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Random Star Fox Humor Thread


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Post whatever Star Fox humor you like--images, jokes, "things the characters would never say", whatever tickles your fancy.

I'll start off:

Things Star Fox characters would never say:

Falco: "Thanks, Fox! I thought they had me." OR "I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Slippy: "Gee, I've been saved by Fox. How swell." OR "I guess I should be thankful."

Falco: "Yippee! You did it!" OR "You did it! I was worried for a moment."

Slippy: "OK, I'll admit it. You did good, Fox." OR "Pretty smooth flying, Fox."

Falco: "Whoa! Help me!" OR "Fox, get this guy off me!"

Slippy: "Hold still and let me shoot you!" OR "Geez, quit moving around!"

Things that will never happen in a Star Fox game:

1. The Cornerian Army finish off the Venomian fleet before Star Fox even get there.

2. General Pepper doesn't call Star Fox at all--the Cornerian Army can get the job done quicker than they ever could.

3. The Zeonic Co. (from Mobile Suit Gundam) sues the Sarudeath in Sector Y for stealing their MS06-F Zaku II design.

4. The alien race from Independence Day sues the Great dish on Kat(ar)ina for stealing their UFO design.

5. V'Ger (from Star Trek: The Motion Picture) sues the HVC-09/Spyborg in Sector X for stealing its lines.

6. Slippy becaomes capable of flying circles around even Falco.

6. Falco becomes Fox's biggest fan.

7. Peppy says, "Do an aileron roll!"

8. Katt and Falco actually kiss.

9. Krystal joins Star Wolf. Oh, wait...

10. Slippy starts a family. Oh, wait...

What can you guys come up wtih?

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