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Mr. Trololo died. D:


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*Forces back tears *

I seriously have the troll song as my ringrone. This is a devastating blow to my already crappy Monday :(

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Am I the only one who appreciated and found the "trololo" song awesome not because it's the trollface anthem, but for the actual reasoning behind it?

Shame the guy died, he had a good voice and reminded me of my friend Rex.

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Trollface meme actually kinda annoys the hell out of me, so I just liked the song because it sounded so damn happy. I always smile when I listen to it. It sucks that he died, but It least he went out still riding a wave of Internet fame. Plus, he was pretty hella old anyway. Sad day, but I'd rather celebrate his awesomeness than be sad that he's gone. He always seemed way too happy for me to justify being sad now.

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God's being the ultimate troll right now.


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That man was a legend, and his legacy will live on in the internet. Rest in peace, and forever trololo

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Me and da boyz will lay down our hats in respect tonight.

May not have liked the meme or listened to the song much, but I had no issues with the man himself, but he seemed quite nice and polite given the articles information.

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Quite depressing.

But, Rick Astley has had his revenge, unfortunately.

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Shame, I really liked the song. Catchy, and had a nice chord structure to it.

FYI, the real title of the song roughly translates to "I am so glad to be back home."

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*salute to the legend*

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First Richard Dawson, and now this.....

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Quite sad really, may his name and legacy live on for eternity in internet history...

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Shame, I really liked the song. Catchy, and had a nice chord structure to it.

FYI, the real title of the song roughly translates to "I am so glad to be back home."

But the meme version was apparently the pure gibberish version of that song.

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But the meme version was apparently the pure gibberish version of that song.

Fairly certain

Trololololololololololol isnt gibberish, its actually the troll national anthem...

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Sad to hear. I seriously thought that topic title face was a smiley for a second. O_o

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The guy was awesome. He did Skype performances just because he loved how happy people were to hear him sing that silly song. He was a man who lived for his art. Respect.

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