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Legless pilots can handle more Gs than their legged bretherin. When gravity forces blood from the brain to lower extremities, it causes the pilot to black out. But if you have no legs to force blood to, more blood can stay in the brain, and it's easier for the heart to pump blood back to the brain.

Their legs were probably voluntarily amputated as these are all trained pilots. Their futuristic society allows for prosthetics that allows them to walk and run normally so there's no loss in performing these amputations.


Excuse me while I'll go all WTF? on this one...

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Makes sense to me, but then I'm a weirdo transhumanist cyberpunk. :P

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Ironically, I just saw something about this recently and meant to post it.


Pretty cool, and the image in Harlow's post really makes it look like they intended it that way. :-P

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Although the original SNES game and literature is no longer considered canon, that is really an awesome addition IMO; animals that fly advanced air-vehicles through space with specific cyborg-like modifications. :lol:

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Oooh, that's pretty neat! If only they included cool details like this in the direct plot :/

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Well, I'm glad they dismissed this idea. It would've been a bit too much.

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That's so cool, I almost wish it were like that.

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All this because some artist used the snes puppets as source and reproduced their puppet joints on that magazine, and that model too.. The weird thing about the article is that even if you had your legs cut, excess Gs would still keep the blood out of your brains. G-suits all the way I say.

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Animals in space with cyborg devices? Well, now we know Nintendo had been looking at more than just a fox statue in a temple...

More seriously, when sketching my interpretation of Fox (which will come when I have more free time) I've been thinking about that kind of combo animal-cyborg, but more about his comlink helmet. I've seen pictures of poor animals with cybernetic implants and I couldn't get it off my head. I've finally dismissed the idea because the bad guys are generally people who've been experimenting a lot on others and themselves to become stronger, at the price of losing their own consciousness. So as the protagonits, it'd be wise having some people wild and free, achieving great deeds because of their own talents and instintcs while still keeping something natural.

It'd be also quite expensive to have all pilots going throught that particuliar medicine and it'd give Corneria some kind of grimdark-dystopic feeling that can be interesting, but too dark for the SF universe IMO.

:andross: "I wouldn't mind doing that to my own pilots."

Uh... moving on!

Now, this "amputee" assumption comes from some people who've found this Nintendo Power cover, which indeed features Fox with weird-looking boots. But the artwork was only referencing to the SNES puppets that featured in the boxart. They had awkward looks and articulations, so they can't be considered real depictions of characters. More to the point, when looking at other SNES-period SF content, like the Itoh comics featured in Nintendo Power, there's no such things about robotic boots. It also seems that these boots were worn outside of the army : in some panels showing Papetoon citizens and that one where Falco is shown as a "hot-rodder", we can see people wearing those same boots, it looks more like a fashion trend rather than real military equipment.

Have I been overthinking this? Nah... :whistle::-P

Edit :

The weird thing about the article is that even if you had your legs cut, excess Gs would still keep the blood out of your brains. G-suits all the way I say.

Yeah, that seems like a more reasonable option.

Edited by Ala1n-J
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It'd be also quite expensive to have all pilots going throught that particuliar medicine and it'd give Corneria some kind of grimdark-dystopic feeling that can be interesting, but too dark for the SF universe IMO.

Pfft, there's propaganda posters of General Pepper plastered all over the skyscrapers in Corneria. He's probably chopping the legs off of babies to prepare them for their inescapable duty to the Cornerian Defense Force :cool:

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I had to explain this to some friends at school the other day. The original Starfox was rendered non-canon when SF-64 was released, thus everything in it should be considered a blank slate, and since we haven't had any direct speech from nintendo themselves saying this is accurate, there is no evidence that the series post-nes release adheres to this.

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Yeah, I saw this a while ago on some blog. Really quite interesting actually. I suppose it would be a good option to save suit up time, and I guess it would also explain the ridiculously fast run speeds in Assault (even though they had normal legs in Assault).

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A kind of dark but interesting tidbit that could have been left in the series...that is if the series decided to get more gritty and dark compared to its more kid friendly feel it seems to have. It definitely invokes some ideas for fanfiction i'd imagine. Actually i'm surprised I haven't seen anything mentioning this already. I like the idea, but sadly the games didn't go the right direction to allow this sort of thing as its a bit creepy. I guess the first time Fox was really shown having shins was in Star Fox Adventures...In SF-64 and Super Smash Bros it could be argued he has prosthetics.

My lack of knowledge in biology and medicine is showing...but with the pilots having less body mass wouldn't that mean they have less blood as well in their bodies? I imagine that maybe if they could retain the same volume of blood in their bodies with their amputated legs they could at least resist blacking out but I have a feeling that isn't the case.

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A kind of dark but interesting tidbit that could have been left in the series...that is if the series decided to get more gritty and dark compared to its more kid friendly feel it seems to have. It definitely invokes some ideas for fanfiction i'd imagine. Actually i'm surprised I haven't seen anything mentioning this already. I like the idea, but sadly the games didn't go the right direction to allow this sort of thing as its a bit creepy. I guess the first time Fox was really shown having shins was in Star Fox Adventures...In SF-64 and Super Smash Bros it could be argued he has prosthetics.

My lack of knowledge in biology and medicine is showing...but with the pilots having less body mass wouldn't that mean they have less blood as well in their bodies? I imagine that maybe if they could retain the same volume of blood in their bodies with their amputated legs they could at least resist blacking out but I have a feeling that isn't the case.

I agree, this sort of thing does have a more mature, if not darker, feel to it. Then again, depending on the level of advancement of prosthetics in the Lylat system, you could have prosthetics that look like and mimic the real thing.

Volume of blood should be no problem. I would think amputating legs would reduce the length blood needs to travel from the brain to the feet, so with blood only having to travel to above the knees or hips, you are able to get more blood to the brain in a shorter amount of time. Kind of the reason why shorter pilots are typically able to handle more gees. By amputating your legs you are shortening yourself without actually getting any shorter in height.

BTW, don't G-diffusers cancel out gees anyways? How else can you do manuvers seen in the game without snapping your spine in a barrel roll of such a high rate? G-diffusers would cancel out any need for amputation if they operate in such a manner. Perhaps g-diffusers are not widespread, and a relativly new invention, and the members of Starfox started off flying different fighters at one time, thus requireing said amputations.

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Thinking on it more, no matter how many limbs one were to lop off, one would still come across the problem of the amount of pressure one can apply against blood vessels and especially capillaries before they explode. Doing a barrel roll as quickly as it is depicted in the game would easily press all of the blood in ones body to the lowest point in the body using centriphical force and cause a very painful mess. So, in effect, the only way the pilots are able to manuever in the games we have seen is because either anthromorphic animals operate using different biological traits, or the g-diffusers lol.

I apologize if there are terrible spelling errors...it seems my spell checker isn't working.

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Well, I'm glad the G-force resistance strategies and instruments went on the machines rather than the pilots themselves.

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Well, I'm glad the G-force resistance strategies and instruments went on the machines rather than the pilots themselves.

Indeed, if i had to amputate my legs to be a pilot i'd probably :/ would not become one
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it would have been a blast if that were real though... :)

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If this is credible then I would totally advocate maiming myself for efficiency as a pilot and for all those other things Fox does.

Win/win situation.

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