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I ran a software update, and it appears to have broken some stuff. Please report any issues here.

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Here's a simple one; the top section with tabs "StarFox-Online, Downloads, Jukebox, etc" has two links for StarFox-Online.

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I can't access the forums. XD Fureox linked me to this topic but when I click on "Forums", I get sent to the main site. Also, there are two menu tabs of "Starfox-Online". XDDD

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Here's a simple one; the top section with tabs "StarFox-Online, Downloads, Jukebox, etc" has two links for StarFox-Online.

lol. didn't really notice until I checked :lol:

I can't access the forums. XD Fureox linked me to this topic but when I click on "Forums", I get sent to the main site.

this doesn't seem to be a problem for me, though. have you tried right clicking and opening the forum in a new tab, instead? maybe it'll work...

Unless of course, DZ had already fixed tht during the time gap between our posts :lol:

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Red, clear your cache. That should fix it.

As far as the double link, one I coded manually, and the other was added as a feature in the update. I have to find the place where I made the hard-coded one.

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Goddamn it. Thanks DZ. XD

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I haven't been able to get to the forums the past 2 days. Every time I come to the site I click on forums, but it sends me to the main page. I still have the problem, but today I found that if I login and then logout it'll send me to the forums page, then I just have to login again, that's how I was able to post today. I don't want to have to do this every time though.

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Hayley had the same problem, DZ said above that clearing your cache should fix it. Try that. :3

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Ahh, yes that did work, sorry about posting about the same problem that already had an answer. I was trying to figure out what "cache" was and just found it in clear recent history, so I cleared it all. Yeah it worked thanks DZ and Sarita.

Still trying to figure out this computer, I always come across stuff I don't know, not as often now though. :lol:

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I haven't been able to get to the forums the past 2 days. Every time I come to the site I click on forums, but it sends me to the main page. I still have the problem, but today I found that if I login and then logout it'll send me to the forums page, then I just have to login again, that's how I was able to post today. I don't want to have to do this every time though.

Brother, I knew your pain.

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Everything working fine on my end. No problems to report. Using Chrome.

Lucky you. I still have 2 main site tabs (unless that doesn't count as problem, which seems not). I'm using Chrome too.

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Sorry, guys. I'll fix things this weekend. It happened at a bad time for me.

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Hey DZ, think I found another bug. The links for the games on the left side of the screen at the main page is broken.




etc. etc.

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God Dammit.

Why is it that the major update breaks nothing, but the minor update breaks everything?

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On the bright side, least its mostly little things that are broken. I would have poked around the page source to see if I could find anything but I guess you're running server side scripting.

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I figured I'll get my money's worth out of the licensing fees and have IPS take a look at it. Hopefully they can provide me with a solution quickly.

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Speaking of money's worth...is this site still accepting donations?? I keep throwing my money at teh screen but i still don't have a donor tag :/

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I don't need donations right now, but if you still want to give, dig-up one of the old donation threads. Don't bump it, but the donation link will be there.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, Being that when "SF" comes to mind so does "DZ" i'll still give a little sumffin, but if you ever find yourself in a pothole...lets just say... i got your back.

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