in a car accident)

As far as I got, I managed to fix the team ups. Here's what I got and why:


  • Jason
  • ???
  • ???
  • Zack
  • Kimberly
  • Tommy

In season 2, they Jason Zack and Trinny had to give their powers to the new team using the sword of light. However, in season 3, Kim simply had to give her coin to Kat. Later on in Forever Red, Jason still had his Red Powers. Even though their powers were trashed at the beginning of season 3, both Adam and Jason called their DINOSAUR powers. Not their ninja powers which were completely wiped out near the end of said season. So it's possible that the pink Dinosaur powers still exist for Kimberly to reclaim. As for why I put Tommy here, in Season 2, the white Tommy traveled to the past to fight another Tommy and in the end, the second one kept his powers to protect his era. It would be possible to pull him back.

As for Billy, at the end of MMPR, he got hit with proto-unobtanium (it has another name) which removed took away his ability to morph.


  • Kat
  • Tanya
  • Rocky
  • Adam
  • ???

There's not really much to say here. In the Turbo movie, Kat was seen morphing into Zeo Ranger 1 and in Forever Red, Tommy morphed into Zeo Ranger 5. We can assume those powers still exist and the rangers can still access them. Moving on.


  • Justin
  • Cassie
  • TJ
  • Ashley
  • Carlos

I'm not 100% it could work but Justin and TJ still had their powers in In Space and Forever Red respectively. Either their powers were linked to Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster or they managed to restore it. Alpha 6 said that their powers were linked to Eltar and I guess that when it was reclaimed, their powers were restored.

In Space:

  • Andros
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • Carone

This team up comes from the first episode in which Andros gives the team their powers. They were just handed the morphers.

With the Turbo team being who it is, it could be possible for Andros to hire people to replace them. First choice: his sister who replaced Kendrix who was unable to become a power ranger due to her being handicaped by death.

I'm still unsure where to put Tommy 1. Will he reclaim his Zeo powers or stay with his students as the black ranger.

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  • 1 month later...

*Uses phoenix down on thread*

So there's a new Power Rangers coming out:

Power Rangers Megaforce.


Turns out, Saban's contract says that they can't skip a season so for me, the plot was thrown together at the last minute. I don't expect much out of it.

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I loved the original series. People laugh at me when they hear my "Power Ranger" message alert go off

only goes off once though

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