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Star Fox Command Endings-MAJOR SPOILERS!

Fox P McCloud

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On the other hand, Nintendo does seem quite fond of aging the Star Fox team. It's been, what, ten years between SF64 and Assault?

While the ninth ending sounds the best, I think the aging/retiring one is going to be the canon. Unless we get some ubah-combination (the kids flying alongside the parents).

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it's been 9 years from SF64 to Assault....

Fox is, at the very least 30 in Star Fox Command.

As for the ending? I kind of doubt that Nintendo will go with the "Teh F0xx0rz r0xx0rz with Da Krystalz ZOMG!" ending, I think it'll either be ending #9, or it'll be a combo of these endings: 3, 4, 7, and 8...and possibly the one where Slippy gets married.

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Hey, everybody knows what Fox and Krystal are doing between games. *cough* >_>

...Playing chess!


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It's Zicka, he has a big head, so arguing against him won't work.

Anyway, most of the endings seem to fit the 'Krystal joining Star Wolf", so I guess that's the probable canon thing. I actually prefer it, as she's looking for someone to love her and well, Panther's profile read "respects whole-hearted women", so bingo.

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Guest Daz-fighter

Only two of the endings result in her going to Star Wolf, and two result her staying with Fox and the rest don't even mention her.

Out of all the endings I think nintendo would stick with the Krystal staying with Fox ones since they've been building up to it from when she first appeared and to make her just change to bad now is just to out of character seeing as they have been portraying her as a kind and gentle person, I very much doubt Krystal will end up on Star Wolf.

I like ending #2 best of all, yeah its the end of the Star Fox team but at least its a happy ending that doesn't show Fox going emo or depressed and is also the kind of ending I think everyone was hopeing/expecting.

I personaly think none of the endings are canon and they are just meaningless little bonus things you get to view for finishing the game.

I'm thinking if there is a next game it will be a totaly new Star Fox team or just continue from Assaults ending

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I go out of town for three days, to see my cousins get married and just look what happens.

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Hmmm, well, that is indeed and option that Nintendo could take, Daz, but I really think Nintendo will pick at least one of the endigns that are "happy"...or combine mutliple endings.

It's way too early to say, afterall none of us has even plaeyd the English verison.

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Warning, viewer discretion is strongly advised.

Ok, not really, but it's indeed a scary set of pictures...I won't post what they are or my opinion until a few of you have already looked at the horrible spectacle...

it sends shivers up and down my spine....and makes me queasy.

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Guest Guard

I think Ending #9 will likely be canon.

It reminds me of the Advance Wars 2 Hard ending where all the "allied" Female C.O.'s are shown on an outing.

The Slippy and "Next Generation" Endings would kill the series as we know it, and quite frankly, the Series is just not that well developed to do it.

Ending one, as is described confuses me, Is Amanda replacing another team member, or is she there with all of them?

The one with Ash might be cannon, simply because it seems to have no bearing on any other characters.

The one with Krystal and Star Wolf, maybe. But I doubt Krystal would join them, seems somewhat outlandish and a huge departure from her character...

The "Star Falco" team, maybe... But I think Katt's the better leader... *ahem*

As far as the pics, not sure what the first one is supposed to be of...

The other two are far too freaky to be true cannon...

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Guest Daz-fighter

As far as the pics, not sure what the first one is supposed to be of...

The other two are far too freaky to be true cannon...

The first picture is of Fox and Krystal hugging/kissing, with an arwing in the background.

I like that ending, its better than the Krystal going to Star Wolf (which is to out of character for her) and Fox being unhappy.

They've been building up the whole Fox Krystal thing to much to just toss it away plus I think most of the fans want to see a happy ending that doesn't result in an unhappy Fox.

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What's wrong with these endings? I like them. A blue "Fox Jr." doesn't bug me in the least. This might be the first time in any large Nintendo franchise that allowed characters to tie the knot.

Let's see...

Samus is in love with a digital copy of the brain of Adam and she had a baby Metroid that thought it was Samus' child, but it was killed by Mother Brain.

Mario has been a body guard for Peach for over 20 years yet Peach apparently doesn't share the same feelings for him that he has for her.

Link probably gets married during his various lifetimes, but never to Zelda because she's one of the Sages. And we never see this marrage because the adventure of a given game happens before that.

Donkey Kong... Well Candy Kong hasn't really shown interest that I know of.

Kirby is generless, moving on.

Yoshi, there are too many. Who knows if they even have marrage.

Captain Falcon isn't married.

The characters from Earthbound are just kids.

Don't know about Fire Emblem. Never played any of those games.

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Guest Guard

@Daz-fighter: This is the ending I'm speaking of.

1. You defeate a boss on Aquas, Amanda is seen running with your team, aand then they show Ash. (I can't read Japanese, I don't know whay happens)
And as it is stated, It shows nothing of Fox, Does that happen too? If so, what of Falco and Slippy? does Amanda replace one of them?

@dwight: I have no problem with Krystal and Fox Hooking up or having a child (I call him Curly McCloud), but for two things: 1) Fox's son looks far too much like that blue cat from the '02 SF comics 2) That ending pretty much states that Fox's Story is over, which I'm against, considering he is 27 in Assault and *probably* 28 in Command, Way too young for his story to be over and have a new generation, in my opinion.

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TG, what are you doing here? Not that I don't want ya here, just kinda surprised. Yeah, and in the second pic of those three, Krystal looks funny. Is there one ending pic where she doesn't look funny in?

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The only thing I can think of right now after looking at those pictures is,


Sorry, Had to get that out.....But they freak me out more than the concept of blue-furred fox babies and SF offspring taking over the business. Yeah.....


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His eyes look like they can pierce into my soul.....Or shoot lasers right at me.

Either way, it's still scary..... :cry:

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lol thats what my reaction was too Kal!

I also have to agree with Sol about expressions as well.... though they didn't really scare me, instead made me laugh so hard that I had a hard time breathing for 5 minutes....

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Their kid is ugly and Nintendo yet again screwed up starfox. Not a surprise to me :twisted: .

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Guest Guard

TG' date=' what are you doing here? Not that I don't want ya here, just kinda surprised. Yeah, and in the second pic of those three, Krystal looks funny. Is there one ending pic where she doesn't look funny in?[/quote']I hope You don't mind my presence 1H, But since you were so kind, to link me here, I tought I'd stick around and not be a bad guest.

Anyway, Fox P. McCloud (or Fox, as I've gathered you like to be called) You have a fan at Nintendo Nsider! http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/board/message?board.id=starfox&message.id=160163&page=1 Well, a fan enough to copy your work, but not fan enough to give you credit, I believe he has exactly one Paragraph of his own words, the rest, I believe, is yours.

Congrats on getting Plagerized. What do they say? Oh yeah:

"Imitation is the highest form of Flattery."

[sarcasm] now don't blush too much[/sarcasm]

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Guest Fox235

That's retarded....If you end a seies and you have a new game system coming out, do it on that system instead of a crappy handheld toy....


I think Krystal loves Wolf so she dies.....no offense...

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Actually, considering that Krystal is looking for somebody to love her (by not treating her like a damsel in distress) and that Panther's profile reads "actually respects whole-hearted women", Panther/Krystal works for me.

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Is that the in-game profile, or what? Also, it didn't sound too respectful of him in SFA always hitting on Krystal and all.

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