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Star Fox Command Endings-MAJOR SPOILERS!

Fox P McCloud

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Their kid is ugly and Nintendo yet again screwed up starfox. Not a surprise to me :P .

Have you played SFC?

I have, and they definately did not screw it up.

These endings are a little odd, but hey. It gives more replay value.

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Here are pictures of all the endings of Star Fox Command.


Also, the person who posted those pictures stated that in ending four Krystal joins Star Wolf because Fox still doesn't let her on the team/does not lover her...something along those lines. In ending 6, evidentally Ash Bowman turns evil...man does he ever look like Andross? And in ending 8, apparently Fox and Slippy get killed, so Falco decides to start a new team with Katt and Ash.

My personal theory on ending 9: Krystal and Slippy are killed, leaving only Falco and Fox to fend for themselves. Since they cannot fight effectively with only two people on a team, they decide to race to earn money. This is just a theory, I really have no clue what the ending means.

Well, hopefully that will provide some insight on things...I think combination of endings 1 and 6 would work nicely, canonically, I mean heck, you can look at all 6 panels in a row, and it fits.

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well, so much for ending 9 to be official... man! well after looking at all the endings, It looks like only ending 1 might be the oficial ending... and looking at ending 6, meh I knew one of the endings involved Ash going to be evil at the end.. though I kinda want Ash to join Starfox... it will make a good plot twist when he confronts either Andrew or Andross! Even though Ending 8 means the death of Fox and Slippy, It kinda looks interesting to me, having Falco team up with Katt and Ash for a new team... though how the heck do you get Fox and Slippy to die in the story line anyway is my question.. and Ending 9 might be fun, if the makers of Starfox made a future F-Zero like racing with the starfox crew in it as a side game

anyway, FoxP. I agree with you, the Panels from ending 1 and 6 seem to fit.. so that might actually be the ending... I wonder if the endings have a voice over storyline in each panel... meh I bet not.

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anyway' date=' FoxP. I agree with you, the Panels from ending 1 and 6 seem to fit.. so that might actually be the ending... I wonder if the endings have a voice over storyline in each panel... meh I bet not[/color'].

Please, call me Fox. :wink:

Anyway, no I don't think there is a voice-over for the storylines, it's either text or gibberish...bummer, eh?

Anyway, I still think Nintendo could pull a wild card out of the hat and pick some ending that is a total surprise to us...I just hope it isn't ending #2.

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In ending 2 is the yellow-ish slippy wearing a cowboy hat?

Any way I hope it's ending 6 or what Fox says.

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yeah, that ending will destroy the whole original team.... only person that I see from the original team on ending 2 is probably Falco, though I could be wrong.. it could be his son... He just looks the same, only with sunglasses.... I'd rather if nintendo just choose ending 1...

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In ending 2 is the yellow-ish slippy wearing a cowboy hat?

Any way I hope it's ending 6 or what Fox says.

Yes, he is wearing a cowboy hat...it makes no sense.

Also, did anyone notice that in ending #5 it appears that the group is looking out over San Francisco Bay? hehe, further evidence that Corneria is a break away/duplicate of the USA, which isn't all that surprising.

another possibility is that canon is no more for the Star Fox series. Let me further explain: perhaps in the next Star Fox game for the Wii, it will continue the storyline from each of the 9 endings? I really doubt they'd do that, but who knows?

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Two words for Lucy's mom


:wink: I sound stupid.....

I always wondered what the mom looked like and know I know. And I wonder what happened to her? Hmmmm.....

Y'know, I think the Ash being the next Andross is gonna be the canon ending if the Wii picks up from where SFC leaves off.That's the one that makes the most sense to pick up from IMO.

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Is that the in-game profile' date=' or what? Also, it didn't sound too respectful of him in SFA always hitting on Krystal and all.[/quote']

Yep, profile translation ceritified by Genji.

THe translators probably did a bad job?

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Wait, so Peppy's wife/Lucy's mom is a green hare...

...I smell a Bucky O'Hare crossover. And the people would rejoice.

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