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Just one big sticky for Starfox Fanart findings


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Due to somewhat recent events I would like to suggest that the mega fanart threads be merged into one giant sticky for fanart of our favorite space critters.

Why am I suggesting this? I think it would be best since some problems have occured in the past and seeing as this is a Starfox site I think we should be a bit more neutral towards each of the characters.

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I say no. The Krystal fanart thread alone is already too big and hard to find individual works. Combining ewverything into one thread would compund that problem.

The reason there aren't other threads is that those that have been started haven't been popular enough to warrant being stickied. I don't want to do what OCR does and put 50 billion stickies in a forum.

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Besides, that'd require someone to sort out which fanart is of who or us to do that ourselves. It'd eventualy just cause problems all around, methinks.


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I say no too. The Mega Krystal Fanart was started like any other post, but it gain popularity because people liked it (or Krystal). Forcibly changing the nature of a popular topic seems likee a bad idea to me.

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I don't care what happens but I think it would totally be lopsided in numbers of the fanart. The fanart that is mostly shown is Krystal, with a topic of miyu. I just don't see it happening, a bunch of Krystal art then someone puts in a Fox fanart. I think it would be useless.

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